Psycho-Babble Administration Thread 251973

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Re: Lou's response to NikkiT2's post-SMJ-c » Lou Pilder

Posted by NikkiT2 on August 19, 2003, at 9:28:40

In reply to Re: Lou's response to NikkiT2's post-SMJ-c » NikkiT2, posted by Lou Pilder on August 19, 2003, at 9:25:43

I quote from your message

"Now if the MJ was not going to be used at all, perhaps she would not have gone to prison for the cocain was there "

To me, that reads like you were saying that if people did not take marajuana, they would not take cocaine. By this I understand that you feel marajuana use leads to cocaine use. In my understanding, you are blaming her going to prison for cocaine, on people smoking marajuana. Your friend went to prison for COCAINE, not marajuana. HUGE difference and I don't feel that it is osmehting that needed to be included in this discussion


Re: Lou's response to NikkiT2's post-SMJ-c2 » NikkiT2

Posted by Lou Pilder on August 19, 2003, at 9:46:32

In reply to Re: Lou's response to NikkiT2's post-SMJ-c » Lou Pilder, posted by NikkiT2 on August 19, 2003, at 9:28:40

To obtain an illegal drug, one must procure it from sorces that may have other illegal drugs also and the person trying to procure the drug does not always know what other illegal drugs the person they are trying to obtain MJ from also posesses. This is the trap that I was writing about.
I also know of cases where people trying to obtan MJ have been shot and killed because they found themselves in a shootout and were killed just because they were there.
The point is that if they were not trying to procure the MJ, then they would not have been caught in a shoot out. The same is the example with the party. If the person that I knew from High School was not involved with the use of MJ, then she would not have been caught in the trap where cocain was also found at the party. I did not write that she went to prison for the MJ. I wrote that she went to prison for the cocain and that the MJ charge carried additional punishment.
Another example that I know of is that a person bought MJ and smoked it and did not know that it was laced with LSD or some other powerfulll hallucinogenic drug. The woman became psychotic and lost her ability to continue her college work. so procuring an illegal drug could be very hazarrdous in ways not expected.
This is one of the reasons that I am asking the moderator here to not allow posters to describe their illegal drug use in any way.


Re: Lou's response to NikkiT2's post-SMJ-c2 » Lou Pilder

Posted by NikkiT2 on August 19, 2003, at 9:55:40

In reply to Re: Lou's response to NikkiT2's post-SMJ-c2 » NikkiT2, posted by Lou Pilder on August 19, 2003, at 9:46:32

I know of cases where people have procured alcohol and have died because it has been spiked with other substances.
I know of a person shot dead for walking down the street and getting in the way of a shoot out.

Life is not safe, where ever you may be. Smoking marajuana does not change this fact.

I, personally, don't approve of drinking alcohol to exess. But I don't preach that people should not talk about it, or even do it. Its up to them.

You put WAY too much on how resepcted psychiatrists are. the vast VAST majority of teenagers I know wouldn't know a psychiatrist if they slapped them round the face. They have no respect for them, as they know nothing about them. Like someone else said, its 90% peer pressure, and I doubt a simple answer to question on a board like this is really going to make them run out and buy marajuana and smoke it. How would someone know where to buy it unless their peers were already smoking it?? Its not liked its advertised!!

You seem to regularly get upset about posts on these boards, and I wonder why you continue to come back each time your ban is lifted??



Lou's response to NikkiT2's post-SMJ-psy » NikkiT2

Posted by Lou Pilder on August 19, 2003, at 10:18:19

In reply to Re: Lou's response to NikkiT2's post-SMJ-c2 » Lou Pilder, posted by NikkiT2 on August 19, 2003, at 9:55:40

You wrote about teenagers that you know that have no respect for psychiatrists because they no nothing about them.
Now Britian is famous for thie medical journals such as the Lancet and the British Journal of Psychiatry. I have corrosponded with many British psychiatrists concerning a neurological phenominum that they are reserching. Are you saying that all the teenagers in Britian are unaware that there are prestigious psychiatrists in England? And why would they have no respect for them because they know nothing about them? If you could clarify this, then I could have a better understanding of your post.


Re: Lou's response to NikkiT2's post-SMJ-psy » Lou Pilder

Posted by NikkiT2 on August 19, 2003, at 10:37:35

In reply to Lou's response to NikkiT2's post-SMJ-psy » NikkiT2, posted by Lou Pilder on August 19, 2003, at 10:18:19

People only tend to know much about Psychiatrists if they are involved in mental health, or suffer from mental health difficulties. or someone close to them does.
I mean what I said.. most teenagers know nothing about mental health, and so do not have any feelings about psychiatrists.
They don't read the Lancet etc as they have no exposure to it.. they have no reason to care.

I'm nnot saying the UK doesnt have some eminent Psychiatrists, infcat I know a few of the best in the UK through my voluntary work, but the average teenager doesn't know of their existence.



Lou's response to NikkiT2's post- RU

Posted by Lou Pilder on August 19, 2003, at 10:41:03

In reply to Re: Lou's response to NikkiT2's post-SMJ-c2 » Lou Pilder, posted by NikkiT2 on August 19, 2003, at 9:55:40

You wrote,"You put WAY too much on how respected psychiatrists are."
In the US, a psychiatrist is respected above football players and race-car drivers and rock musicians. Now if a teenager would be influenced by the football player, or the rock star, then would it not also be that the teenager could be influanced by what is allowed to be posted on a psychiatrist's mental health website?
This is one of the reasons that I am here. To give support and education to the readers of this site. And I give more value to support and education than to allow poster here to tell of their use of illegal drugs for I believe that illegal drugs have the potential to harm more than do any good to those that use them and I am seeking to change any existing policy here that allows posters to tell of their illegal drug use. This may get me expelled here, but I will take that chance, for at least those mothers that have teenage children and are looking to this site for support and education will see my point of view and perhps use it to make an informed decision.
I do not want you to give me your address and such to give to your police for this board is monitored and the moderator must turn over the names of those that they request if there is a law broken and they wish to prosecute. I do not know if the London police are out to arrest MJ users, but you should be aware that poster's real names can be gotten through discovery in a law suit or criminal case and that the site must give the names to the court in those cases.


Re: Lou's response to NikkiT2's post- RU » Lou Pilder

Posted by NikkiT2 on August 19, 2003, at 10:49:44

In reply to Lou's response to NikkiT2's post- RU, posted by Lou Pilder on August 19, 2003, at 10:41:03

You oftne want to change many things about this site Lou.. I'm sure if Dr Bob thought there was a problem he would have pointed that out when the post was originally made.

I am not ashamed that I smoke pot, so if Dr Bob would like to pass my real name onto the authorites, he is free to do so.



Re: Lou's response to NikkiT2's post- RU

Posted by stjames on August 19, 2003, at 10:57:21

In reply to Lou's response to NikkiT2's post- RU, posted by Lou Pilder on August 19, 2003, at 10:41:03

In the US, a psychiatrist is respected above football players and race-car drivers and rock musicians.

In 20 years I have seen 3 pdocs. None of them
had a problem with me smoking MJ.


Lou--educated yourself on this subject before...

Posted by zenhussy on August 19, 2003, at 10:58:26

In reply to Lou's reply to wendy b's post BD » wendy b., posted by Lou Pilder on August 19, 2003, at 8:05:50 continue on with your same propagandist viewpoint.

You refuse to even look at medical information regarding the usage of cannabis.

Any reason you choose to engage with other posters and ignore the information I *provided* for *YOU*? I posted that information so that you could rejoin this discussion armed with a more balanced look at the true issue of medicinal cannabis vs. the losing war on drugs.

I am not offended if you choose not to inform yourself of the facts before you continue on in your stance. It just shows a lack of respect for your fellow posters that you think so little of them to not even read what they have to say.

I too wonder along with Nikki as to why you return to this site after your lengthy blocks when it seems to bring about so much strife in your life? You, along with every other poster here, has the right to come here and play by Dr. Bob's rules.

Sometimes we try to change those rules to no avail and other times Dr. Bob surprises us and actually implements a change that was brought up by posters. (gasp! sorry Bob but the rarity of that brings about the gasp.)

But if by and large your usage of this site requires you to run in circles with your endless "please clarify what you meant" to other posters so that no true discourse takes place, I truly wonder how this site is useful to you.

Peace and good luck in this world Lou. You fight a tough battle.



Re: Lou's response to NikkiT2's post- RU » stjames

Posted by NikkiT2 on August 19, 2003, at 11:06:09

In reply to Re: Lou's response to NikkiT2's post- RU, posted by stjames on August 19, 2003, at 10:57:21

Ah... but have you seen a Football player that has no problem with it??!! ;)


Lou's response to stjames's post- psypot

Posted by Lou Pilder on August 19, 2003, at 11:10:43

In reply to Re: Lou's response to NikkiT2's post- RU, posted by stjames on August 19, 2003, at 10:57:21

You wrote,[...20 years...none of my 3 psychiatrists had a problem with me smoking pot...].
The diagnosic manual of psychiatry does not accept the use of MJ products and describes the behavior of such. The fact that thses psychiatrists of yours have seen no problem with your use of MJ does not mean that it is accepted by the psychiatric community, for their manual describes such.


Re: Lou's response to stjames's post- psypot » Lou Pilder

Posted by NikkiT2 on August 19, 2003, at 11:18:17

In reply to Lou's response to stjames's post- psypot, posted by Lou Pilder on August 19, 2003, at 11:10:43

I have seen 5 psychiatrists, and 2 psychologists. neither of these have had any problem with my smoking either.

neither have the 4 GP's I have seen.

Their manual may not say it is "authorised".. but it does seem individual psychiatrists have no problem with it.


please see post over on psb 4 u (nm) » NikkiT2

Posted by zenhussy on August 19, 2003, at 11:37:00

In reply to Re: Lou's response to stjames's post- psypot » Lou Pilder, posted by NikkiT2 on August 19, 2003, at 11:18:17


Lou's response to NikkiT2's post- psypot OK » NikkiT2

Posted by Lou Pilder on August 19, 2003, at 11:37:40

In reply to Re: Lou's response to stjames's post- psypot » Lou Pilder, posted by NikkiT2 on August 19, 2003, at 11:18:17

There may be a general acceptance to the use of MJ by some mental health professionals. But I believe that the acceptance of such is not to be equated with any concept that MJ is not harmfull and thearfore I am objecting to this site allowing posters to write of their illegal drug use and I am seeking change. I would like to see DR. Bob write after a post about illegal drug use by a poster something like this:
[...please do not write of your illegal drug use here...]
[...I know you like smoking pot, but our young people could be influanced to also do so by your acceptance of it, and I would not want our young people to statrt using illegal drugs...]
[...I as a psychiatrist do not endorse the use of illegal drugs including MJ and I am asking you to post somewhere else about your use of MJ...].
[...please do not advocate the breaking of laws in any way here...]
[...marajuana has been linked to serious psychiatric disorders and I would rather you not advocate that use of such in any way here...]


Re: Lou's response to NikkiT2's post- psypot OK » Lou Pilder

Posted by NikkiT2 on August 19, 2003, at 11:51:07

In reply to Lou's response to NikkiT2's post- psypot OK » NikkiT2, posted by Lou Pilder on August 19, 2003, at 11:37:40

I would be happy with this as long as it also covers all medication obtained without a prescription (Dr Bob doesn;t allow talk of how to obtain it, but he does of how to take it), of Alcohol (which causes many many psychiatric illnesses, addiction only on of them), ciggerattes as they cause cancer, glue as you can get high off that, the internet as you can be psychologically addicted to that, gas for the car (as people can die of asthma caused my pollution).. the list is endless.

I now bow out of this conversation. I will not be online again for maybe a week.



Man, Woodstock Rocked!!! (nm)

Posted by shar on August 19, 2003, at 11:54:52

In reply to Lou's reply to wendy b's post BD » wendy b., posted by Lou Pilder on August 19, 2003, at 8:05:50


Re: Lou's response to Shar's post-PT2 » Lou Pilder

Posted by shar on August 19, 2003, at 12:13:58

In reply to Lou's response to Shar's post-PT2 » shar, posted by Lou Pilder on August 19, 2003, at 9:16:56

> Shar,
> You wrote that you agreed with me about teens emulating heros.
> In today's society, the psychiatrist is held in the highest esteem by our society with the exception of, perhaps, a veternarian.

......Lou, I would appreciate it if you could provide some empirical evidence that supports your claim that psychiatrists (and/or vets) are held in higher esteem by young people than celebrities, rock stars, movie stars, peers, garage bands, etc., and kids are more likely to be influenced by them to use drugs if they allow a discussion of drug use to take place.

.........And, I would appreciate some evidence (empirical, preferably, instead of personal) that NOT talking about drugs and suppressing information is more likely to prevent drug use than talking about drugs.

........I would also appreciate knowing if you differentiate between allowing a discussion to take place, and encouraging drug use?

........And, finally, I'd like to know your opinion about the fact that kids can die if they don't have accurate information about drugs. (It goes without saying that if information is suppressed, they won't have accurate information.) Given that suppression of information can lead to death or overdose or other bad things, how is that better than allowing discussions? Even discussions that DON"T encourage drug use, but merely mention it?

Thank you!



God Bless America!! » Lou Pilder

Posted by shar on August 19, 2003, at 12:20:57

In reply to Lou's response to NikkiT2's post- psypot OK » NikkiT2, posted by Lou Pilder on August 19, 2003, at 11:37:40

I think it is so great and exciting that we live in a country, and have access to a website where we can openly state our preferences about what ought to be on it.

And, others can disagree with those preferences, or believe they will do more harm than good, and say so.

Freedom of speech is such a blessing, and I'm grateful we have a forum for this.


> NikkiT2,
> There may be a general acceptance to the use of MJ by some mental health professionals. But I believe that the acceptance of such is not to be equated with any concept that MJ is not harmfull and thearfore I am objecting to this site allowing posters to write of their illegal drug use and I am seeking change. I would like to see DR. Bob write after a post about illegal drug use by a poster something like this:
> [...please do not write of your illegal drug use here...]
> or
> [...I know you like smoking pot, but our young people could be influanced to also do so by your acceptance of it, and I would not want our young people to statrt using illegal drugs...]
> or
> [...I as a psychiatrist do not endorse the use of illegal drugs including MJ and I am asking you to post somewhere else about your use of MJ...].
> or
> [...please do not advocate the breaking of laws in any way here...]
> or
> [...marajuana has been linked to serious psychiatric disorders and I would rather you not advocate that use of such in any way here...]
> Lou


Re: Lou's response to NikkiT2's post-SMJ

Posted by stjames on August 19, 2003, at 13:08:49

In reply to Lou's response to NikkiT2's post-SMJ, posted by Lou Pilder on August 19, 2003, at 8:39:57

The psychiatric manual describes this behavior.

Don't judge or cause others to feel put down.

and if people use an illegal drug on a regular basis, they would either have to go out each day and find someone to get the drug from, or have an amount handy that could last them many days or weeks or such. This could mean that the user would buy more than the amount that would be punishable by a fine, and could lead them to but ,perhaps, the amount that could land them in prison, even though they only smoked a small amount.

Everyday ? Possision of under on ounce is a
misdemeanor & an ounce lasst for than several days.


Lou's response to stjame's post-~lgl

Posted by Lou Pilder on August 19, 2003, at 13:30:55

In reply to Re: Lou's response to NikkiT2's post-SMJ, posted by stjames on August 19, 2003, at 13:08:49

You wrote,[...poosession under an ounce is a misdemeanor and an ounce lasts for several days....].
A misdemeanor is a crime that could be punished by a jail term. An ounce could last for a period of time that is determined by how much is used by the user. A user could buy many ounces and be subjected to harsher penaltys if caught, even though they may only smoke less than an ounce a day.
Here is another case that I know about.
A man was on probation for a minor offense that was not drug related. He then was arrested for possession of a minimal amount of MJ that carried a fine. But since he was on probation, he was charged with [probation violation] and that was punishable severly.
You see, I come here to help those that are not using illegal drugs to be informed of the traps that could put them in prison as a result of them using illegal drugs so that they can make an informed decision as to whether or not to use illegal drugs. I do not believe that an internet site, particularly one run by a psychiatrist, can allow posters to write about their illegal drug use. It is fine to discuss the pros and cons about anything, but there is a difference between talking about MJ and writing about their illegal use of it.


st james, shar, nikki, et al

Posted by zenhussy on August 19, 2003, at 13:33:54

In reply to Lou's response to stjame's post-~lgl, posted by Lou Pilder on August 19, 2003, at 13:30:55

I think that any discussion any of us had hoped would transpire here is obviously not occuring.

Anyone wish to join me in leaving this thread to die a natural and much needed death?



Re: st james, shar, nikki, et al » zenhussy

Posted by stjames on August 19, 2003, at 13:49:04

In reply to st james, shar, nikki, et al, posted by zenhussy on August 19, 2003, at 13:33:54

What A good idea !


Re: God Bless America!! » shar

Posted by Lou Pilder on August 19, 2003, at 13:49:55

In reply to God Bless America!! » Lou Pilder, posted by shar on August 19, 2003, at 12:20:57

You wrote,[freedom of speech...I'm greatfull we have a forum for this...].
Freedom of speech and advocating the breaking of laws have to be looked at in the following light.
I beleive that it would be fine for people hear to talk about the pros and cons of the use of illegal drugs in relation to freeedom of speech. What I have been writing about in this thread is about the rules of the board that say that the site is not to be used to failitate any illegasl activities. So I would propose the following:
It would be OK to write:
MJ has good medicinal use for chemotherapy and gloucoma sufferers.
MJ causes distorted thinking
MJ has some anti- anxiety properties
It would not be OK to write:
You should try MJ to see if it is good for you
My psychiatrist says that MJ is OK to smoke
MJ is accepted by psychiatrists
and other relevant posts.


Re: God Bless America!! » Lou Pilder

Posted by NikkiT2 on August 19, 2003, at 17:19:26

In reply to Re: God Bless America!! » shar, posted by Lou Pilder on August 19, 2003, at 13:49:55

One final word.. I may not pick up the rpely...

"You should try MJ to see if it is good for you

Please let us know who said this, and please quote them, and add a URL.



A word to the wise is sufficient, my teacher said

Posted by allisonm on August 19, 2003, at 19:55:45

In reply to Lou's request for a determination, posted by Lou Pilder on August 18, 2003, at 20:47:43

Everyone has heard this before, but I will offer it up anyway:

If someone in this community finds that particular threads or posts by particular authors upset them, I would suggest that they not read them. If they must read them because they cannot help themselves, then I suggest that they do not respond. When people respond to threads such as this one, it causes a back and forth that can be even more upsetting to some.

In the last few years, I have chosen not to read many posts for the above reasons. It's not worth the aggravation, energy, misspent emotion, etc. And I would like to think that if responses are not made to posts that some might consider upsetting, the upsetting posts might decrease.

Your choice, your energy spent, your sleepless night.

"In nature, there are neither rewards nor punishments -- there are consequences." -- R.J. Ingersoll


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