Psycho-Babble Administration Thread 6370

Shown: posts 67 to 91 of 159. Go back in thread:


And Shar, an excellent and concise summary. (nm) » shar

Posted by Dinah on July 21, 2002, at 8:24:27

In reply to Re: He shouldn't get away with this, posted by shar on July 21, 2002, at 6:38:05


Oh, now I get it. duh. (nm) » shar

Posted by beardedlady on July 21, 2002, at 8:27:48

In reply to Have a nice trip, BL... (nm) » beardedlady, posted by shar on July 21, 2002, at 5:53:48


Lou's resonse to Shar's post » shar

Posted by Lou Pilder on July 21, 2002, at 10:12:16

In reply to Re: He shouldn't get away with this, posted by shar on July 21, 2002, at 6:38:05

I am referring to Kiddo's posts in total. Dr. Bob only flagged the one part about the "wrong" road, "right" road . But to me, all of Kiddo's post are of one thought and I believe that the total thought of those posts "cross the line into anti_Semitic rhetoric." I have read and reread Kiddo's post and I deduce from them that:
1) Only people that are "in accordance to the word", and Kiddo's jesus was defined as the word, were on the right road, and all others were on the "wrong" road . So it is unmistakable that Kiddo's posts imply, to me, that jews are on the wrong road because jews do not accept the new testament or the jesus that Kiddo is referring to as the word. Now me and Dr. Bob agree that that is not acceptable on this board because of the reasons stated by him. Dr, Bob did not block Kiddo, but only flagged the post to say at that point that Kiddo should reevaluate her direction with the thought, in total ,that she was presenting, IMO.
2) Also, I deduce from Kiddo's post that the jews in history were against the jesus that Kiddo is talking about because of the defamation of the religiuos jewish leaders as "hypocrites" and that they did not accept that the jesus that Kiddo is talking about did his works, by the power of God , but by Beelzabub, which Kiddo has aknowleged to be the satanic. Actually, the bible passage that Kiddo is citing is much more than what is presented here. I offered a historical background as to the history of Beelzabub , but no one asked me to post it.
3) Also, I posted the edict by Queen Isabel of Spain that expelled the jews from Spain in 1492. I posted that as educaton to show that historically, similar thought as Kiddo postd was used to persecute the jewish people and that is one of the reasons that I thought that Kiddo's posts were rhetoric that was crossing into anti-Semitic thought. Now I do not believe that anyone here is anti-Semitic. When people post these type of posts, I view them as innocent posts for I believe that when they post them, they know not what they do. It is my position to stop the posts from getting out of control, so I object to them, for I believe that if these type of posts were not flagged by Dr. Bob, that they would have the opportunity to arrouse real anti-
Semitic feelings toward me with posters demanding my expulsion, with posters posting links to anti_Semitic web sites, with posters using epithets and profane language toward me, with posters citing bible passage that defame jewish people, maufacturing falsehoods about me, conspiering with others to ostracise me, post responses to me to not answer their posts, accuse me of not answering them, posting that I should not be allowed to get away with it, etc. etc. until I would be forced to leave.
4) another aspect of this, although it is not going into the rhelm of anti-Semitism, is the position that Kiddo takes in regards to people not knowing God. It appears to me that what was attempted to be put forth was that people can only know God through reading the new testament. I may be wrong about what Kiddo was trying to say in that post of hers about the people that did not know God, and I am asking Kiddo, if she reads this post of mine, to clarify what she meant by that post so that I would be better able to understand it and, perhaps, discuss it further with her.


Re: He shouldn't get away with this

Posted by mair on July 21, 2002, at 10:39:16

In reply to Re: He shouldn't get away with this, posted by shar on July 21, 2002, at 6:38:05


The point I was tryng to make is that the post that Dr. Bob flagged was written by Kiddo on July 18. Lou posted 3 or 4 more times after that on the 18th, and all of these posts were directed to kiddo. He did not raise the anti-semitism issue until the next day, after Dr. Bob's admonishment. I think it's an after-the-fact rationalization to say that he was already thinking of raising this issue before Bob ever flagged it. However, this may be appropos of nothing other than perhaps Dr. Bob fuels Lou with his cautions to other posters.

My other point however is that I find very little difference between calling someone an anti-semite and accusing them of using anti-semitic rhetoric. Anti-semitism is such a loaded issue - I don't care whether he thought his post was being instructive or whatever - if you use that word in reference to something someone has said, they can't help but be offended.

In spite of the fact that I took almost as many religion courses in college as I needed to have it be my major, I have little patience with or interest in discussing the finer points of the Bible, and should probably stay out of these discussions. I just really thought that Lou followed kiddo over here to the admin Board, not the other way around, and chose to respond to her post to Dr. Bob with a post that one could easily take as accusatory. Posters here are constantly being told by Bob not to read things Lou writes that may upset them or to not respond to him unless they can find a way (frequently strained) to say it in a way that no human being could possibly find to be accusatory or unsupportive. My personal opinion is that Lou says and does alot of things on the Board that can really be construed as being quite inflammatory, the post in question being but one example. Do you think that the last upteen posts on this thread would ever have occurred had Lou not responded to Kiddo's post to Dr. Bob?



support for Kiddo...

Posted by krazy kat on July 21, 2002, at 10:58:01

In reply to Lou's resonse to Shar's post » shar, posted by Lou Pilder on July 21, 2002, at 10:12:16

I am only posting here in very rare cases, in case hrtlm wants to make a comment again about my just going, and have kept out of this thread because I can guess where it is going to end up. No one is going to win.

But as it seems to get deeper and deeper into a criticism of Kiddo and her beliefs, I decided I'd like to post my support. I won't get into the discussion beyond this post for the same reasons I left, but I do want her to know I'm thinking of her in this respect. Someone mentioned casualities from debate in general here - that's actually a good term for those who have decided to seek support elsewhere, and if I were Kiddo, this would really tempt me to do just that.

I don't understand why some Jews from Christ's time can't be critized - they were Jews. So was Christ. So was his Mother. So were the apostles - all wonderful Jews. I'm part German. I am well aware that there have been good Germans and bad Germans in the world. In fact I have to deal with the fact that there were some damn bad ones... and it is hard at times to come from a people who could be so gullible and tyranical.

I wish that Lou would explain one thing - why everything he is describing (and I mean Everything I have read) is in Revelations? He is quoting Christ. Just as I would be quoting Gandhi if I said "Truth is my religion and ahimsa is the only way of its realisation." If I said I experienced this, and then found out that Gandhi had actually said this, I would wonder if perhaps I had read it somewhere and it had popped up at a later date.

And re: beliefs and choosing the right road -- someone said that it was the way Kiddo phrased it. Yes, O.K. In keeping with analyzing everything that is posted here so that No One will be offended, I agree. But the very essense of "faith" is a "firm belief in something for which there is no proof" and "something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially : a system of religious beliefs".

Therefore, if you believe that the way to heaven, or eternal bliss, or whatever, is through Christ, there can be no other way. Otherwise you don't truly believe your conviction.

- KK


Lou's response to mair's post

Posted by Lou Pilder on July 21, 2002, at 11:52:19

In reply to Re: He shouldn't get away with this, posted by mair on July 21, 2002, at 10:39:16

There is a difference, to me, of calling someone an anti-Semite and saying that what they have posted crosses, in my opinion, into anti-Semitic thought.
Once again, I am not calling Kiddo an anti-Semite. I am saying, like Dr. Bob was cautioning Kiddo, that the total thought that Kiddo was presenting could be construed as anti-Semitic rhetoric. I am only cautioning Kiddo that I believe that her thouht should be reconsidered, just as Dr. Bob has said, for it is encroaching into the area of historical anti-Semitic propaganda. I am simply trying to ward off the rest of what , historically, has been said in the thought that Kiddo is presenting. If I do not object at this point, then I beleive that the other historical things that have followed that type of thought,(the jews are not saved because they do not beleive in jesus....etc. etc..) could be posted, perhaps innocently, by another poster. I believe that Dr. Bob was doing Kiddo a favor by saying that she should stop and reevealuate the "right and wrong" road thought that she was presenting. I have had this happen to me on another board and some other places and the moderators would not stop it and it went on to include posts and statements to me in email like the following :
You are to "be gone" from this board for you are jewish and jews do not believe in our jesus so you are of the devil because anyone that does not have the spirit of our jesus is of the anti-christ.
Only membes of Catholisism are saved
Only members of Jahovah's witnesses are saved
The jews killed christ so jews should be persecuted
This is a Christian country, you get out
jews are dirty and cause epidemics
jews reject their own massiah
jewish doctors give AIDS to some
The jews control the media
All jews are going to hell because they do not accept christ
jews can not reach God in prayer because they can only reach God in prayer if the prayer is in the name of jesus.
Albert Einstien and the jews that developed vacines for polio are in hell because they did not accept christ.
Now , once again, I am not calling anyone an anti-Semite. I am simply objecting to thought th at is written here that could be construed by others to be anti-Semitic and if I do not object and want it stopped, then I would be allowing it to go further and I am taking the position here that I will try to stop people from going over that line of thought that could lead to the above examples. I posted Queen Isabel's edict to show , historically, what could happen . I believe that if the Spainish people would have objected to the Queen's edict, that perhaps, the edict would have been withdrawn. But, the people were threatened with death if they harbored a jewish person so that would make it difficult to do so.
Now if the question is whether or not I am accusing Kiddo of being an anti-Semite, then please put it to rest for I am not doing so. I realise that a lot of the Christiandom churches teach what Kiddo writes. And I believe that you all know by now that I believe, from my experiance, that others that are not members of christiandom or any other religion can receive The Crown of Life and have never heard the name of jesus and enter The City of Peace and be with God forever.


The Technical Term is Cryptomnesia » krazy kat

Posted by fachad on July 21, 2002, at 13:52:15

In reply to support for Kiddo..., posted by krazy kat on July 21, 2002, at 10:58:01

> I wish that Lou would explain one thing - why everything he is describing (and I mean Everything I have read) is in Revelations? He is quoting Christ...if I said I experienced this, and then found out that Gandhi had actually said this, I would wonder if perhaps I had read it somewhere and it had popped up at a later date.

The technical term for this phenomenon is cryptomnesia. From a dictionary definition:

"Cryptomnesia is, literally, hidden memory. The term is used to explain the origin of experiences that people believe to be original but which are actually based on memories of events they've forgotten."

"Cryptomnesia may also explain how the apparent plagiarism of such people as Helen Keller or George Harrison of the Beatles might actually be cases of hidden memory. Harrison didn't intend to plagiarize the Chiffon's "He's So Fine" in "My Sweet Lord." Nor did Keller intend to plagiarize Margaret Canby's "The Frost Fairies" when she wrote "The Frost King." Both may simply be cases of not having a conscious memory of their experiences of the works in question."

It can be very frustrating to a person who has had (subjectively) genuine mystical experiences to have a skeptical person point out exact similarities to some historical document. But it also could be viewed as validating their experiences because they are in agreement with a recognized mystical tradition. Or it could be viewed as a valid experience with elements shaped by cryptomnesia. Either way it does not necessarily have mean they are being insincere.


Cryptomnesia~Hmm interesting~ (nm) » fachad

Posted by ctrlaltndel on July 21, 2002, at 17:04:06

In reply to The Technical Term is Cryptomnesia » krazy kat , posted by fachad on July 21, 2002, at 13:52:15


Re: support for Kiddo... » krazy kat

Posted by Lou Pilder on July 21, 2002, at 17:40:49

In reply to support for Kiddo..., posted by krazy kat on July 21, 2002, at 10:58:01

Krazy Kat,
You wrote that you could not understand why jews from christ's time could not be criticised.
Now I read the posts in question and it is my belief that the posts were depicting the jews as enemys of christ. This depiction has historically been used to arouse anti-Semitic feelings toward the jewish people. It is my posistion on this board to protest those type of statements and I do not believe that since there is a book that uses those phrases that those phrases can be used ligitimatly on this board, even if that book is the bible, whether it be the old or new testaments.


Re: Lou's response to mair's post

Posted by kiddo on July 21, 2002, at 18:01:04

In reply to Lou's response to mair's post, posted by Lou Pilder on July 21, 2002, at 11:52:19

I am saying, like Dr. Bob was cautioning Kiddo, that the total thought that Kiddo was presenting could be construed as anti-Semitic rhetoric.



Re: support for Kiddo... » Lou Pilder

Posted by kiddo on July 21, 2002, at 18:05:45

In reply to Re: support for Kiddo... » krazy kat , posted by Lou Pilder on July 21, 2002, at 17:40:49

the posts were depicting the jews as enemys of christ.........





Re: support for Kiddo... » Lou Pilder

Posted by kiddo on July 21, 2002, at 18:10:48

In reply to Re: support for Kiddo... » krazy kat , posted by Lou Pilder on July 21, 2002, at 17:40:49

It is my posistion on this board to protest those type of statements and I do not believe that since there is a book that uses those phrases that those phrases can be used ligitimatly on this board, even if that book is the bible, whether it be the old or new testaments.
> Lou





Re: Perhaps you are right. » beardedlady

Posted by Dinah on July 21, 2002, at 19:16:21

In reply to Dinah Rose (-Colored Glasses?) » Dinah, posted by beardedlady on July 20, 2002, at 15:24:29

But to explain that statement I need to go to the Faith Board, because it really isn't administrative. And while it could be social, I would rather err on the side of the faith board.

If you're interested (and even if you're not), I'm starting a thread on why I need to thank you on the Faith board.



what about the good Jews in the Bible... - Lou

Posted by krazy kat on July 21, 2002, at 19:36:08

In reply to Re: support for Kiddo... » krazy kat , posted by Lou Pilder on July 21, 2002, at 17:40:49

you've only addressed a small piece of my post.

Are you anti-Bible? Based on your statements, your road is irrelevant since there are many roads to "heaven" or that concept -- why choose your road over another then?


Lou's response to Kiddo's post » kiddo

Posted by Lou Pilder on July 21, 2002, at 21:45:13

In reply to Re: Lou's response to mair's post, posted by kiddo on July 21, 2002, at 18:01:04

I am saying that Dr. Bob cautioned you to reconsider your thought about the "wrong" , "right" road . Then I wrote that your total thought, to me, was crossing the line and going into anti-Semitic rhetoric. I base that on the history of anti-Semitism and the fact that your posts:
1. use defaming language toward the jewish leaders in the time of the jesus that you are referring to when you called the pharisees "hypocrites". You did not give a biblical reference when you wrote that and I have posted elseware that even if the pharisees are called hypocrites in the bible, that doesn't, to me, make it a ligitimate post it on this board. The referrence to the jews attributng the works of the jesus that you are refering to , to Beelzebub by the jewish leaders is a phrase that has been used historically in anti-Semitic rhetoric. The people that use that say that the jews thearfor are the enemys of the jesus that you are referring to .
Now Dr. Bob told you not to post that anyone was on the wrong road. You said that if it "is not in accordance with the word, and the jesus that you are refering to is the word, then it is "wrong". That thought has been used for 2000 years to imply that anyone that is not a member of christiandom is on the wrong road. And jews are not members of christiandom.
Now I agree with Dr. Bob in his flagging of your post for his stated reasons. I posted that I have my own reasons for objecting to the total of your posts and my reasons are separate from Dr. Bob's reasons.
So Dr. Bob did not say to you that the post that he flagged was anti-Semitic rhetoric. I said that the post in question *and* the rest of your posts in total were crossing the line into that area.
I hope that I have explained this satisfactory , and if you want more clarification from me, I would be glad to hear from you.
Best regards,


Lou's response to Kiddo's post-part 2

Posted by Lou Pilder on July 21, 2002, at 21:49:13

In reply to Re: support for Kiddo... » Lou Pilder, posted by kiddo on July 21, 2002, at 18:05:45

You said that you were quoting scripture about the pharisees and Beelzebub.
I do not remember that there was a biblical citation attached to that statement of yours. Couldy ou look back at your post again and examine it to see if there is a biblical refference cited by you?


Lou's response to Kiddo's post-part 3

Posted by Lou Pilder on July 21, 2002, at 22:00:40

In reply to Re: support for Kiddo... » Lou Pilder, posted by kiddo on July 21, 2002, at 18:10:48

The type of statements are te ones that defame jews, like calling the scribes and pharisees "hypocries " and saying that they attributed the works of the jesus that you are referring to to the devil and that... people are on the wrong road...
I do not know the bible and my experiance is what I remember what was said by the Rider and others. I am not quoting the bible. I am saying what I remember what was said to me.



Lou's esponse to Kiddo's post=part 4

Posted by Lou Pilder on July 21, 2002, at 22:36:30

In reply to what about the good Jews in the Bible... - Lou, posted by krazy kat on July 21, 2002, at 19:36:08

You said that my road is irelevant and that there are many roads to heaven or the concept of heaven. Then you asked why choose the Road?
I am not attempting to make people choose a road. I am telling what I experianced. But I do not know what you meant by the Road being irrelavant. Could you clarify what you mean by the Road being irrelavant? If you do, then I wil have a better understanding of your thought and will be better able to discuss more with you.


Re: Lou's response to Kiddo's post » Lou Pilder

Posted by kiddo on July 21, 2002, at 22:49:14

In reply to Lou's response to Kiddo's post » kiddo, posted by Lou Pilder on July 21, 2002, at 21:45:13

> Kiddo,
> I am saying that Dr. Bob cautioned you to reconsider your thought about the "wrong" , "right" road . Then I wrote that your total thought, to me, was crossing the line and going into anti-Semitic rhetoric. I base that on the history of anti-Semitism and the fact that your posts:

You are welcome to have your opinion, just as I am allowed to have mine. I posted scripture from the BIBLE, spoken by Pharisees about Jesus, who was also born a Jew.

I don't feel I am crossing the line. I posted Bible on a Faith BOARD....Where it belongs. There have been things that you post that have offended others, yet Dr. Bob allows you to continue...I realize it's your experience, the Bible is mine, alright?

I do believe in God, I believe in the Bible-all of it, not just the New Testament, or just the Old Testament, all of it, and I've seen posts from those who don't believe, but I don't go bashing them over it as I feel you are doing to me.

> 1. use defaming language toward the jewish leaders in the time of the jesus that you are referring to when you called the pharisees "hypocrites". You did not give a biblical reference when you wrote that and I have posted elseware that even if the pharisees are called hypocrites in the bible, that doesn't, to me, make it a ligitimate post it on this board. The referrence to the jews attributng the works of the jesus that you are refering to , to Beelzebub by the jewish leaders is a phrase that has been used historically in anti-Semitic rhetoric. The people that use that say that the jews thearfor are the enemys of the jesus that you are referring to .

I used no defaming language...I quoted scripture. I didn't call them hypocrites, please read again. The pharisees accused Jesus of using the works of Beelzebub....and that has been historically Bible for the past 2000, not 'rhetoric' as you put it. Well, I guess that doesn't fit me at all then does it, because I never ONCE said they were enemies of Jesus, besides, you don't even believe in MY Jesus (from what it seems) so what does it matter if they ARE enemies of a man you don't even believe in?

> Now Dr. Bob told you not to post that anyone was on the wrong road. You said that if it "is not in accordance with the word, and the jesus that you are refering to is the word, then it is "wrong". That thought has been used for 2000 years to imply that anyone that is not a member of christiandom is on the wrong road. And jews are not members of christiandom.

That is what he asked me not to say....THAT POST!!!!! I haven't said anything of the sort since then. I posted this original post to Dr. Bob, the question was for him. You have a right to your opinion, and belief. That is MY belief Lou, you asked questions, I answered them. I won't get into another Faith post with you, ok?

> Now I agree with Dr. Bob in his flagging of your post for his stated reasons. I posted that I have my own reasons for objecting to the total of your posts and my reasons are separate from Dr. Bob's reasons.

Now you are free to agree with Dr. Bob, I agree with him too, my mistake was in not saying it was my belief, ok? For the record, I BELIEVE THAT.

> So Dr. Bob did not say to you th
at the post that he flagged was anti-Semitic rhetoric. I said that the post in question *and* the rest of your posts in total were crossing the line into that area.

Fine, and you are free to feel that way. I don't feel that way, so please don't ask me about it again.

> I hope that I have explained this satisfactory , and if you want more clarification from me, I would be glad to hear from you.
> Best regards,
> Lou

No, you've repeated the same thing that you've said before, IN MY OPINION. I don't want to discuss this with you further.


Re: Lou's response to Kiddo's post-Part 2

Posted by kiddo on July 21, 2002, at 23:02:06

In reply to Re: Lou's response to Kiddo's post » Lou Pilder, posted by kiddo on July 21, 2002, at 22:49:14

I'm not going to reply to anymore messages on this or Faith, except Dr. Bob if the need arises.




Re: support...Well Dr. Bob??? (nm)

Posted by kiddo on July 21, 2002, at 23:56:42

In reply to Re: please be supportive » Dr. Bob, posted by kiddo on July 19, 2002, at 17:42:46


Re: support...

Posted by Dr. Bob on July 22, 2002, at 0:25:50

In reply to Re: support...Well Dr. Bob??? (nm), posted by kiddo on July 21, 2002, at 23:56:42

> > > The Rider was quoting Jesus, and Jesus IS the Word. If what is said by any man; whether it is the Rider on the white horse, a Teacher or Preacher, if it isn't in accordance with the Word, it is wrong and therefore the wrong road.
> >
> > You (and everyone else) are entitled to believe whatever you like, but I don't think it's supportive here to imply that there's only one "right" road and all others are wrong.
> That IS what I believe. Who's being supportive to me? I don't mean to sound sarcastic, I'd really like to know.
> Kiddo

Sorry I haven't been around, this sure blew up...

Sometimes the goals of these boards conflict. One goal is of course that they be supportive. Another is that people feel free to post, since how else are they going to be supported? But being supportive takes precedence. My approach to civility is, it doesn't matter if someone really believes something -- or to some extent even if it's true -- if it's uncivil, they shouldn't post it. It's a tradeoff, that person can't vent or receive support themselves (at least not here), but the overall atmosphere is (IMO) more supportive for others. "The good of the many outweighs the good of the few":

It's the same idea regarding matters of faith. Someone may really believe someone else will be damned, but it keeps the overall atmosphere more supportive not to post that. Jane maybe said this better:

> I think that when you say "You are wrong" people have this compulsion to reply "No I'm not. You are." And it goes back and forth, with each round getting angrier, until no one can talk to each other about anything.
> I think we all believe our own version of the truth is correct. I'm as rigid as anyone else in that respect. We've set up a society that says it is better to at least give lip service to other peoples rights to their own beliefs than to constantly be at war over it. And we've got a board here which takes a similar stand. I think that's a good thing. It lets people avoid getting so angry at each other over one issue that they can't speak to each other about anything at all.
> Jane


> imo the original PBC got turned into something it is not, and that most of the discussion does not center around the point of the PBC.
> Shar

I agree.

> > I am saying, like Dr. Bob was cautioning Kiddo, that the total thought that Kiddo was presenting could be construed as anti-Semitic rhetoric.
> Kiddo

I was just saying what I said. I didn't think what you said was anti-Semitic. But I do think that beliefs that there's only one "right" road can (but don't necessarily) lead to "anti" feelings towards others -- and not just Jews.



Re: See you next fall? lol ! (nm) » beardedlady

Posted by shar on July 22, 2002, at 0:46:59

In reply to See you next fall? (nm) » shar, posted by beardedlady on July 21, 2002, at 7:59:46


Re: support...

Posted by kiddo on July 22, 2002, at 0:57:37

In reply to Re: support..., posted by Dr. Bob on July 22, 2002, at 0:25:50

> Sorry I haven't been around, this sure blew up...

Yes, it sure has......

> Sometimes the goals of these boards conflict. One goal is of course that they be supportive. Another is that people feel free to post, since how else are they going to be supported? But being supportive takes precedence. My approach to civility is, it doesn't matter if someone really believes something -- or to some extent even if it's true -- if it's uncivil, they shouldn't post it. It's a tradeoff, that person can't vent or receive support themselves (at least not here), but the overall atmosphere is (IMO) more supportive for others. "The good of the many outweighs the good of the few":

I haven't been uncivil....your post was being supportive....I wasn't necessarily supportive in the fact that I posted what I believe, but I was civil about in other words, forget what I believe, because it doesn't matter? That bothers me for the fact that you only seem to see one side of things.....

> It's the same idea regarding matters of faith. Someone may really believe someone else will be damned, but it keeps the overall atmosphere more supportive not to post that. Jane maybe said this better:


> > I think that when you say "You are wrong" people have this compulsion to reply "No I'm not. You are." And it goes back and forth, with each round getting angrier, until no one can talk to each other about anything.
> >
> > I think we all believe our own version of the truth is correct. I'm as rigid as anyone else in that respect. We've set up a society that says it is better to at least give lip service to other peoples rights to their own beliefs than to constantly be at war over it. And we've got a board here which takes a similar stand. I think that's a good thing. It lets people avoid getting so angry at each other over one issue that they can't speak to each other about anything at all.
> >
> > Jane
> ----
> > imo the original PBC got turned into something it is not, and that most of the discussion does not center around the point of the PBC.
> >
> > Shar
> I agree.
> > > I am saying, like Dr. Bob was cautioning Kiddo, that the total thought that Kiddo was presenting could be construed as anti-Semitic rhetoric.
> >
> >
> > Kiddo
> I was just saying what I said. I didn't think what you said was anti-Semitic. But I do think that beliefs that there's only one "right" road can (but don't necessarily) lead to "anti" feelings towards others -- and not just Jews.
> Bob

I'm sorry that my belief causes you to feel that way....don't worry, it won't happen again, I won't post my beliefs here anymore.



Re: support...

Posted by Dr. Bob on July 22, 2002, at 1:18:46

In reply to Re: support..., posted by kiddo on July 22, 2002, at 0:57:37

> I haven't been uncivil....your post was being supportive....I wasn't necessarily supportive in the fact that I posted what I believe, but I was civil about in other words, forget what I believe, because it doesn't matter? That bothers me for the fact that you only seem to see one side of things.....

Yes, you were civil about it. No, don't forget what you believe, it does matter, it's just that I don't think this is the place to discuss certain beliefs. I did try to explain how I saw both sides, I'm sorry if it doesn't seem like I see yours.

> > I was just saying what I said. I didn't think what you said was anti-Semitic. But I do think that beliefs that there's only one "right" road can (but don't necessarily) lead to "anti" feelings towards others -- and not just Jews.
> I'm sorry that my belief causes you to feel that way....don't worry, it won't happen again, I won't post my beliefs here anymore.

It's not your belief that causes me to feel that way, it's a feeling I've had for a long time. And don't feel you shouldn't post *any* beliefs anymore, it's just the only-one-right-road type that I think are problematic.


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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

Script revised: February 4, 2008
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