Psycho-Babble Social Thread 35213

Shown: posts 1 to 10 of 10. This is the beginning of the thread.


Feeling sentimental about this board..

Posted by kamikazi_ladybug on January 14, 2003, at 11:20:38

I really don't post but as a reader have grown fond of alot of posters. Seems there has been quite a bit of termoil lately. I just wanted to express my thanks to you who do post from a "lurker" that you do help others even if we don't express it in words. Sometimes, there are people (like me) who just don't know how or have the "right" words to say so we remain quiet but we are very appreciative of the words that you give.

Thank you!


Re: Feeling sentimental about this board.. » kamikazi_ladybug

Posted by Miller on January 14, 2003, at 12:46:30

In reply to Feeling sentimental about this board.., posted by kamikazi_ladybug on January 14, 2003, at 11:20:38

I too feel warm and fuzzy about our forum lately. We are very lucky to have fond it.




Re: Feeling sentimental about this board..

Posted by Noa on January 14, 2003, at 15:52:25

In reply to Feeling sentimental about this board.., posted by kamikazi_ladybug on January 14, 2003, at 11:20:38

Welcome--I see 2 posts from you--glad you felt comfortable doing so. Me? I can't really imagine just reading and not "talking"--too hard for me not to talk (I was the kid who always had "too social" on my report card!)

Chime in any time!


Re: Feeling sentimental about this board.. » kamikazi_ladybug

Posted by Dinah on January 14, 2003, at 16:32:51

In reply to Feeling sentimental about this board.., posted by kamikazi_ladybug on January 14, 2003, at 11:20:38

It's a great place isn't it. I think Dr. Bob does a fine job.

But you used to post more, didn't you? Did anything happen? Ok, forgive me if I've confused you with someone else, but last time I remember wasn't your son in the hospital?

I definitely remember how your posting name came about. (See, I'm leaving a teaser to encourage you to post.)

Again, forgive me if I'm completely off base. I always blame the psych meds.

Welcome back.



Ok Dinah I'll bite LOL....

Posted by kamikazi_ladybug on January 14, 2003, at 19:12:10

In reply to Re: Feeling sentimental about this board.. » kamikazi_ladybug, posted by Dinah on January 14, 2003, at 16:32:51

Yes, that was me. No, nothing happened, I sometimes feel I don't have anything to offer so I just sit back and read. :)

Yes, my son was in the hospital, he was born with bilateral clubbed feet. A very severe case as his dr. says his feet were like stone when he was a baby. He had corrective surgery done on Nov. 11 and just got his casts removed Jan. 9. He is in his braces and doing great (he has 2 little sores on one foot that wish would hurry and heal!)This was his second surgery first one he was 9 months but this one was so hard, he is 7 years old now. Hopefully we won't have to go through it again. Ok I'm rambling lol. SEE you created a monster hee hee.

My name was a topic at one time. lol, can you remember? tee hee...

You have a wonderful memory Dinah!! great job!



Re: Ok Dinah I'll bite LOL....

Posted by Noa on January 14, 2003, at 19:15:11

In reply to Ok Dinah I'll bite LOL...., posted by kamikazi_ladybug on January 14, 2003, at 19:12:10

Brave little guy, your son. How is he handling it?

Now you have me so curious about the name!!!


Re: Ok Dinah I'll bite LOL.... » kamikazi_ladybug

Posted by bookgurl99 on January 15, 2003, at 10:12:42

In reply to Ok Dinah I'll bite LOL...., posted by kamikazi_ladybug on January 14, 2003, at 19:12:10

Hey, just thought I'd let you know that one of my college friends also had clubbed feet that had also been operated on. He was the 'dorm hunk,' a real cutie, compassionate, and active in the martial arts.

Hope things go just as well for your son . . . :D


Re: Ok Dinah I'll bite LOL.... » Noa

Posted by kamikazi_ladybug on January 15, 2003, at 10:15:02

In reply to Re: Ok Dinah I'll bite LOL...., posted by Noa on January 14, 2003, at 19:15:11

Ohh he is a brave lil guy. He's doing pretty good although he doesn't like anyone touching his feet which makes it really hard to do his excersizes. I tell him its us or the drs. and he would much rather mom and dad do it. He is my 2nd born (don't like middle child LOL) and has alot of support from his brother and sister too.

I hope this works here is the origin of my name...LOL, pretty laim actually. Probably dissappointing hee hee..

Thanks for digging me out of lurkdom for now anyway.



Re: Ok Dinah I'll bite LOL.... » kamikazi_ladybug

Posted by Dinah on January 15, 2003, at 12:34:54

In reply to Re: Ok Dinah I'll bite LOL.... » Noa, posted by kamikazi_ladybug on January 15, 2003, at 10:15:02

I hope we can entice you out of lurkdom for a while. I enjoyed your posts.

I've got a six year old son myself, so I can imagine how much reduced mobility with braces must have chafed at your son. It sounds like he's doing just fine, though, and I'm glad.

But how are you doing?



Re: Ok Dinah I'll bite LOL.... » kamikazi_ladybug

Posted by Noa on January 15, 2003, at 18:34:08

In reply to Re: Ok Dinah I'll bite LOL.... » Noa, posted by kamikazi_ladybug on January 15, 2003, at 10:15:02

LOL, thanks for explaining.

I had a freaky bug experience of my own:

Last year, one evening I was on the phone and all of a sudden I hear and feel a bug buzzing at my head. It was a humongous wasp. I mean--BIG-- at least three inches long and about three quarters of an inch wide! It was a godzilla bug--a real mutant. I had never seen anything like it before.

I kind of freaked and got up to move, and it just kept coming at my head and wouldn't leave me alone. So I ran into the bathroom (my friend was still on the other end of the phone line). I thought I was safe in there and then-- there it was again, diving at my head!

Ok, so I realized it was going after movement, so I sloooowwwwwllllyy and caaareeeeffulllyy crept out of the bathroom, closing the door behind me, and closed myself in the bedroom. I was then afraid to go to the bathroom all night.

In the middle of the night, I just HAD to go, so I put on all the clothing I could grab, covering everything, especially my head, which seemed to be the bulls eye for this monster-bug. I crept in sssllllooooowwwwllllyyyy, and caaaarefulllllly again, but did not see it. Then, when I went to wash my hands, there it was in the sink. ACK!!

Another freak out, escape from the bathroom, narrowly missing it zoning straight for my head. Later in the night, or the wee hours of the morn, I couldn't sleep, just thinking about the monster bug, so I got up, donned my armor, and ventured back into the bathroom. It was in the sink again, and had apparently wound itself down to near lethargy--enough that I could spray it with bug spray (it did require a megadose, though).

I still cringe and shiver just thinking about it.

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