Psycho-Babble Social Thread 1115729

Shown: posts 1 to 20 of 20. This is the beginning of the thread.


oooooooh it's because he's *maaori*

Posted by alexandra_k on July 1, 2021, at 21:29:59

that's the implication that david parker feels oh so very smug about. the implication is that they didn't fund him because he's maaori. that's how the conversation led into bickering and bitching and moaning about the fact that one of the governments signed up to the convention on the rights of indigenous people by stealth there.

see... the government only does business with the maaori who work to ensure that the majority of the people (maaori or non maaori) don't have any rights.

rinse and repeat for all the other groups that there are in nz.

it's like... democracy. back to front and upside down.

like trying to get morality out of summing together enough individuals who act from the most basic levels of depravity and self-interest at the expense of others and so on.

thinking that if you put enough sh*t together and compress it for long enough over enough time a diamond will emerge out of the situation.

feed the people enough contaminated organs of each other.

and so on.

but david parker is all smugity smug smug because you can't prove that you didn't fund him because he's maaori.

they have a million other exuses (an infinity of them in the wings).

1) he didn't get an application form to fill out (hahahhaha we simply don't give people application forms to prevent and prohibit them applyling that's how democratic procurement works didn't you know!!)

2) he didn't fill it out properly by the deadline. we have a bunch of things we made up to say that 'we didn't fund him because of'...

lets see the infinity of reasons...

3) he didn't get ethics approval. of course the only people we will allow on the ethics boards are people who sign off on all and only what we tell them to. dentistry torture. yes. funded. medical torture. yes. funded. date rape drugs for kids on maraes. yes. funded. immobilise rats to be model of coma patient so we can see what happens. yes. suitably depraved without scientific justification to be funded.

4) the counsellors weren't accredited.




by the time the registration bodies signed off on all and only the pedophiles and the like...

there weren't any places left.

the bribes you had to pay teh registration body so that they would still acknowledge you.

the facilication payments to the university.

the alumni donations so they say you graduated (only if you didn't meet criterion obviously) and the lack of paymlent of bribees which means they refuse to acknowlege you completed your degree.

could we really be doing any worse on the world stage?

highest suicide rates.

the danger isn't covid it's suicide.

we will force people to be immunised against covid and they 'll kill themselves that they aren't free.

good job!!!!

are you listening yet?

where's my money?

you keep paying my pho to say i'm intellectually retarded.

yeeeeeeees. i know you are.

uh. and what am i?

oh yeah. the person who doesn't suck up your *ss*s all day.

well then murder me in my sleep.

nz is not a developed nation. at all.

our tyrants refuse to allow the new zealand people a way of life.


Re: oooooooh it's because he's *maaori*

Posted by alexandra_k on July 1, 2021, at 21:34:15

In reply to oooooooh it's because he's *maaori*, posted by alexandra_k on July 1, 2021, at 21:29:59

which is to say (as i wrote in my 1 year research project of 2018) it isn't that they are discriminating against people because they are:

maaori. women. children. old. young. blue eyed. called karen. muslim. agnostic. because they have 2 legs. because their name begins with a letter in the first half of the alphabet.

because squibble de squawk de squee de squuu

half a million for me!
half a million for me!
half a million for me!
half a million for me!
me me me me me
meme meme
helping me helping me helping me help myslef to you

its because they are getting away with it.


it couldn't be any clearer.


Re: oooooooh it's because he's *maaori*

Posted by alexandra_k on July 1, 2021, at 21:36:01

In reply to Re: oooooooh it's because he's *maaori*, posted by alexandra_k on July 1, 2021, at 21:34:15

smugity smug smug smug.

it's a permanent expression on his face, to be fair.

i don't like his face to be fair.

he looks like the expression is stuck there.

i don't know if it always was...

or if it's like the golden monster on sin city sort of...

glowity gloat gloat gloating


Re: oooooooh it's because he's *maaori*

Posted by alexandra_k on July 1, 2021, at 21:58:25

In reply to Re: oooooooh it's because he's *maaori*, posted by alexandra_k on July 1, 2021, at 21:36:01

i know that mostly it's just about keeping your mouth shut and your head down.

being able to blank your face or gush when called upon.

that seemed to be what they were checking in the med school interview.

checking to see that what you were saying would falter. slow. halt. at any flicker of... disapproval. from them. and it wasn't about them listening to what you said (or listening to what you had to say in response to the question. often). it was about them seeing how you responded to their disapproval.

if you would immediately shut up. back track. if you could be induced to contradict yourself.

not because they ordered or instructed it of you. but because they didn't need to. you simply complied with what they wanted because you (rightly) understood that your survival (selection, your being given applications, your having your applications processed etc etc etc) was entirely dependend upon that.


but that's not the way to become a medical doctor.

aka: nobody gets to become a medical doctor because they are so focused on complying with arbitrary whims and desires of their superiors (particularly when it becomes about doing that at the expense of the patients).

they are preventing and prohibiting and denying and refusing to train people to become medical doctors in nz.

we don't have them.

we have a bunch of people too afraid to speak out about the abusers and rapists and pedophiles etc etc etc.

i do understand that the main problems are few and far between actually.

most people are just trying to keep their heads down.

thats why they are so determined (those at the top) to treat me badly. to set me up as an example of how you will be ingnored and mocked and vilified. and so on. for speaking out and so on. scapegoating. murdering lonesome strangers. all the moral depravity... and so on and so forth.


how... boring.

aren't they getting it yet?


Re: oooooooh it's because he's *maaori*

Posted by alexandra_k on July 1, 2021, at 22:06:45

In reply to Re: oooooooh it's because he's *maaori*, posted by alexandra_k on July 1, 2021, at 21:58:25

awwwwww poooooor them. i'm soooooo sorry they didn't get the help that they needed. perhaps they can console themselves with their piles and piles and piles and piles of money.

go party with ayesha in the maldives.

or something.

pedophile party is it? all the 'gifted and talented' 16 year olds you want to train to give unauthorised cervical examinations to each other in the name of 'medical treatment'?

that's the plan??

stuff like that?

that's how come they refuse to allow medicine to develop in nz -- right?

because it's all just a front for the rich little psychopaths.

becuase their parents get off in enabling it. there' ssomething... vicarious. about it.

thinking of sin city. the parent. enabling. there was something vicarious about the experience of power for the parent who enabled it.

that's what medical selection is like in nz.

the boys carefully picked to go give abortions in the rural communities.

the torture devices.. the old ob gyn equipment in display cases aroudn the buildings at otago university. as sort of adveritisement of the unlimited power to torture women most intimately.

to sort of remind everyone the true motivation behind why it is that people's parents woudl be induced to pay thousands and thousandds in alumni donations to have their kids magicked into going and being general practitioners in rural communities about the country.



i mean.... i'ts obvious to everyone really. people just shut up because...

because this isnt' the free world. at all.

they won't even get an academic thesis out to examiners for examination for the degree the studnet applied to be enrolle din.




are the imbicels?

or are they willful. in full knowledge. responsible.

'it's not black and white you idiot'


and 'correlation doesn't prove causation' is what you learn in first year psychology.

and 'always begin by cleaning your data' is what you learn in high school stats.

so only those who begin by cleaning their data get their studies approved (so the results aren't worth the paper they often aren't printed on anymore these days anyway).

just proclaiming the third world status of nz to the developed world.

is all.

undremining the quality and integrity of nz qualifications and education and all the things actually.

just proclaiming the nasty dictatorship that it is for all the world to see.

how's your son john key? what did your money buy him?

do you think you will go down in histrory for your contribution to the development of investment banking in nz?

or maybe you actually weren't any good as an investment banker.

and that's how you go tot be leader.


Re: oooooooh it's because he's *maaori*

Posted by alexandra_k on July 1, 2021, at 22:09:23

In reply to Re: oooooooh it's because he's *maaori*, posted by alexandra_k on July 1, 2021, at 22:06:45

setting us up for the inevitable global financial crisis. for all the same reasons as everywhere else in teh world got it first.

didn't see it coming.

of course.



Re: oooooooh it's because he's *maaori*

Posted by alexandra_k on July 1, 2021, at 22:10:03

In reply to Re: oooooooh it's because he's *maaori*, posted by alexandra_k on July 1, 2021, at 22:09:23




phhhh laaaa


plausibile deniability.



i can't heaeeeeeear you!!!!


Re: oooooooh it's because he's *maaori*

Posted by alexandra_k on July 1, 2021, at 22:11:20

In reply to Re: oooooooh it's because he's *maaori*, posted by alexandra_k on July 1, 2021, at 22:09:23

the collapse of the housing market

key did everything he could to overinflate house prices by speculative property investors.

his house recently sold for...


something along the lines of the price of a saudi arabian harem-lords mansion.

that's about how much.

in nz dollars.


removal from office

Posted by alexandra_k on July 2, 2021, at 2:53:29

In reply to Re: oooooooh it's because he's *maaori*, posted by alexandra_k on July 1, 2021, at 22:11:20

for the fact he insructed lockdown in a manner that was unlawful.

the lockdown was inevitable. every other nation had done it already.

it is not plausible to think him completely ignorant of what was happening abroad.

in the usa.

in australia.

new zealand had more time to prepare than other nations.

new zealadn had precedent from the way in which they went about it.

his f*ck*ng job was to do it in a manner that was within the law in new zealand.

and he failed.

his intention (to get the lockdown achieved as other nations had managed) was good.

but his specific job was to do it within teh laws of this nation.

and he failed.

and that's grounds for removal from office.



they publically advertise his job.

and they see...

and maybe he turns out to be the most qualified applicant.

then he can be hired at a reasonable salary. $120,000 per year (with no foreseeable pay increase).

or similar.

because he dropped the ball.

and whined about how his only regret was that he didn't keep a diary.

documenting his legal violation.

i mean...

what are his teenage sons supposed to think?

what example is he setting for their friends?


oraka tamariki take-down

Posted by alexandra_k on July 2, 2021, at 4:00:19

In reply to removal from office, posted by alexandra_k on July 2, 2021, at 2:53:29


Re: oraka tamariki take-down

Posted by alexandra_k on July 2, 2021, at 4:46:02

In reply to oraka tamariki take-down, posted by alexandra_k on July 2, 2021, at 4:00:19

my point is that by tormenting the defenceless children doesn't teach you anything at all about adequately denfending yourself against someone your own size.

but the real trouble is that that was why you are hired.

so the ce could go 'see see see this is what i have to put up with!'


they refuse to arrange for appropriate staff training.

so the staff are (genuinely in many instances -- but not all instances, in important respects that need to be curbed from without) doing the best that they can with what they have got.


Re: oraka tamariki take-down

Posted by alexandra_k on July 2, 2021, at 5:00:49

In reply to Re: oraka tamariki take-down, posted by alexandra_k on July 2, 2021, at 4:46:02

we start with the master of history

so we don't spend our lives re-inventing the wheel

so we can BUILD on what has gone BEFORE



Re: oraka tamariki take-down

Posted by alexandra_k on July 2, 2021, at 5:12:44

In reply to Re: oraka tamariki take-down, posted by alexandra_k on July 2, 2021, at 5:00:49

hey wats up whats up whats up yet another skills drill


pure gold

(fur really reals)


Re: oraka tamariki take-down

Posted by alexandra_k on July 2, 2021, at 5:14:50

In reply to Re: oraka tamariki take-down, posted by alexandra_k on July 2, 2021, at 5:12:44

what happened?
what happened?
what happened?

tell me. please.

what happened.


Re: oraka tamariki take-down

Posted by alexandra_k on July 2, 2021, at 5:17:10

In reply to Re: oraka tamariki take-down, posted by alexandra_k on July 2, 2021, at 5:12:44


Re: oraka tamariki take-down

Posted by alexandra_k on July 2, 2021, at 5:22:50

In reply to Re: oraka tamariki take-down, posted by alexandra_k on July 2, 2021, at 4:46:02

you should see what happens when you google something innocent (and likely to succeed) like: swings. swinging. on a swing. to grow your grip strength and balance in space. and many other things.

nooooooooo. not being pushed by someone else who yells 'whee!!!'.

kicking your legs back and forth to make the swing go...

all by yourself.

all by myself?

yes all by yourself.

wait. permission to do something by myself?


wait. permission to do something by myself -- really?

no. of course not.

welcome to being a citizen of most compliant nation on earth
(also highest suicide rates)

not at all connected. correlation doesn't prooooooooooooooooove causation (and also people have been trained in 'cleaning' their stats in case that's not enough)

most stupid nation on earth?
most culpable?

hard to balance and weigh those things
(in stupid upside down and back to front land... tick tock... half a million to me. tee hee)


just so we are clear...

Posted by alexandra_k on July 2, 2021, at 5:27:21

In reply to Re: oraka tamariki take-down, posted by alexandra_k on July 2, 2021, at 5:22:50

you couldn't pay me 500,000 per year
1 million per year
no amount of money per year would i take...



to pretend to be as stupid as ashley bloomfield.

*bargain* i hear you say.



Re: oraka tamariki take-down

Posted by alexandra_k on July 2, 2021, at 6:04:47

In reply to Re: oraka tamariki take-down, posted by alexandra_k on July 2, 2021, at 5:17:10

killer bees...

toooooooootally handcuffed....

in f*ck*ng stupid land


Re: just so we are clear...

Posted by alexandra_k on July 2, 2021, at 6:18:54

In reply to just so we are clear..., posted by alexandra_k on July 2, 2021, at 5:27:21

woooooooooow and given all that i've learned with my advanced rationality...

i choooooooooooooooose to give up my life for the ihc mission that is nz.

failing to get with the program on...





in no respect whatsover have they promised that 'stick with us and we will train you better. to achieve more. to be valued more.'



no indication.

because... they don't.

is the most sensible explanation.

they repeatedly reliably choose to make nz ihc only land where everybody else is forced to flee

oooooooooooooh mighty leaders ooooooooo


that's what you want to hear -- right?

all of the money
all of the kudos
all of the power
(and none of the responsibility)
for you
(which makes you an imbecile -- see)


see how that works?

does not work?

all about you

how much money for you
very expensive
you why so expensive?
no really -- why so expensive
you you
no really-l- what do you do with your money again?
how long before
f*ck*ng stupid becuase i could
because no other coutry in the world would have tolerated



true story


cool story bro



(you are not my brother. prosecute the fullest extent of:

*international law*

because the took international studnets and workers)

end story


Re: oraka tamariki take-down

Posted by alexandra_k on July 2, 2021, at 6:28:53

In reply to Re: oraka tamariki take-down, posted by alexandra_k on July 2, 2021, at 6:04:47

i'm sorry...

killer beez was handcuffed...


in some 'method that is right for you programme'



killer bees guy was (thanks killer beez guy for your service to humanity) uh... thrown out there...

as guy with nothing to lose...

for showing the nz public that they would take *supposedly* (don't worry i personally know that no aspersions on you thank you for your service to humanity killer beez guy)...

that the prison private contractors were...


taking advantage????

of the student optometry training progamme at the university of auckland...



people who are under the mandaete of the govermnent. for no other reason than the government will look after them better than they look after themselves...

to inflict??? them upon???

to send them to student optometrists who are cheap.

send the prisoners to student optometists who pay the univeristy for their trainingn

nz definition of win-win.

and now we see the problem.

win-win doesn't translate in ihc f*ck*d up psychopath land.

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