Psycho-Babble Administration Thread 1101335

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Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by alexandra_k on October 20, 2018, at 21:30:18

In reply to Re: This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by alexandra_k on October 20, 2018, at 20:43:00

I guess it's because they want to see me grovel / be supplicant.

They want to see me afraid. Seeking reassurance from them. Being all like 'oh my god I'm so concerned, if I don't finish my thesis whatever will happen to me in life?'

Camus. The trial. How he was supposed to present to the jury.


I guess I thought they were professional. Upstanding. Trustworthy. Worthy of respect because of how they conducted themselves. Honest. Fairminded. Or, if not entirely, at least trying to be.

If an academic can't give an essay a fair mark then I don't want to have anything to do with that academic. If that academic thinks that an appropriate use of their power is to use a grade as a 'communication' and more particularly to fail the people they like the most / want to see grovel to them the most that's a pretty f*ck*ng scary person to keep the hell away from to my mind.

It's like the kid who pulls the other kids hair... Except we aren't three anymore and the kid pulling the hair isn't another kid, at all, it's the f*ck*ng grown-up in charge of the f*ck*ng situation.

See... When they behave like that I can't respect them anymore.

I guess I was supposed to be motivated to just knuckle down and get things done. I don't know why I got it into my head that people would try and help you complete a PhD -- not intentionally obstruct you from doing that / intentionally hide / refrain from mentioning important bits of information to you. I guess that's why you are supposed to grovel and be supplicant...



Again... People are telling me they were waiting for me to stand up for myself... I'm the person who refused to be kept for 1 year in 'frictional unemployment' just so they could see me bow and scrape and cook and clean their households... Social contact for them on demand...

Why would I want to join them? When they behave like that?

If they want me to stick around / help them: They need to treat me better.

Uh... Do unto others???

I guess it must be really really really really really f*ck*ng fun for them to be surrounded by lackeys.


Awful people.


Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by alexandra_k on October 20, 2018, at 21:32:52

In reply to Re: This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by alexandra_k on October 20, 2018, at 21:30:18

That is right. They weren't waiting for me to stand up, at all. They were waiting for me to bow and scrape. And I decided it wasn't worth it to me.

I remember when I was a kid and often when I had 2 friends there would come a time when one of those friends would try and make me choose which if them I liked best.

I would try and say that I didn't want to choose: I liked them both.

If they made me choose I would choose the one who did not make me choose.

That's a no brainer -- right?

That's not a nice game to play and I resent the person who tries to make me play it. Why can't we all just get along?

Of course often my decision resulted in the two of them ganging up on me.

When we were three...

Nothing changes.


Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by alexandra_k on October 21, 2018, at 6:46:01

In reply to Re: This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by alexandra_k on October 20, 2018, at 21:32:52

I summarized The Stranger a long time ago, with a remark I admit was highly paradoxical: 'In our society any man who does not weep at his mother's funeral runs the risk of being sentenced to death.' I only meant that the hero of my book is condemned because he does not play the game.

That's right... Invest in... Tie your fortune to... Something that involves the subjugation of others.

Or else...


Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by alexandra_k on October 21, 2018, at 6:54:33

In reply to Re: This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by alexandra_k on October 21, 2018, at 6:46:01

That was a quote from Camus I found on Wikipedia.


I see...


Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by alexandra_k on October 21, 2018, at 20:10:24

In reply to Re: This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by alexandra_k on October 21, 2018, at 6:54:33

I don't really know what to say about why I didn't finish my thesis. I guess I keep trying out different versions.

I think, at the end of the day, my heart just went out of philosophy. I remember before I started my PhD I was thinking about Medicine. But I thought the UMAT involved math (the way the GRE did)...

I guess I didn't look into it properly? I just thought that there was no way... And when I expressed that nobody encouraged me to look into it more or whatever...

So I guess I thought my PhD was the thing for me to do... But the more I did that the more I wanted to do Med...

And I guess it doesnt' feel like sucking up or being a lackey when you feel like you are learning heaps from the people you want to be learning heaps from. I didn't start out with a supervisor picked out, though. The idea was for me to start and try and do my project with broad appeal and things were just supposed to work out (said the person who successfully supervised me with a previous project where he was happy with my output). But that didn't really work out... Because I didn't really take to the projects others were working on, and they didn't really take to what it was I was working on...


If I get to do it now, that's okay. I guess I've learned something about looking into things more (instead of assuming I can't do whatever). Also learned something about not everyone wants the same thing, so it's okay to shoot for what you want. Also learned that most people talk garbage mostly and also most people don't know what they are talkign about. Me included haha. You try out different things to see what seems to resonate... You try out different things with others to see what they mirror...

My supervisor was a deeply ethical man in some respects. He writes wonderfully, at times. There is an honest, open, and forthright style that I like and enjoy very much and try to emulate. He doesn't have time for some of the social nicety things (dresses like a hobo and so on) and that was also something that I respected, actually. This idea that you can't tell a person's... Integrity? The things that matter from such superficialities as how they are dressed, their accent, or how they say 'how do you do?' Though... I suppose I am coming to be of two minds about that.

I guess the thing with supervisors is that you (as a student) have to deal with their own insecurities. When supervisors give you a hard time it is because they are sort of... Personally suffering thinking they are accountable for your work. You sort of have to reassure them that your work is okay. They are your worst enemy... If you aren't your worst enemy. Not out of maliciousness... Out of fear. Being charitable here. Yeah. I do see that. It was hard for the department because it didn't look like i was engaging in / with any of the work that any of them (or any of their friends) were doing. I picked a topic and researched it and I wasn't engaging with anything... And the main strength of the department was that it was fairly bolstered by a tight group of people who really engaged with each other (and a genuine aspect to that and not merely a token referencing but a genuine engagement with and interaction with ideas).

It was partly my insecurity... People working on game theory and high level logic and biology... And my background was in psychology with no math. So I didn't think I had anything particularly to offer... So I worked on something always feeling like what I was saying was pretty rubbish insofar as it was glaringly obvious to everyone I hadn't done Biology 101 and so on...


I truly don't understand how it can have taken me so very many f*ck*ng years to get the equivalent of a secondary school education in math / the sciences. And that... Still only barely. It's a f*ck*ng joke. Our education system.

But the thing I've realised really is that we are not egalitarian peoples. We don't believe in the fundamental equality between people in the respects that matter. So much energy and effort is spent on this game of positioning oneself on a hierarchy. Every interaction is spent with this initial thing... Like dogs do... Of trying to assess whether one can get one up over on / whether one will submit to... It's an awful game and I don't want to play it.

Of course I understand there is a time and a place for doing what you are told when you are told because you are told. But that's because there are good reasons (e.g., because there are structures who ensure that the people put in the position of power / responsibility is competent and acting in that capacity). Not 'because I'm your Mother and I say so' or 'because I'm your lecturer and I say so' or whatever. Especially when the structures here seem more set up to reward people having children for the wrong reasons and hiring people as lecturers who... I don't know... I don't know what academia is about.

I know we are all over the Queensland university rating system, here, becuase it gives us 1 university in the top 100 or some such. But it's meaningless...

Look at the work they are doing and the work their students are doing and look at the number of students they get through and where those students are at now...

Kiwisaver is an interesting place to start learning about finance.

I'm glad I have this summer to look into financial stuff and immigration and so on... Requirements for various things...

At the end of the day we don't have the laws to protect our people and it isn't likely that business etc will allow us to develop them, anytime soon. That is... Unfortunate... I also think that there is something intrinsically indecent about hirarchy / lack of egalitarianism. But I realise that is controversial. It would be good if there was a place for hierarchical people to put themselves if they want to behave like that with consenting others, I suppose...

(I don't know that it is possible to consent to that)


I also think that just like how there are awful people of all races there are awful people / places of all countries. I'm all right... Just keep on keeping on...



Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by alexandra_k on October 21, 2018, at 20:21:50

In reply to This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by ert on October 14, 2018, at 9:45:02

Are these copyright infringements?

Pathology records?

Radiology records?

Prescsription records?

Presenting complaints / symptoms records?

The information is kept in databases.

We can add other information besides.

You can track the individual's 'level of deprivation' by way of their residential address. The residential address would give you information about such things as their household water supply source, known soil and air pollutants and so on.

You could add information about activity levels (e.g., by way of phone apps or fitness devices).

There is no opt in / opt out insofar as the person chooses to utilise pathology or radiology or prescriptions or medical advice or smartphones / fitness devices.

The information could be used for...

All kinds of things...

Mostly to keep the oppressed oppressed, I suppose. And to figure out ways to kick more and more and more and more and more and more and more of them back...


Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by alexandra_k on October 21, 2018, at 20:43:51

In reply to Re: This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by alexandra_k on October 21, 2018, at 20:21:50

So the kiwisaver thing... Looks to me like the government is basically giving $500 per person per year to be invested in (given to on a long term loan) a variety of approved companies.

Companies who have been approved by the 20 different kiwisave outfits (which appears to me to be something of a diversity joke cooked up to make it look too complicated for people to research properly)... The same companies keep turning up on teh 'approved' list of what is supposedly 'safe' to invest in...

Only... Do I really want to see more of whatever it is they are selling... Or... In the case of respiratory illness do I really want to see the company try and grow the demand for it's product?

It looks to me an awful lot like a government bail-out. The government basically handing over an amount to these companies...

I notice we are starting to have things in pairs, now, over the last couple years.

Previously we had St Johns as the monopoly on health charity. $700 for an ambulance call out. Except Wellington also had the 'Wellington Free Ambulance' which was free because it was a national embarrassment when a visiting politician collapsed on the street and was later charged for the ambulance call-out in a country that supposedly had a free health system.

This 'driving miss daisy'... Franchise... Got some prize on start up business where that was basically a jazzed up in the name of healthcare ACC and government funded 'health' taxi service...

Now I'm seeing red cross all over.

I mean... Waving flags. I'm seeing red cross flags all over.

And the occasional what looks like a transport van...

A2 was supposed to be another milk company

To try and... Disguise the fact that it's all monopoly in these parts. We pay more for locally produced dairy than people do overseas.

After the heads of A2 died from poor health (ahem) A2 is... Fonterra, now? Fonterra is now fetching around $6 for a couple litres of A2 milk.

You get some little company which starts out... Good. Seems to be. And then some giant decides to invest just enough to kill it. Or... It needs to have a strategy to help the giant grow still more (and ultimately be subsumed by it).

That's not growth. That's not sustainable. That's not... A game I wish to play, either.

At the end of the day you need to think about how much time you want to spend thinking about such things, I suppose. I haven't really thought about such things before, and I suppose it is worth a summer, at least. I do understand how you need people to keep an eye on companies and decide when it is that they have transitioned from... something you wished to see grow into... Something that you don't want to support, anymore.

It isn't about making money... It's about inveseting in that which you want to see more of...

And... wouldn't the world be better for everyone if more people did more of that?

I guess some people can't see / think / beyond their own limited lifespan or some even smaller part thereof. Which does make it an issue of cognitvie capacity.


I'm glad I found this... I was feeling bad wasting so much time on computer games / rubbish tv / rubbish youtube stuff. Mildly entertaining but not an investment of time... Sometimes it's hard to figure out what to do that is an investment. I always thought education... But that's been hijacked so it's just a hoop. People did say 'people will start to see it as a hoop' and I thought 'no'... Only they have taken over. People used to say 'don't do philosophy for the money' but when I ask them how things are they all say 'they pay me'. So... They are in it for the money then, after all? There we go people. You only do the arts for the money. If you do it for the art -- that will never get you paid. We must reward that which we want to see more of...

The muslim thing was interesting. Because most Kiwis will be too racist to even try and understand what they are trying to say. Ethical pro quo... I wonder which companies they think are ethical and why. I can deal with not investing in pork and pork products (but I don't have particular things against it compared to other things) but what sorts of consdierations are their high management (so high comission fees) strategy acting on?

I suppose at the end of the day I would want to pick where to put it myself. Yeah. One of them said you are investing in / buying in to the business. Then you want to know which businesses and the state of the business.

Otherwise you might find that your money has been used to get some people rich while renting out slum properties (a property portfolio) or some dodgey residential care chain that makes some people rich while basically murdering or neglecting people until dead the inhabitants so as to get earlier access to their estates and the like.

I don't know that our laws provide sufficient protection against such things happening. I don't know that we have sufficient safeguards / people looking into whether these things are happening. Preventing these things. Holding people accountable.

I would want to invest in that. Which would probably lose me money. Which is okay...

Inveset in that you want to see more of...

I mean... what's the alternative? Take what you can for as long as you can and get out? But then: Where will have you? No place I would want to live...


Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by ert on October 22, 2018, at 12:15:46

In reply to Re: This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by alexandra_k on October 21, 2018, at 20:43:51

u could write a book instead of posting here...


Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by alexandra_k on October 23, 2018, at 1:41:38

In reply to Re: This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by ert on October 22, 2018, at 12:15:46

I could write a book and *also* post here. And my posting here might well be a better investment of my time than trying to get a book published would be.


Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by ert on October 23, 2018, at 7:40:46

In reply to Re: This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by alexandra_k on October 21, 2018, at 20:21:50

Are these copyright infringements?

Pathology records?

Radiology records?

Prescsription records?

Presenting complaints / symptoms records?

when you take this out of a hospital without authorization or when you publish it without authorization and won't destroy it when commanded, then it is criminal offence.


Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by ert on October 23, 2018, at 7:50:22

In reply to Re: This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by ert on October 23, 2018, at 7:40:46

> Are these copyright infringements?
> Pathology records?
> Radiology records?
> Prescsription records?
> Presenting complaints / symptoms records?
> when you take this out of a hospital without authorization or when you publish it without authorization and won't destroy it when commanded, then it is criminal offence.

these are not radiology records, but this is medical data mixed with other data. it is published anonymous or partly anonymous, it can be tracked down and puzzled together someones identity or personality profile by querying the user name.

publishing it without authorization is IMO a criminal offence.


Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by ert on October 24, 2018, at 3:34:44

In reply to Re: This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by ert on October 23, 2018, at 7:50:22

18 U.S. Code § 2319 - Criminal infringement of a copyright
US Code
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(a) Any person who violates section 506(a) (relating to criminal offenses) of title 17 shall be punished as provided in subsections (b), (c), and (d) and such penalties shall be in addition to any other provisions of title 17 or any other law.
(b) Any person who commits an offense under section 506(a)(1)(A) of title 17
(1) shall be imprisoned not more than 5 years, or fined in the amount set forth in this title, or both, if the offense consists of the reproduction or distribution, including by electronic means, during any 180-day period, of at least 10 copies or phonorecords, of 1 or more copyrighted works, which have a total retail value of more than $2,500;
(2) shall be imprisoned not more than 10 years, or fined in the amount set forth in this title, or both, if the offense is a felony and is a second or subsequent offense under subsection (a); and
(3) shall be imprisoned not more than 1 year, or fined in the amount set forth in this title, or both, in any other case.
(c) Any person who commits an offense under section 506(a)(1)(B) of title 17
(1) shall be imprisoned not more than 3 years, or fined in the amount set forth in this title, or both, if the offense consists of the reproduction or distribution of 10 or more copies or phonorecords of 1 or more copyrighted works, which have a total retail value of $2,500 or more;
(2) shall be imprisoned not more than 6 years, or fined in the amount set forth in this title, or both, if the offense is a felony and is a second or subsequent offense under subsection (a); and
(3) shall be imprisoned not more than 1 year, or fined in the amount set forth in this title, or both, if the offense consists of the reproduction or distribution of 1 or more copies or phonorecords of 1 or more copyrighted works, which have a total retail value of more than $1,000.
(d) Any person who commits an offense under section 506(a)(1)(C) of title 17
(1) shall be imprisoned not more than 3 years, fined under this title, or both;
(2) shall be imprisoned not more than 5 years, fined under this title, or both, if the offense was committed for purposes of commercial advantage or private financial gain;
(3) shall be imprisoned not more than 6 years, fined under this title, or both, if the offense is a felony and is a second or subsequent offense under subsection (a); and
(4) shall be imprisoned not more than 10 years, fined under this title, or both, if the offense is a felony and is a second or subsequent offense under paragraph (2).
(1) During preparation of the presentence report pursuant to Rule 32(c) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, victims of the offense shall be permitted to submit, and the probation officer shall receive, a victim impact statement that identifies the victim of the offense and the extent and scope of the injury and loss suffered by the victim, including the estimated economic impact of the offense on that victim.
(2)Persons permitted to submit victim impact statements shall include
(A) producers and sellers of legitimate works affected by conduct involved in the offense;
(B) holders of intellectual property rights in such works; and
(C) the legal representatives of such producers, sellers, and holders.
(f) As used in this section
(1) the terms phonorecord and copies have, respectively, the meanings set forth in section 101 (relating to definitions) of title 17;
(2) the terms reproduction and distribution refer to the exclusive rights of a copyright owner under clauses (1) and (3) respectively of section 106 (relating to exclusive rights in copyrighted works), as limited by sections 107 through 122, of title 17;
(3) the term financial gain has the meaning given the term in section 101 of title 17; and
(4) the term work being prepared for commercial distribution has the meaning given the term in section 506(a) of title 17.
(Added Pub. L. 97180, § 3, May 24, 1982, 96 Stat. 92; amended Pub. L. 102561, Oct. 28, 1992, 106 Stat. 4233; Pub. L. 10580, § 12(b)(2), Nov. 13, 1997, 111 Stat. 1536; Pub. L. 105147, § 2(d), Dec. 16, 1997, 111 Stat. 2678; Pub. L. 107273, div. C, title III, § 13211(a), Nov. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 1910; Pub. L. 1099, title I, § 103(b), Apr. 27, 2005, 119 Stat. 220; Pub. L. 110403, title II, § 208, Oct. 13, 2008, 122 Stat. 4263.)

LII has no control over and does not endorse any external Internet site that contains links to or references LII.


Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by alexandra_k on October 24, 2018, at 6:55:08

In reply to Re: This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by ert on October 24, 2018, at 3:34:44

hmm. 'total retail value' was a common theme.

the medical records aren't paper records, anymore. they are electronic records that are stored... in the clouds.

where are the clouds? i don't even know if that's the relevant question. whose satellite is the information transmitted over? is that the relevant question? because that information can be intercepted. the ability to intercept it is tied to the ability to alter the signal... i would suppose.

our artists aren't supposed to live for very long. copyright is supposed to last the lifetime of an artist. it is presently 50 years. so if you create something when you are a teenager or in your twenties then it will be covered (theoretically) until you are around 70. which is plenty adequate, our government has decided. no reason to extend copyright for 70 years (thus protecting people who might invent things in their 30s into their 100's.

our people aren't considered to be worth very much, either, becuase the amount of money the government is willing to spend per head of population is significantly less than other developed nations.

mostly i think we are the control group. that means our data is valuable. it's observing the minor complaints go untreated and progress to things more sinister and continue to go untreated and continue to progress to things more sinister and continue to go untreated. all that isn't 1/2 the fun it could be if you don't get to have the information about all the (initially minor) things that are wrong with all the people.

pathology samples can give people a lot of information. there are an increasing amount of things that can be diagnosed from smaller and smaller and smaller amounts of blood, for example. radiology scans can also give people a lot of information.

by 'people' i don't mean the person who is the subject of the information.

i mean, i couldn't view the mri of my foot in high enough resolution to see whether there was evidence of hardware that was cracked / broken prior to a surgery that was intended to remove that hardware.

and apparently... neither could the surgeon who ordered the scan.

but i'm sure someone has that information... somewhere...

they probably hold the copyright?

and not me.


Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by alexandra_k on October 24, 2018, at 7:09:34

In reply to Re: This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by ert on October 24, 2018, at 3:34:44

it's quite amazing, really, to think about how much money i paid (yet another) university this year, for the privaledge of writing them a book. they didn't pay me - i paid them. and i don't even know if they will give me the qualification that i did it for, because they think i wrote it too quickly.

i think about how much money they get paid (from salaries) to supervise me. and i think about how they didn't have problems with my timeline before... i think about how they didn't say 'no you will need to give me draft work by x date because i will need y amount of time with it' they just... thought i would not get it done, basically. all the 'support' and 'help' is around '20 minute writing sessions' and not on 'how to get people to acknowledge the work you've done' sessions.

i think about how much work i did for other people / courses, too. i think about the 2x 1500 word essays i did that were failed because they didn't like what i had to say and confused not liking what someone has to say with someone deserving to be failed for what they said. but i paid them several thousands of dollars and wasted 6 months of my life (which involved me wasting really thousands of dollars and that whole year of my time)...

to be followed by many other years, too, actually.

i think about how much government advisors and the like get paid. i read government reports that have been written and i think about how many people contributed to the writing of that report. and i think about how much each and every one of them got paid for however many years of their lives...

the kiwisaver contributions they got from the government several times over... the cocktails on friday... all that...

and this country makes me feel so sick.

really very.


so totally sick and f*ck*ng tired of it.


Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by alexandra_k on October 24, 2018, at 7:23:11

In reply to Re: This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by alexandra_k on October 24, 2018, at 7:09:34

and there isn't a mechanism that i could find / see.
there wasn't a mechanism for an independent grader.
nobody would look into the issue. they just tried to shame me into thinking my work wasn't good enough. i'm talking a failing grade for 'population health' which is a course that was introduced with the intention of being a first in family degree (kind of like how some courses are advertised as being good for student athletes to take, to help their GPA). that's the course i failed. i was probably the only one to fail it.

i don't think there is any such thing as a medical admissions committee in dunedin. i think there are 1 or two people who are making autocratic decisions and there is merely a facade of democracy. i could not get anything before the committee. instead a particular person took themself to be authorised to make decisions on their behalf. a particular person thought he was the committee, in other words.

there aren't named people.

there really any people here / left anymore.

just a couple bullies running the show. the facade...

i would think twice about investing in a tertiary education system where there are no safeguards that the papers that are required for you to finish your degree will even be around in order for you to make timely completion. with tertiary institutions who seem more intent into tricking students into doing things to have them accept they won't finish in minimum time and will just keep throwing money at the university for indefinately babysitting them and not allow them to complete their qualifications.

but then, our prime minister stood up and said we were a nation of child abusers.

and still, people want to send their kids here.

so... what are you going to do?

people seem to like it this way.


Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by alexandra_k on October 24, 2018, at 7:34:05

In reply to Re: This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by alexandra_k on October 24, 2018, at 7:23:11

it would be like if you produced some good and people tried to bully you into believing that you should pay them for taking it off your hands / disposing of it. they say 'it'll cost money to bring in the trucks and they'll have to use roads' and they charge you a fee.

there is no way for you to get the goods to market yourself and the... brokers... managers... whoever... simply refuses to pay even a minimal living wage.

because that's what welfare is for. government handouts for useless people who are non-contributors.

you get conned into thinking what you've produced is low value.

and then you think about the government reports that were written about this, that, and the next thing. and you think about how much those government reports cost. how much the government paid people do write those reports.

and if we pretend that the reports were supposed to be something along the lines of objective inquiry (and not retrospective justification for whatever stupid thing the government had already done) then we can ask ourselves: is that government report a inferior good? If objectivity was the aim and the governmnt had more money to spend on the production of a better report then would the government spend money on producing a better report? Yes of course. And that shows us goernment reports are (often) low value... inferior... goods.

but you wouldn't believe the millions they cost.

while i continue to throw money at university because they refuse to acknowledge the work i do or any of the qualifications i've got.

it's very f*ck*d up.

what a waste of a life.

and of course it's not just me... there are people here...

how do we get out???


Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by ert on October 24, 2018, at 12:30:32

In reply to Re: This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by alexandra_k on October 24, 2018, at 7:34:05

The medical data is stored in encrypted servers in the basement of the hospitals. And when they get off grid, huge diesel motors will turn on so that they work. this is not facebook. But obviously as I have found out, medical data is not everywhere equally defined. It seems for me that individuals are less well protected in the US than in continental Europe.
If you studied law after your psychology degree, dear Alexandra, you could apply at the government and then generate a lot of expensive government reports and you knew a lot of the particularities of the law system in nz. That is an advantage since then you have a protected niche.


Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by ert on October 24, 2018, at 12:50:53

In reply to Re: This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by ert on October 24, 2018, at 12:30:32

> The medical data is stored in encrypted servers in the basement of the hospitals. And when they get off grid, huge diesel motors will turn on so that they work. this is not facebook. But obviously as I have found out, medical data is not everywhere equally defined. It seems for me that individuals are less well protected in the US than in continental Europe.
> If you studied law after your psychology degree, dear Alexandra, you could apply at the government and then generate a lot of expensive government reports and you knew a lot of the particularities of the law system in nz. That is an advantage since then you have a protected niche.

the Australians could take your job away and due to the specificity you won't have much choice.


Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by alexandra_k on October 24, 2018, at 19:59:25

In reply to Re: This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by ert on October 24, 2018, at 12:30:32

> The medical data is stored in encrypted servers in the basement of the hospitals.

It really should be, shouldn't it. It should be a internal network (intra-net) and not an inter-net.

This isn't the case for New Zealanders, though. We have medical records being entered into foreign designed software systems and information being transmitted by way of foreign satellites to be stored off shore on cloud servers. Don't get me wrong, we don't have the capacity to do otherwise. But I guess I've come to see how much of New Zealand is being run by the worst of the worst of the foreign business cowboys taking advantage of our laws being under-developed in order to get away with sh*t nobody would tolerate from them, back home.

I guess New Zealand has always been a refuge for that.

I just got my home power bill. Over $130 for one week of electricity in the spring time. Running 2 electric radiators on thermostat, lights, hot water, warm washing machine washes. Apparently there was a gas pipeline leak in the North Island and somehow... I get to pay for it. Because it means demand for electricity (primarily from business) has gone up and so my spot prices have skyrocketed. I do understand it's about distribution of risk... But when bad things happen to me who helps mitigate that for me?

If I had have done law...

Law degrees are very different here from the US. They are undergraduate degrees where you do a first year which has 2 law papers and you make up the rest of the year with any other papers you like. You then apply to second year law (to continue the law degree) on the basis of your GPA from your first year and they decide the places by way of some weighting system where the 2 law papers count for double, or something.

Law isn't very competitive. I am fairly sure that most people who work a bit during their first year get to continue, or, worst case, they only need do one more year of whatever other degree before achieving high enough GPA to transfer in to law. Though that might be changing... The idea seems to be to market that it's easy and then 'haha fooled you, you now need to throw another year's worth of money at the university to get to do what you wanted to do'. Generally... There isn't anything to properly limit the number of law students there are. Medicine is the only program that is properly limited because the internship year requires medical students to actually spend a bunch of time in the hospitals and though we pack them tighter and tighter and tighter so we can parade more and more and more of them into our public hospitals (or into northland GP offices) there is only so tightly we can do that in a country of 4 million people.

This means that there are very very very very very high rates of unemployed lawyers in New Zealand. And... Apparently... You really don't learn much of anything at all useful during the actual law degree. When you are near the end of completion you need to register with something or other in order to get a placement with a firm, or whatever. And a whole heap of people simply miss out. You gotta pay a fortune for them to do the psychology testing and so on... Seems to me that that's the real admission test for law. The degree... Trying to bait me with the degree... Was a way of trying to distract an infant by dancing something shiny in front of them...

I think there is something... Corrupt... About government reports being justification / documentation for things that have already been decided. I think there is something corrupt about trying to justify them on justifiable grounds instead of (at that point) undertaking an actual historical inquiry as to the real reason the decisoins were made.

No amount of legal training will have me believe / do otherwise.

I understand that as a criminal defense lawyer your job is to defend your client to the best of your ability. If there is a technicality that you find then it is your job to utilise that technicalitly (which will hopefully in the longer term result in a shoring up of that technicality). sometimes it's about enforcing proper police conduct and the like since the police often act like laws unto themselves, here, which puts many trial in jepordy and makes convictions fairly unlikely. Becuase our prisons are too full, already... Becuase people don't have lives worth living outside the prisons often enough. No meaningful way of life. Highest suicide rates in the world and horrific traffic deaths from a supposedly developed country.

> It seems for me that individuals are less well protected in the US than in continental Europe.

That is intersting and it may well be true.


Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by alexandra_k on October 24, 2018, at 20:16:14

In reply to Re: This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by alexandra_k on October 24, 2018, at 19:59:25

I did look into law a bit more (and I seriously considered it) after doing well in a law and society paper. Partly because the lecturer for the paper was really terrific. Smart and sensible and... I guess I basically agreed with her politics / what I saw of her moral stance on things, which was great because I find it increasingly rare. My tutor for the course was also terrific. Smart and interesting.

So I signed up for the other one (legal methods) and had a much more horrible time of things. Firstly, it was always going to be a bit more boring... Reading statutes and learning what the technical terms mean. Only... I have some esoteric tastes and years of technical analytic philosophy and it honestly wasn't so very bad...

But the trial thing was horrible for me because my partner wasn't particularly smart / wasn't prepared to put the hours into writing it / wasn't prepared to meet with me and run through it a few times before presenting it / wanted to wing it more. The people who were forwarded to the final did a really great job of it. It was interesting watching them (the kids of lawyers / business people). I guess I was supposed to want to join them...

So I looked into things a bit more...

And at the end of the day it looked to me to be basically a path back to philosophy. Reading and writing and talking and more of the same.

I want to look after my own health. The district health boards have been saying it for years: No help for you. Go away. Look after yourself. Sort it out yourself. We can't help you. You help yourself better than most of us could help you, anyway. And so on.

But there's things I need. For example, I need access to more information. I need access to information about what it is that I need when I get sick. If I get a sore throat then what antibiotic would be best for me and in what dosage? If I get a odd mole is it okay or does it need photographs taken? How bad do things need to be before I get a specialist to take a look? How do I choose a competent specialist? What should I ask the specialist more in particular? And so on... I am fairly sure I would do a much better job of looking after myself if I had the knowledge and power to do the informed consent thing. I think most people would. It would be terrific to put that knowledge to good use. To help people make informed decisoins about their own healthcare. I mean... Plenty of people don't want it. Don't want to know. Don't want to make decisoins. Want to be happy slaves or what not. Well, okay, to each their own.

But there are people here who want access to medical informaiton and the ability to make informed decisions for their own health. So... That's what I decided (however many years ago) I wanted to pursue...

But there's so many psychopathic kids of rich people who would rather experiment on people than on rats and cats and fish and so on... So... It's really hard to compete with that in these parts.

Law wouldn't be any different at the end of the day, and it would lead me straight back to philospohy. Because I wouldn't write the government reports the businesses will fund. So...


Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by alexandra_k on October 25, 2018, at 2:04:02

In reply to Re: This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by alexandra_k on October 24, 2018, at 20:16:14

see how they advertise the job? 'good customer service' is what they believe is crucial for getting people to donate blood. people donate blood because they just love getting some attention from the pretty guy / gal who expresses appropriate admiration of their altruism...

what happens to the blood? where is it stored? how does it get distributed between public and private hospitals?

this sort of information (so that donors can make an informed decision about whether or not to donate) is not considered relevant at all.

because the answer to those sorts of questions would mean that people would choose not to participate in the program?

i fear so.

i fear so.

that's not sustainable.

we really just don't have the faintest f*ck*ng idea about informed consent...


Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by ert on October 25, 2018, at 13:31:33

In reply to Re: This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by alexandra_k on October 25, 2018, at 2:04:02

130$ for one week, Alexandra, that is a bit much. But no wonder since you had run two electric radiators at the same time... u would rather wear a wool sweater more than to turn on the radiators. I don't know about lawyers in nz but maybe it depends what specialization someone possess. if you specialized in intellectual property rights then there would maybe demand since more and more tech industry growing. so, informed consent is what you like...


Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by ert on October 25, 2018, at 14:02:54

In reply to Re: This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by alexandra_k on October 24, 2018, at 20:16:14

there are not only psychopathic kids of rich people who would rather experiment on people.

there are other ones who do unauthorized research without informed consent and their data is based on theft. They would not care about detrimental repercussions that could arise but rather are concerned of their scientific achievements.

your are being monitored, Alexandra. probably you're still in wellington. must be impressive the sea waves there.

maybe u could give somebody a thorough informed so that it can help. also as a lawyer u can help people by giving some costless advice or infor(med).


Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by ert on October 25, 2018, at 14:11:40

In reply to Re: This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by ert on October 25, 2018, at 14:02:54

kim dotcom and his co workers settled down in nz. but they are not the only ones. probably some other tech need to secure their patents.


Re: This website is full of copyright infringements

Posted by alexandra_k on October 25, 2018, at 18:04:44

In reply to Re: This website is full of copyright infringements, posted by ert on October 25, 2018, at 14:11:40

We have this 'HealthOne' record system that was rolled out as part of the rebuild after the series of earthquakes to Canturbury.

This is what 'informed consent' looks like:

'5.1 Healthcare Consumer ("Patient") Choice
The ability for patient to choose to share their informaction via eSCRV is a key element to the overall approach. This implements the principle that the patient is the only person who can decide if information has 'special sensitivity' and should therefore not be shared. It is important to note that this is not a choice for the information to be collected, only choice as to how the information is shared.

5.1.1 eSCRV Implementation Approach

Patients may only choose to prevent their record sharing via the eSCRV (referred to as Opt-Off), i.e., they can:
- Prevent primary care based healthcare providers from viewing records sourced from secondary care (and other primary care providers.
- Prevent secondary care based healthcare providers from viewing records sourced from primary care.
Pateints may not restrict acccess to informaiton within the collecting healthcare provider's organisation.
- Only the viewing of the new 'flow of information' between healthcare providers may be restricted
- DHB based facilities are considered to be a single 'organisation' regardless of the fact that there are multiple physical locations and / or departments for healthcare delivery. Further noting this related to all participating regional DHB.

They actually say all that with a straight face. There is no such thing as privacy / confidentiality of anything in the public health system, and not in any of the privates either but you can have it noted on your file the bits of your information that you requested not to be shared, in case people wanted, additionally, to know whether there was anything you were particularly serious about. looked like me might get to be prime minister at some point. he invested a bit into an election. i guess it was partly because of that that people stuck with the last guy for so long. and now we have the avatar that we do.

If I do law there won't be much I can do to help myself or the people I care about because we don't have laws and judges are overwhelmed with piecemeal and typically not interested in developing the legal system of this country. Also, if I do law, whatever will I do when I get sick?

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