Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 1026437

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Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers » alchemy

Posted by AlexCanada on September 24, 2012, at 13:48:46

In reply to Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers, posted by alchemy on September 24, 2012, at 11:30:09

I've read that Magnesium can suppossedly help prevent ritalin tolerance. Magnesium Glycinate or Chilate possibly.

> Your post comes right when i am struggling with ritalin. I have taken it off and on for a long time, mostly for work. Sometimes it would help. But it is also the only thing that has touched my anhedonia and at times my mood. Unfortunately I dont offer any good news from my situation. I have tried quite a few meds over 30ish years.
> Because i have been so treatment resistant and stimulants are the only thing that have touched mood and/or motivation, my dr recently actually suggested trying to increase my ritalin, take it consistently, and throughout the day as it only seems to last about 3-4 hrs with the long-acting for me. I crashed a couple of times pretty hard over the weekend and it is losing its effectiveness. Today i have been trying to hold back tears as i really wonder if what i am afraid of will really shortly happen.
> Anti-psychotics make me more depressed and agitated. I have tried amantadine and am currently on wellbutrin. Im not sure if the wellbutrin is actually helping though.


Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers

Posted by jono_in_adelaide on September 24, 2012, at 17:41:19

In reply to Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers » alchemy, posted by AlexCanada on September 24, 2012, at 13:48:46

You might well find that parnate plus welbutrin was usefull because of the threashold effect - each drug might only raise your neurotransmitter levels so far, but not enough to get remission, but the combo might get you over the line.

You have nothing to lose by trying, and everything to gain.

Given everything you've tried, you are running low on options, so I would encourage you to try Parnate both alone in combination.

If I can explain it like this - Excedrin is quite a potent analgesic, made up of aspirin, acetaminophen ans caffeine. The individual constituents, in the doses present, are onlyweak analgesics individualy, but in concert they provide a very usefull analgesic effect.

You might find the same effect with Welbutrin + parnate (or any other logical combo) - two drugs that were mediocre along might turn out to be quite potent in combination.


Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers

Posted by jono_in_adelaide on September 24, 2012, at 17:58:02

In reply to Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers, posted by jono_in_adelaide on September 24, 2012, at 17:41:19

You might prefer the combo of emasem + welbutrin, and it might be that parnate/emasem + welbutrin + methylphenidate gets you over the line.

There are also the options of vagal stimulation, deep magnetic stimulation etc which might be worth exploring if you feel you have run out of med options


Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers

Posted by jono_in_adelaide on September 24, 2012, at 18:47:21

In reply to Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers, posted by jono_in_adelaide on September 24, 2012, at 17:58:02

Also, if you can get your hands on Stabelon through the grey market, that plus welbutrin or parnate or emasem would be well worth a try


Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers

Posted by Trevpr on September 24, 2012, at 19:29:41

In reply to Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers, posted by jono_in_adelaide on September 24, 2012, at 18:47:21

Well I cant get Stablon, but ill ask about emsam or parnate. I was going to go on parnate but for some reason the doc chose vivactil and abilify


Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers

Posted by jono_in_adelaide on September 24, 2012, at 19:44:31

In reply to Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers, posted by Trevpr on September 24, 2012, at 19:29:41

I'd seriously try Parnate, and if that doesnt get you over the line, try Parnate plus Welbutrin (for the reasons outlined above)

Dont be afraid to push the doseages either, 80mg per day of Parnate isnt unusual.

Best of luck!


Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers

Posted by Trevpr on September 24, 2012, at 20:09:11

In reply to Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers, posted by jono_in_adelaide on September 24, 2012, at 19:44:31

Thanks for the help everyone! I hope Parnate will be my next trial.

Now as far as libido/interest in women goes, how likely is it that it will come back? I mean, I'm in my prime here, and I really would love to start dating again, so it's sort of important to me, but it's been gone for 11 months without any change. Does Parnate necessarily raise sex drive? From anecdotal user reviews, it appears to be equally likely to cause problems as to fix them sexually.


Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers

Posted by schleprock on September 25, 2012, at 0:05:06

In reply to Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers, posted by jono_in_adelaide on September 24, 2012, at 19:44:31

I'm currently in some sort of remission from anhedonia and other meloncholic like symptoms (they may be technically more rooted in anxiety than depression, though.) I've suffered them off and on over the past several months. Clonazepam helped in varying degrees, though I ended up gradually increasing my dosage from .5mg to 1.5 mg. I'm still on clonazepam (and nortriptyline) and have been on Lyrica (titrated from 50 mg - 150 mg) for about a month. So far this is about the longest I've went without the meloncholic\anhedonic symptoms returning. The anhedonic symptoms I'd had were very severe (as in an uncomfortable and excruciating wait for the day to pass so I could go to sleep and pray I felt better the next day; much more dostressing than just some sort of boredom.)

I've had no real relief in mood or libido (which has steadily decreased over the past year,) but at least I'm somewhat comfortable again. Before the Lyrica I tried Risperidone, which brought about two weeks of relief before it wore off and started to make me feel worse.

I've never gotten a clear answer, but there's a chance that (neurotransmitter produced) anxiety may share many symptoms associated with melancholic depression, so an anti-anxiety med strategy might be something to look into.


Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers

Posted by Trevpr on September 25, 2012, at 1:22:00

In reply to Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers, posted by schleprock on September 25, 2012, at 0:05:06

I personally have no anxiety or panic, but I did experience this to an extreme degree the first 3 months of the depression, so I'm not worried about that, I'm just worried about feeling like a zombie still. I'm calling my psychiatrist tomorrow and ill update with what she said


Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers

Posted by jono_in_adelaide on September 25, 2012, at 3:57:59

In reply to Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers, posted by schleprock on September 25, 2012, at 0:05:06

Just came to me in a dazeling flash - have you had your testosterone levels checked?


Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers

Posted by bleauberry on September 25, 2012, at 4:57:46

In reply to ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers, posted by Trevpr on September 23, 2012, at 17:47:02

1.) Has anyone here had remission from anhedonic symptoms? If so, how? What was it like? How long did it take before remission?

Mine is about 80% gone and getting better with time. As you have already seen in your research, it's a complicated mechanism, and as such, takes time. My progress has not been noticeable on a daily or weekly basis, but rather on a monthly and yearly basis. 3 years from total anhedonia to only 20% anhedonia, for me.

2.) Anyone have any experience with the beforementioned treatments? Any of them help anhedonic symptoms?

Basically the NE and DA circuits are the ones primarily involved. But we can't predict the mechanism or drug that will do what we want, so we have to try stuff that focuses on NE and DA. For me, I have discovered NE is a much bigger player in anhedonia than is dopamine. Of all the meds you listed, there are actually only meds in my experience worth looking at....savella, parnate, amisulpride. Don't worry about the scientific reasoning stuff....savella shares similarities with ritalin for example....I'm just saying these things had a definite impact on my anhedonia when absolutely nothing else did squat.

3.) Has anyone gotten their sex drive back after having it absent for months? Did it come back fully?

Yes. For me, the sexual comeback period was maybe about 3 to 6 months. I am well versed and experienced with a bunch of herbs and plant medicines. The one I would suggest to you as a longterm friend for sex, endurance, energy, and hormonal/mood support, is Cordyceps. It can be combined with anything except perhaps an maoi.

4.) Anyone have any advice on treating anhedonia?
Do not rely on meds alone. The brain needs to be shown and taught what you want it to do. Which means purposefully going out to do fun things, even though they won't feel fun. Brain training. Church, hobby, social interaction....all good healthy stuff that helps to diminish anhedonia even without drugs or herbs, and makes drugs/herbs work better. Since sex is an issue, then of the 3 meds I mentioned I would probably put savella at the top of the list as being the least offensive to sex.

All three worked for me and did so fast.
Side effects caused me to only take them short term. The most dramatic improvement was with savella. I found that especially meaningful, because prior to that I had just failed ECT and prior to that a backpack full of meds and herbs.


Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers

Posted by Trevpr on September 25, 2012, at 9:03:35

In reply to Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers, posted by jono_in_adelaide on September 25, 2012, at 3:57:59

Yes, all hormones are ok


Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers

Posted by Trevpr on September 25, 2012, at 11:19:02

In reply to Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers, posted by bleauberry on September 25, 2012, at 4:57:46

I'm thinking about compiling an anhedonia guide with all the info I'm getting. Thank you all for your helpful comments


Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers

Posted by jono_in_adelaide on September 25, 2012, at 18:37:45

In reply to Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers, posted by Trevpr on September 25, 2012, at 11:19:02

The other thing I need to add is that you cant always achive 100% remission with drug therapy, sometimes you need to be satisfied with 70% improvement or whatever - you arnt at that point yet, but keep it in mind that pills might not bring total remission of every symptom.

I'd also strongly suggest you start seeing a compotent psychologist along with exploring every avenue of drug therapy.


Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers

Posted by Trevpr on September 26, 2012, at 0:45:42

In reply to Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers, posted by jono_in_adelaide on September 25, 2012, at 18:37:45

That's exactly what I'm afraid of... I really miss the old me!!!

Sometimes I contemplate just coming off all drugs all together because none have worked.

Does anyone know anything about chronic depression? The only info I could find was about dysthymia which only usually states things like "It lasts at least two years" and "it is less severe than major depression (bullsh*t in my opinion)." Does chronic depression necessarily last a lifetime? Does it never go away fully?

I hope that something works... I just went up to 20mg daily of Vivactil and 5mg abilify daily.


Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers » bleauberry

Posted by AlexCanada on September 26, 2012, at 3:16:38

In reply to Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers, posted by bleauberry on September 25, 2012, at 4:57:46

Hi. I'm very curious about Savella (my doc may have to somehow import it since I can't get it in Canada) and would love to try it but can you tell me more about how Amisulpride effected you?

How would you describe your depression? Mine is strong melancholic with full blown melancholic symptoms. Especially very poor cognition and lack of interest/enjoyment.

Dopamine based meds have tended to work best for me in my 10 year history but is Amisulpride likely to cause cognitive impairment in someone whom already is very impaired or more likely to alleviate it?

I had some other questions but I can't recall right now.

> 1.) Has anyone here had remission from anhedonic symptoms? If so, how? What was it like? How long did it take before remission?
> Mine is about 80% gone and getting better with time. As you have already seen in your research, it's a complicated mechanism, and as such, takes time. My progress has not been noticeable on a daily or weekly basis, but rather on a monthly and yearly basis. 3 years from total anhedonia to only 20% anhedonia, for me.
> 2.) Anyone have any experience with the beforementioned treatments? Any of them help anhedonic symptoms?
> Basically the NE and DA circuits are the ones primarily involved. But we can't predict the mechanism or drug that will do what we want, so we have to try stuff that focuses on NE and DA. For me, I have discovered NE is a much bigger player in anhedonia than is dopamine. Of all the meds you listed, there are actually only meds in my experience worth looking at....savella, parnate, amisulpride. Don't worry about the scientific reasoning stuff....savella shares similarities with ritalin for example....I'm just saying these things had a definite impact on my anhedonia when absolutely nothing else did squat.
> 3.) Has anyone gotten their sex drive back after having it absent for months? Did it come back fully?
> Yes. For me, the sexual comeback period was maybe about 3 to 6 months. I am well versed and experienced with a bunch of herbs and plant medicines. The one I would suggest to you as a longterm friend for sex, endurance, energy, and hormonal/mood support, is Cordyceps. It can be combined with anything except perhaps an maoi.
> 4.) Anyone have any advice on treating anhedonia?
> Do not rely on meds alone. The brain needs to be shown and taught what you want it to do. Which means purposefully going out to do fun things, even though they won't feel fun. Brain training. Church, hobby, social interaction....all good healthy stuff that helps to diminish anhedonia even without drugs or herbs, and makes drugs/herbs work better. Since sex is an issue, then of the 3 meds I mentioned I would probably put savella at the top of the list as being the least offensive to sex.
> All three worked for me and did so fast.
> Side effects caused me to only take them short term. The most dramatic improvement was with savella. I found that especially meaningful, because prior to that I had just failed ECT and prior to that a backpack full of meds and herbs.


Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers » Trevpr

Posted by phidippus on September 26, 2012, at 14:06:10

In reply to ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers, posted by Trevpr on September 23, 2012, at 17:47:02

Not all antidepressants blunt mood. Mirtazapine has an affinity for dopamine receptors,especially D4(Ki 25)-something that contributes to its efficacy as an antidepressant. I never felt blunt on it.

What dopamine agonists have you tried?

What about Marijuana?



Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers

Posted by Trevpr on September 26, 2012, at 20:14:33

In reply to Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers » Trevpr, posted by phidippus on September 26, 2012, at 14:06:10

Marijuana made my heart rate go up with no effect on mood or emotion. I tried mirapex but it just made me tired


Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers » Trevpr

Posted by phidippus on September 27, 2012, at 15:45:47

In reply to Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers, posted by Trevpr on September 26, 2012, at 20:14:33

Persistent anhedonia strikes me as a disorder unto its own, sharing similarities with Depersonalization Disorder, a feature of which includes,"feeling detached from one's own thoughts or emotions".

I don't think drugs are going to offer you a solution.



Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers

Posted by Trevpr on September 27, 2012, at 18:52:08

In reply to Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers » Trevpr, posted by phidippus on September 27, 2012, at 15:45:47

Dang, well I hope then it will eventually go away on its own...


Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers » Trevpr

Posted by phidippus on September 28, 2012, at 16:17:17

In reply to Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers, posted by Trevpr on September 27, 2012, at 18:52:08

How long have you had this condition?



Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers

Posted by Trevpr on September 28, 2012, at 17:02:54

In reply to Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers » Trevpr, posted by phidippus on September 28, 2012, at 16:17:17

its been about 11 months now


Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers » Trevpr

Posted by phidippus on September 29, 2012, at 16:25:59

In reply to Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers, posted by Trevpr on September 28, 2012, at 17:02:54

What happened 11 months ago that started this?



Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers

Posted by Trevpr on September 29, 2012, at 17:24:28

In reply to Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers » Trevpr, posted by phidippus on September 29, 2012, at 16:25:59

Triggered by chronic academic stress, a significant breakup, and life changes


Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers » Trevpr

Posted by phidippus on September 29, 2012, at 17:39:49

In reply to Re: ANHEDONIA - Questions and Answers, posted by Trevpr on September 29, 2012, at 17:24:28

Do you work with a therapist?


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