Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 947458

Shown: posts 1 to 22 of 22. This is the beginning of the thread.


What Causes Our Symptoms?

Posted by bleauberry on May 14, 2010, at 20:09:15

While we do our best to try the meds we find to help us feel better, I just thought it would be helpful to consider the possible causes of our symptoms. I really don't think it is the mystery or futuristic science that we might assume it is.

While the following article focuses on schizophrenia, you'll see all of the symptoms we all suffer are listed. Such as depression, emotional instability, anxiety, fatigue, concentration, well, all of them.

Some of them are ones I talk about all the time. Some will be new to all of us. While the task would at first seem daunting at ruling out each one of the possible causes, I think it really isn't that hard. Description and history alone can rule out some. Lab tests can pinpoint some of them, but diagnostic challenge tests are in my opinion the best detectives. I estimate 70% of these are self daignosable at home with the wealth of knowledge available to us in today's technology and internet marketplace.

Pay special attention to the candida, metal toxicity, and wheat/dairy issues. Some of the others are obvious, but still don't get any attention at our doctor office very often.

I also found scientific reports from around the world talking about some of these things, primarily the ones I've focused on. It is interesting that while the best medical system in the world doesn't know much about these causes of psychiatric illnesses, obscure countries around the world appear to be way of ahead of us in vision.

Twenty-Nine Medical Causes of Schizophrenia

Excerpted from Nutrition and Mental Illness

by the late Carl C. Pfeiffer, Ph.D., M.D.

Internationally renowned pioneer in the treatment of mental disturbances through nutrition.

The term "schizophrenia" is an inadequate and misleading diagnosis. "Disperceptions of unknown cause" is a better term.

If we include fevers, environmental pains, and drug reactions, there must be a hundred ways to go crazy and be diagnosed as schizophrenic.

A comprehensive list of possible causes for disperceptions that cause schizophrenia is shown in the table below.

Causes of Schizophrenia well-known, less-known, and almost unknown


Dementia paralytica
Drug intoxications
Folic acid/B12 deficiency
Sleep deprivation
Heavy metal toxicity

Less Well-known
Psychomotor epilepsy
Cerebral allergy
Wheat-gluten sensitivity
Histapenia copper excess
Wilson's disease
Chronic Candida infection
Huntington's chorea
Almost Unknown

Dopamine excess
Serine excess
Prolactin excess
Dialysis therapy
Serotonin imbalance
Leucine, histidine imbalance
Interferon, amantadine, anti-viral drugs
Platelets deficient in MAO (monoamine oxidase)

Dementia paralytica

This is a form of syphilis which generally affects patients in their 40s or 50s. Increased behavioral deterioration occurs and the person may be believed to have a "psychiatric illness" or Alzheimers disease. Symptoms can include convulsions, irritability, difficulty in concentrating, deterioration of memory, defective judgment, headaches, insomnia, fatigue, lethargy, deteriorated hygiene emotional instability, depression, and delusions of grandeur with lack of insight. The patient gradually progresses toward dementia and paralysis.


A disease caused by a lack of Vitamin B3 (niacin) in the diet or poor absorption of the vitamin. It is common throughout the world but infrequent in the U.S. It primarily strikes those lacking protein in their diets or who have a high corn diet or are unable to assimilate the vitamin. Symptoms often begin with weakness, listlessness, insomnia, and weight loss. Exposed skin becomes red and scaly. Loss of appetite, indigestion, and diarrhea occur. As the disease progresses the nervous system is impacted, manifesting symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, aches, muscle tremors and mental disturbances.


Porphyria is an inherited disease, usually first manifesting after puberty, that prevents the synthesis of heme, the part of blood that carries oxygen and makes blood red. There are a number of types of porphyria, some from bone marrow and others from the liver. Neurological symptoms frequently occur in those stemming from the liver. A review of 2500 psychiatric patients showed a 1.5% occurrence of porphyria.

Porphyria is identified by port-colored urine and feces which darken on exposure to light. Additional symptoms can be loss of vision, sensitivity to light, aches and pains, acne, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and abnormal fat metabolism.

Mental and neurological symptoms include irritability, confusion, delirium, psychosis, depression, hallucinations, seizures, altered consciousness, mood swings, and paralysis. Genetic carriers can experience mood swings and body pain while exhibiting no other signs of the illness.


This is characterized by insufficient production of thyroid hormone. It can also be caused by poor metabolism of the thyroid hormone. The general net result is a slowing of the metabolism. This ailment is thoroughly covered in Dr. Broda Barnes Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness. Brodas book discusses the fact that hypothyroidism may not show up on standard blood tests and further testing may be required (covered in the book).

Physical symptoms can include weight increase, sensitivity to cold, coarsened features, thinning hair, dry puffy skin, pallor, hoarseness, slurred speech, night blindness, difficulty hearing, vision loss, migraines, constipation, edema, anemia, joint pain, slowed pulse, muscle aches, and weakness, and low libido.

Mental symptoms include terrifying dreams, obsessions, frightening hallucinations, paranoia, suicidal ruminations, psychosis, depression, emotional instability, delusions, fear, suspiciousness, resentment, auditory or visual hallucinations, paranoia and psychosis.

Hypothyroidism often first manifests as a result of severe stress.

The book Natural Healing for Schizophrenia reports that 10% of patients diagnosed with "schizophrenia" have been found to have thyroid imbalances. It has been estimated that up to 20% of women over 60 have evidence of hypothyroidism.

Drug Intoxications

This is self-evident.


The compound homocysteine is normally not found in the blood or urine in noteworthy amounts. Homocysteinuria is a metabolic disorder resulting in an excessive accumulation of homocysteine in the blood and urine. Frequency of occurrence is 1 in 100,000 patients.

Elevated homocysteine levels are a risk factor for all kinds of vascular disease including strokes and heart ailments. Homocysteinuria can result in mental retardation and seizures.

Folic Acid/B12 Deficiency

Folic acid (Vitamin B9) is needed for forming body protein and hemoglobin. It is also needed to utilize B12. Folic acid and B12 work together to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins and to form red blood cells. Older people are most at risk for developing B12 deficiencies. Also, surgical removal of part of the intestine can lead to B12 deficiency.

B12 deficiency is the cause of pernicious anemia, characterized by a gradual reduction in the number of red blood cells and by gastrointestinal and nervous disturbances. Eighty percent of pernicious anemia patients show neurological changes and 60% exhibit personality changes.

Physical symptoms of folic acid deficiency include fatigue and weakness, paleness, red, sore tongue, lesions in the corner of the mouth, burning feet, restless leg syndrome, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting and, rarely, diarrhea.

Physical symptoms of B12 deficiency include weakness in the arms and legs (sometimes being mistaken for multiple sclerosis) in addition to the signs of pernicious anemia.

Mental symptoms of B12 or folic acid deficiency includes confusion, fatigue, poor memory, difficulty concentrating or learning, and mental lethargy. It can be mistaken for Alzheimers in older patients. Additional mental disturbances include: loss of alertness, drive, self-confidence, and independence, social withdrawal, nervous irritability, headaches, insomnia, moodiness, severe agitation, lack of coordination, anxiety, delusions of persecution, and mania. Deficiency may also induce auditory hallucinations, psychosis, and paranoia.

Sleep Deprivation

Lack of sleep can occur a number of ways. Total sleep deprivation is complete absence of sleep. Partial is insufficient sleep night after night. Sleep can also appear to be sufficient in amount yet be poor in quality. This occurs with sleep apnea, marked by heavy snoring and occasional gasps for air the person is awakened often hundreds of times a night without knowing it, gulping air due to a closed airway in the throat.

Sleep deprivation symptoms include irritability, fatigue, blurred vision, slurring of speech, memory lapses, and inability to concentrate. In extreme stages bizarre behavior and hallucinations can occur.

Heavy Metal Toxicity

Heavy metals is the term used for a group of elements that have particular weight characteristics. They are on the "heavier" end of the periodic table of elements. Some heavy metals such as cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, vanadium, strontium, and zinc are essential to health in trace amounts. Others are non-essential and can be harmful to health in excessive amounts. These include cadmium, antimony, chromium, mercury, lead, and arsenic these last three being the most common in cases of heavy metal toxicity.

Sources of toxicity can include environmental, water supply, industrial, hobbies, and others, thus a full history of the persons work and living habits can help pinpoint potential heavy metal sources.

As an example of the scope of a heavy metals toxicity, lead can affect the nervous system, gastrointestinal system, cardiovascular system, blood production, kidneys, and reproductive system.

Lead toxicity physical symptoms include a combinations of gastrointestinal complaints, anemia and neurological problems; also headaches and convulsions. Mental symptoms include restlessness, insomnia, irritability, confusion, excitement, anxiety, delusions, and disturbing dreams

Arsenic symptoms include stomach problems, neurological troubles, kidney failure, increased pigmentation of soles, palms, or other areas, garlic odor on breath, excessive salivation, progressive blindness, and others. Mental symptoms include apathy, dementia, and anorexia.

Mercury toxicity has been linked to, among other things, mercury dental fillings, particularly when people have a large number of them. Symptoms include a metallic taste in the mouth, excess salivation, gingivitis, tremors, stomach and kidney troubles. Mental symptoms include shyness, irritability, apathy and depression, psychosis, mental deterioration, and anorexia.


This is a common condition of an abnormally low level of sugar in the blood. Sugar levels frequently change throughout the day and may be normal sometimes and abnormal at others. Symptoms include weakness, shakiness, excess hunger, anxiety, outbursts, faintness, headaches, passing out, delirium, coma, hallucinations, excess sweating, the appearance of intoxication, marked personality changes, irritability, negativism, mood swings, depression, crying spells, and a panorama of similar mental symptoms.

Numerous patients given psychiatric diagnoses have actually turned out to have hypoglycemia, including those classified with depression, manic-depressive disorder, and schizophrenia.

Psychomotor Epilepsy

Psychomotor epilepsy is also known as temporal lobe epilepsy or complex partial seizures. Epilepsy is a chronic brain disorder in which the electrical activity of the brain is periodically temporarily interrupted resulting in a seizure.

Not all seizures are jerking motions. In psychomotor (mind-motion) epilepsy the seizures are manifested in personality, emotional, thinking, and behavioral changes. This condition is very likely to be misdiagnosed as a mental disorder. People with psychomotor epilepsy have been given schizophrenia, manic depressive, depression, attention-deficit disorder, and other diagnoses.

The disorder has cyclical phases. The pre-seizure stage can last for hours or up to seven days with symptoms of moodiness, depression, anxiety or constant low-level anger, irritation, or annoyance, accompanied by general unhappiness and constant arguments.

The seizure stage of 60 to 90 seconds can include misperceptions of the environment, hallucinations, and bizarre sensations.

Between seizures, personality is affected by excessive, tangential speech, overly emotional feelings, and lack of sexual desire. Under physical or emotional stress, psychotic episodes can occur.

Cerebral Allergy

An allergy is a negative sensitivity, usually to a substance, which causes a physical reaction. Classical responses include creation of blood antibodies, histamine release, swelling, itching, runny nose, and others. However, substances can cause many negative reactions commonly not associated with allergies.

In the case of cerebral (brain) allergies in which the allergies affect the nervous system reactions include brain inflammation, irritability, fear, depression, aggression, extreme mood swings in a single day, hyperactivity, and psychosis.

A study of "schizophrenics" by Dr. William Philpott showed allergic responses as follows: Wheat (64%), Mature corn (51%), Pasteurized whole cow milk (50%), Tobacco (75% with 10% becoming grossly psychotic with delusions, hallucinations and particularly paranoia), and Hydrocarbons (30% with weakness being common and some participants reacting with delusions or suicidal inclinations). Ninety-two percent of the patients showed allergic responses with an average of ten items per person causing reactions.

Wheat-gluten sensitivity

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and oats that gives dough its sticky quality. An inability to digest these grains is called celiac disease. Its been estimated that up to 20% of Americans have the disease to some degree.

Studies have shown celiac disease to be inordinately high in "schizophrenic" populations. Research removing gluten and dairy products (which often seems to add to the problem) from the diet of a locked ward resulted in a significant improvement of patient behavior. See also the Philpott study mentioned above under "Cerebral Allergy."

Symptoms include mood swings (down after eating and up after avoidance), severe depression, anxiety, irritability, compulsive behavior, "schizophrenia" symptoms, and other mental disorders.

Histapenia Copper Excess

Histapenia (hista-: histamine; -penia: deficiency of) is a shortage of histamine in the body. Histamine is an important brain chemical involved in many reactions. It has been found that 50% of patients classified as "schizophrenic" have low histamine levels in the blood and it rises to normal as they improve.

These same patients are found to have high copper levels. Elevated copper decreases blood histamine. Excess copper is linked with psychosis.

According to Pfeiffer, people with histapenia tend to have classic signs, including canker sores, difficult orgasm with sex, no headaches or allergies, heavy growth of body hair, ideas of grandeur, undue suspicion of people, racing thoughts, the feeling that someone controls ones mind, seeing or hearing things abnormally, ringing in the ears, and others.


This is a disorder, prominent in males, of too much histamine in the blood. (Compare to histapenia above). Estimated to affect 15-20% of patients classified as "schizophrenic."

Symptoms include hyperactivity, compulsions, obsessions, inner tensions, blank mind episodes, phobias, chronic depression, and strong suicidal tendencies.

Physical signs can include little tolerance for pain, rapid metabolism, lean build, profuse sweating, seasonal allergies, and frequent colds.


A pyrrole is a chemical substance that is involved in the formation of heme, which makes blood red. Pyrroles bind with B6 and then with zinc, thus depleting these nutrients. Abnormal production of pyrroles and their appearance in the urine of psychotics was first noticed in 1958 during LSD experimentation. Approximately 15-30% of "schizophrenics" have pyroluria. (At least 10% of these also have histamine problems.)

Symptoms include sweet, fruity breath and body odor, general loss of appetite, motion sickness, problems with sugar metabolism, allergies. Mental phenomena include delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, occasional loss of contact with reality, amnesia spells, and low stress tolerance. Person has a tendency to have insight (understand they have mental problems).

The ailment, which normally strikes females, generally responds well to B6 and zinc treatment.

Wilsons Disease

This is an inherited liver disorder named after British neurologist Samuel Wilson. The small intestine absorbs too much copper and the liver excretes too little of it, resulting in a copper buildup in the liver and brain. Onset is slow and begins between 11 and 25 years of age.

A wide array of symptoms occur, fitting a number of psychiatric diagnoses, including "major depression," "schizophrenia," and "hysteria." Children with Wilsons disease can appear to be mentally retarded. Appetite loss and weight loss can appear along with hallucinations and delusions.

The physical manifestations of Wilsons disease do not appear until the late stages, thus it is easily misdiagnosed as "psychiatric illness."

Chronic Candida Infection

Refer to Dr. William Crooks article on "Candida and Mental Health" on this web site.

Candida is a yeast that lives in the body normally. However, broad-spectrum antibiotics tend to kill off Candidas enemies in the body and can result in Candida overgrowth. The yeasts put out toxins that can weaken the immune system and cause a long list of symptoms.

Although psychosis is not a common manifestation of Candida, it has occurred. Mental symptoms have included fatigue, inability to concentrate, depression, mood swings, anxiety, hyperactivity, delusions, "manic depression," psychosis, and suicidal or violent tendencies.

Huntington's Chorea

A chorea is a nervous disorder marked by involuntary movements of the body and face and lack of coordination of the limbs. Huntingtons chorea, a rare, inherited illness named after American neurologist George Huntington, is commonly labeled as "schizophrenia" because of its progression of mental decline. Even when involuntary movements appear, they may be mistaken for drug side effects.

Huntingtons chorea usually appears in midlife. Beginning symptoms can include irritability, eccentricity and psychosis. Further signs include paranoia, obstinacy , indifference, euphoria, and violence. The disorder results in complete mental deterioration. Dr. Abram Hoffer reports successfully treating two cases with nutrition.

An important diagnostic tool in spotting Huntingtons chorea is family history of the disease.


Prostaglandins ("prosta": standing before; "glandin": gland) are substances that act like hormones in the body. They effect blood pressure, metabolism, body temperature, and other important functions. Prostaglandin levels that are too high or too low can create symptoms. There are different kinds of prostaglandins with specific functions, thus different physical and mental reactions occur with imbalances in each one. Elevated prostaglandin levels have been observed in, for example, pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). Research has shown that high levels of a prostaglandin called E2 coupled with low levels of one called E1 have been seen as a major cause of certain forms of depression. E2 is a central nervous system depressant.

Its been observed that geographical regions with low selenium levels in the soil and less sunshine have higher rates of "schizophrenia." Since some prostaglandins require selenium for their synthesis, its believed prostaglandin deficiency may be a source of "schizophrenia."

Dopamine Excess

Dopamine is a substance involved with emotional and hormonal response and the integration of experience, emotion, and thought. Additionally, it stimulates the brains pleasure center and is involved in sexual arousal. Dopamine appears to be a factor in producing hallucinations, voices and other symptoms associated with "schizophrenia." Those with histapenia (see above) often have elevated dopamine levels.


Endorphins, discovered in 1975, are substances secreted in the brain. They have a pain-relieving and stress-relieving effect similar to morphine. Endorphin molecules lock onto receptors in the brain to remove the perception of pain.

It has been shown that drugs which artificially stimulate and suppress the endorphin receptors can produce symptoms bordering on psychosis. Gluten molecules (see "Wheat-gluten Sensitivity" above) are molecularly similar in shape to endorphins and thus can create the same stimulatory/suppression activity. Certain dairy proteins have been shown to have similar qualities.

Serine Excess

Serine is an amino acid that is part of many proteins. It plays a critical role in maintaining blood sugar levels. It has a vital part in the production of the myelin sheath the coating that protects certain nerve fibers.

In numerous studies the plasma levels of serine have been found to be significantly higher in "schizophrenics" than in control groups. There is also evidence that serine metabolism is abnormal in psychotics. In one study a limited sector of psychiatric patients who responded to a carbohydrate-rich, low-protein diet became psychotic again after oral intake of serine.

Prolactin Excess

Prolactin is a hormone also known as luteotropic hormone. It comes from the pituitary gland and induces lactation. Non-pregnant women have low levels of it and it increases about ten times in pregnant women. When prolactin levels are excessive in non-pregnant women, the condition is known as hyperprolactinemia.

This condition can produce a number of symptoms including lactation by a non-nursing woman and irregular or absent menstrual periods.

Excess prolactin has been connected with pre-menstrual syndrome and a host of extreme mental states that can occur with it. In some people tranquilizers can increase prolactin levels.

Dialysis Therapy

Patients who undergo dialysis regularly may be exposed to high levels of aluminum in dialysis fluids and medicines. A reaction called dialysis encephalopathy can occur. (Encephalopathy is a general term for "brain disease.") What follows is a progressive mental degeneration manifested by tremors, convulsions, psychosis and other changes in speech and behavior. Reduction of aluminum levels significantly reduces the incidence of this problem.

Serotonin Imbalance

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, a chemical that transmits messages from one nerve to another. Too much or too little serotonin has been associated with depression, psychosis, and other problems. While drugs can be used to mask the symptoms of this problem, they do not solve the problem of the imbalance. Further medical inquiry in indicated in these situations to find the cause or to find nutritional supplementation that will permit the body to produce correct serotonin levels.

Leucine, Histidine Imbalance

Leucine and histidine are essential amino acids (the body doesnt make them). The leucine, histidine imbalance high leucine and low histidine was a condition Pfeiffer theorized as being a cause of "schizophrenia." Modern research has shown, however, that leucine-histidine imbalance does not play a significant role.

Interferon, Amantadine, Anti-Viral Drugs

A number of non-psychotropic drugs can create psychosis. It must be remembered that the nervous system is intimately connected with other bodily systems. Medical drugs can effect blood chemistry, hormonal balances, and a host of other areas that directly impact the brain and nervous system.

Interferon is a treatment for hepatitis. An estimated 1-2% of interferon users manifest psychosis or suicidal behavior.

Amantadine, a drug for Parkinsons Disease, can cause hallucinations, depression, jitteriness, and confusion. Caution is recommended in its use in people with a history of psychosis.

In anyone experiencing a psychotic episode, recent drug ingestion must be considered as a cause.

Platelets Deficient in MAO (monoamine oxidase)

Monoamine oxidase is an enzyme that metabolizes (destroys) the neurotransmitter serotonin. Platelets are small blood cells involved in the formation of blood clots. If platelets have too little MAO, the serotonin levels increase. High serotonin is connected with a number of severe mental states such as the one classified as "paranoid schizophrenia."

In researching this particular malady of platelets low in MAO, we were told by Dr. William Walsh, who worked with Dr. Pfieffer for 12 years, that he did not recall dealing with any cases of MAO deficiency so he was uncertain if MAO deficiency is a verified condition or a theoretical one.


Re: What Causes Our Symptoms?

Posted by linkadge on May 14, 2010, at 21:11:53

In reply to What Causes Our Symptoms?, posted by bleauberry on May 14, 2010, at 20:09:15

Well to be honest, you have to throw in the towel at some point and just do what helps.

I have read books worth of material on what causes depression, everything from heavy metal toxicity to "not embracing my aura". I just don't really care at this point. I have exhasted all the rational possible causes. You can drive yourself more mad with the blame, and the incessant search for an "underlying cause".

My meds are working ok now. I feel ok. Thats all that matters to me at the moment.



Re: What Causes Our Symptoms?

Posted by manic666 on May 15, 2010, at 5:17:08

In reply to What Causes Our Symptoms?, posted by bleauberry on May 14, 2010, at 20:09:15

linkadge//spot on my friend//i little storry not really off topic//when my best working dog tug became ill with an allergy///the vet said it could be 1 of a million things that triggered it//you could pay thousands of dollors an stiil not find the cause.//see where im comming from,tug died from his allergy//blea to have all that doom an gloom practally usless info running round my brain 24-7 i would terminate myself .people die of what they think they have through worry//like my tug ,you carnt have checks for every illness on the planet just to rule it out you havent got it//


Re: What Causes Our Symptoms? » bleauberry

Posted by SLS on May 15, 2010, at 6:33:08

In reply to What Causes Our Symptoms?, posted by bleauberry on May 14, 2010, at 20:09:15

Hi Bleauberry.

That's a lot of stuff.

Do you know of a diagnostic algorithm that would include some of these proposed causations? Perhaps one day there will be statistics of frequency for these things. It is daunting to give each of these nosological entities equal weight when trying to evaluate the evolution of mood symptoms.

- Scott


Re: What Causes Our Symptoms?

Posted by linkadge on May 15, 2010, at 7:49:28

In reply to Re: What Causes Our Symptoms? » bleauberry, posted by SLS on May 15, 2010, at 6:33:08

Good point.

As a side note, many naturalpathic doctors are in it for the money too. They sell diseases just like regular drug companies.

I had two separate hair analysis performed on the same day at seperate natural health practitioners. The results for vitamin dificiencies were grosly inconsistent.

This is not to say that some are not good, but there are a lot of crooks out there.



Re: What Causes Our Symptoms? » SLS

Posted by ed_uk2010 on May 15, 2010, at 10:19:16

In reply to Re: What Causes Our Symptoms? » bleauberry, posted by SLS on May 15, 2010, at 6:33:08

>Do you know of a diagnostic algorithm that would include some of these proposed causations?

I think most doctors would stick to testing thyroid function and maybe vitamin B12 status.


Re: What Causes Our Symptoms?

Posted by bulldog2 on May 15, 2010, at 14:48:39

In reply to What Causes Our Symptoms?, posted by bleauberry on May 14, 2010, at 20:09:15

> While we do our best to try the meds we find to help us feel better, I just thought it would be helpful to consider the possible causes of our symptoms. I really don't think it is the mystery or futuristic science that we might assume it is.
> While the following article focuses on schizophrenia, you'll see all of the symptoms we all suffer are listed. Such as depression, emotional instability, anxiety, fatigue, concentration, well, all of them.
> Some of them are ones I talk about all the time. Some will be new to all of us. While the task would at first seem daunting at ruling out each one of the possible causes, I think it really isn't that hard. Description and history alone can rule out some. Lab tests can pinpoint some of them, but diagnostic challenge tests are in my opinion the best detectives. I estimate 70% of these are self daignosable at home with the wealth of knowledge available to us in today's technology and internet marketplace.
> Pay special attention to the candida, metal toxicity, and wheat/dairy issues. Some of the others are obvious, but still don't get any attention at our doctor office very often.
> I also found scientific reports from around the world talking about some of these things, primarily the ones I've focused on. It is interesting that while the best medical system in the world doesn't know much about these causes of psychiatric illnesses, obscure countries around the world appear to be way of ahead of us in vision.
> Twenty-Nine Medical Causes of Schizophrenia
> Excerpted from Nutrition and Mental Illness
> by the late Carl C. Pfeiffer, Ph.D., M.D.
> Internationally renowned pioneer in the treatment of mental disturbances through nutrition.
> The term "schizophrenia" is an inadequate and misleading diagnosis. "Disperceptions of unknown cause" is a better term.
> If we include fevers, environmental pains, and drug reactions, there must be a hundred ways to go crazy and be diagnosed as schizophrenic.
> A comprehensive list of possible causes for disperceptions that cause schizophrenia is shown in the table below.
> Causes of Schizophrenia well-known, less-known, and almost unknown
> Well-known
> Dementia paralytica
> Pellagra
> Porphyria
> Hypothyroidism
> Drug intoxications
> Homocysteinuria
> Folic acid/B12 deficiency
> Sleep deprivation
> Heavy metal toxicity
> Less Well-known
> Hypoglycemia
> Psychomotor epilepsy
> Cerebral allergy
> Wheat-gluten sensitivity
> Histapenia copper excess
> Histadelia
> Pyroluria
> Wilson's disease
> Chronic Candida infection
> Huntington's chorea
> Almost Unknown
> Prostaglandins
> Dopamine excess
> Endorphins
> Serine excess
> Prolactin excess
> Dialysis therapy
> Serotonin imbalance
> Leucine, histidine imbalance
> Interferon, amantadine, anti-viral drugs
> Platelets deficient in MAO (monoamine oxidase)
> Dementia paralytica
> This is a form of syphilis which generally affects patients in their 40s or 50s. Increased behavioral deterioration occurs and the person may be believed to have a "psychiatric illness" or Alzheimers disease. Symptoms can include convulsions, irritability, difficulty in concentrating, deterioration of memory, defective judgment, headaches, insomnia, fatigue, lethargy, deteriorated hygiene emotional instability, depression, and delusions of grandeur with lack of insight. The patient gradually progresses toward dementia and paralysis.
> Pellagra
> A disease caused by a lack of Vitamin B3 (niacin) in the diet or poor absorption of the vitamin. It is common throughout the world but infrequent in the U.S. It primarily strikes those lacking protein in their diets or who have a high corn diet or are unable to assimilate the vitamin. Symptoms often begin with weakness, listlessness, insomnia, and weight loss. Exposed skin becomes red and scaly. Loss of appetite, indigestion, and diarrhea occur. As the disease progresses the nervous system is impacted, manifesting symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, aches, muscle tremors and mental disturbances.
> Porphyria
> Porphyria is an inherited disease, usually first manifesting after puberty, that prevents the synthesis of heme, the part of blood that carries oxygen and makes blood red. There are a number of types of porphyria, some from bone marrow and others from the liver. Neurological symptoms frequently occur in those stemming from the liver. A review of 2500 psychiatric patients showed a 1.5% occurrence of porphyria.
> Porphyria is identified by port-colored urine and feces which darken on exposure to light. Additional symptoms can be loss of vision, sensitivity to light, aches and pains, acne, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and abnormal fat metabolism.
> Mental and neurological symptoms include irritability, confusion, delirium, psychosis, depression, hallucinations, seizures, altered consciousness, mood swings, and paralysis. Genetic carriers can experience mood swings and body pain while exhibiting no other signs of the illness.
> Hypothyroidism
> This is characterized by insufficient production of thyroid hormone. It can also be caused by poor metabolism of the thyroid hormone. The general net result is a slowing of the metabolism. This ailment is thoroughly covered in Dr. Broda Barnes Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness. Brodas book discusses the fact that hypothyroidism may not show up on standard blood tests and further testing may be required (covered in the book).
> Physical symptoms can include weight increase, sensitivity to cold, coarsened features, thinning hair, dry puffy skin, pallor, hoarseness, slurred speech, night blindness, difficulty hearing, vision loss, migraines, constipation, edema, anemia, joint pain, slowed pulse, muscle aches, and weakness, and low libido.
> Mental symptoms include terrifying dreams, obsessions, frightening hallucinations, paranoia, suicidal ruminations, psychosis, depression, emotional instability, delusions, fear, suspiciousness, resentment, auditory or visual hallucinations, paranoia and psychosis.
> Hypothyroidism often first manifests as a result of severe stress.
> The book Natural Healing for Schizophrenia reports that 10% of patients diagnosed with "schizophrenia" have been found to have thyroid imbalances. It has been estimated that up to 20% of women over 60 have evidence of hypothyroidism.
> Drug Intoxications
> This is self-evident.
> Homocysteinuria
> The compound homocysteine is normally not found in the blood or urine in noteworthy amounts. Homocysteinuria is a metabolic disorder resulting in an excessive accumulation of homocysteine in the blood and urine. Frequency of occurrence is 1 in 100,000 patients.
> Elevated homocysteine levels are a risk factor for all kinds of vascular disease including strokes and heart ailments. Homocysteinuria can result in mental retardation and seizures.
> Folic Acid/B12 Deficiency
> Folic acid (Vitamin B9) is needed for forming body protein and hemoglobin. It is also needed to utilize B12. Folic acid and B12 work together to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins and to form red blood cells. Older people are most at risk for developing B12 deficiencies. Also, surgical removal of part of the intestine can lead to B12 deficiency.
> B12 deficiency is the cause of pernicious anemia, characterized by a gradual reduction in the number of red blood cells and by gastrointestinal and nervous disturbances. Eighty percent of pernicious anemia patients show neurological changes and 60% exhibit personality changes.
> Physical symptoms of folic acid deficiency include fatigue and weakness, paleness, red, sore tongue, lesions in the corner of the mouth, burning feet, restless leg syndrome, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting and, rarely, diarrhea.
> Physical symptoms of B12 deficiency include weakness in the arms and legs (sometimes being mistaken for multiple sclerosis) in addition to the signs of pernicious anemia.
> Mental symptoms of B12 or folic acid deficiency includes confusion, fatigue, poor memory, difficulty concentrating or learning, and mental lethargy. It can be mistaken for Alzheimers in older patients. Additional mental disturbances include: loss of alertness, drive, self-confidence, and independence, social withdrawal, nervous irritability, headaches, insomnia, moodiness, severe agitation, lack of coordination, anxiety, delusions of persecution, and mania. Deficiency may also induce auditory hallucinations, psychosis, and paranoia.
> Sleep Deprivation
> Lack of sleep can occur a number of ways. Total sleep deprivation is complete absence of sleep. Partial is insufficient sleep night after night. Sleep can also appear to be sufficient in amount yet be poor in quality. This occurs with sleep apnea, marked by heavy snoring and occasional gasps for air the person is awakened often hundreds of times a night without knowing it, gulping air due to a closed airway in the throat.
> Sleep deprivation symptoms include irritability, fatigue, blurred vision, slurring of speech, memory lapses, and inability to concentrate. In extreme stages bizarre behavior and hallucinations can occur.
> Heavy Metal Toxicity
> Heavy metals is the term used for a group of elements that have particular weight characteristics. They are on the "heavier" end of the periodic table of elements. Some heavy metals such as cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, vanadium, strontium, and zinc are essential to health in trace amounts. Others are non-essential and can be harmful to health in excessive amounts. These include cadmium, antimony, chromium, mercury, lead, and arsenic these last three being the most common in cases of heavy metal toxicity.
> Sources of toxicity can include environmental, water supply, industrial, hobbies, and others, thus a full history of the persons work and living habits can help pinpoint potential heavy metal sources.
> As an example of the scope of a heavy metals toxicity, lead can affect the nervous system, gastrointestinal system, cardiovascular system, blood production, kidneys, and reproductive system.
> Lead toxicity physical symptoms include a combinations of gastrointestinal complaints, anemia and neurological problems; also headaches and convulsions. Mental symptoms include restlessness, insomnia, irritability, confusion, excitement, anxiety, delusions, and disturbing dreams
> Arsenic symptoms include stomach problems, neurological troubles, kidney failure, increased pigmentation of soles, palms, or other areas, garlic odor on breath, excessive salivation, progressive blindness, and others. Mental symptoms include apathy, dementia, and anorexia.
> Mercury toxicity has been linked to, among other things, mercury dental fillings, particularly when people have a large number of them. Symptoms include a metallic taste in the mouth, excess salivation, gingivitis, tremors, stomach and kidney troubles. Mental symptoms include shyness, irritability, apathy and depression, psychosis, mental deterioration, and anorexia.
> Hypoglycemia
> This is a common condition of an abnormally low level of sugar in the blood. Sugar levels frequently change throughout the day and may be normal sometimes and abnormal at others. Symptoms include weakness, shakiness, excess hunger, anxiety, outbursts, faintness, headaches, passing out, delirium, coma, hallucinations, excess sweating, the appearance of intoxication, marked personality changes, irritability, negativism, mood swings, depression, crying spells, and a panorama of similar mental symptoms.
> Numerous patients given psychiatric diagnoses have actually turned out to have hypoglycemia, including those classified with depression, manic-depressive disorder, and schizophrenia.
> Psychomotor Epilepsy
> Psychomotor epilepsy is also known as temporal lobe epilepsy or complex partial seizures. Epilepsy is a chronic brain disorder in which the electrical activity of the brain is periodically temporarily interrupted resulting in a seizure.
> Not all seizures are jerking motions. In psychomotor (mind-motion) epilepsy the seizures are manifested in personality, emotional, thinking, and behavioral changes. This condition is very likely to be misdiagnosed as a mental disorder. People with psychomotor epilepsy have been given schizophrenia, manic depressive, depression, attention-deficit disorder, and other diagnoses.
> The disorder has cyclical phases. The pre-seizure stage can last for hours or up to seven days with symptoms of moodiness, depression, anxiety or constant low-level anger, irritation, or annoyance, accompanied by general unhappiness and constant arguments.
> The seizure stage of 60 to 90 seconds can include misperceptions of the environment, hallucinations, and bizarre sensations.
> Between seizures, personality is affected by excessive, tangential speech, overly emotional feelings, and lack of sexual desire. Under physical or emotional stress, psychotic episodes can occur.
> Cerebral Allergy
> An allergy is a negative sensitivity, usually to a substance, which causes a physical reaction. Classical responses include creation of blood antibodies, histamine release, swelling, itching, runny nose, and others. However, substances can cause many negative reactions commonly not associated with allergies.
> In the case of cerebral (brain) allergies in which the allergies affect the nervous system reactions include brain inflammation, irritability, fear, depression, aggression, extreme mood swings in a single day, hyperactivity, and psychosis.
> A study of "schizophrenics" by Dr. William Philpott showed allergic responses as follows: Wheat (64%), Mature corn (51%), Pasteurized whole cow milk (50%), Tobacco (75% with 10% becoming grossly psychotic with delusions, hallucinations and particularly paranoia), and Hydrocarbons (30% with weakness being common and some participants reacting with delusions or suicidal inclinations). Ninety-two percent of the patients showed allergic responses with an average of ten items per person causing reactions.
> Wheat-gluten sensitivity
> Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and oats that gives dough its sticky quality. An inability to digest these grains is called celiac disease. Its been estimated that up to 20% of Americans have the disease to some degree.
> Studies have shown celiac disease to be inordinately high in "schizophrenic" populations. Research removing gluten and dairy products (which often seems to add to the problem) from the diet of a locked ward resulted in a significant improvement of patient behavior. See also the Philpott study mentioned above under "Cerebral Allergy."
> Symptoms include mood swings (down after eating and up after avoidance), severe depression, anxiety, irritability, compulsive behavior, "schizophrenia" symptoms, and other mental disorders.
> Histapenia Copper Excess
> Histapenia (hista-: histamine; -penia: deficiency of) is a shortage of histamine in the body. Histamine is an important brain chemical involved in many reactions. It has been found that 50% of patients classified as "schizophrenic" have low histamine levels in the blood and it rises to normal as they improve.
> These same patients are found to have high copper levels. Elevated copper decreases blood histamine. Excess copper is linked with psychosis.
> According to Pfeiffer, people with histapenia tend to have classic signs, including canker sores, difficult orgasm with sex, no headaches or allergies, heavy growth of body hair, ideas of grandeur, undue suspicion of people, racing thoughts, the feeling that someone controls ones mind, seeing or hearing things abnormally, ringing in the ears, and others.
> Histadelia
> This is a disorder, prominent in males, of too much histamine in the blood. (Compare to histapenia above). Estimated to affect 15-20% of patients classified as "schizophrenic."
> Symptoms include hyperactivity, compulsions, obsessions, inner tensions, blank mind episodes, phobias, chronic depression, and strong suicidal tendencies.
> Physical signs can include little tolerance for pain, rapid metabolism, lean build, profuse sweating, seasonal allergies, and frequent colds.
> Pyroluria
> A pyrrole is a chemical substance that is involved in the formation of heme, which makes blood red. Pyrroles bind with B6 and then with zinc, thus depleting these nutrients. Abnormal production of pyrroles and their appearance in the urine of psychotics was first noticed in 1958 during LSD experimentation. Approximately 15-30% of "schizophrenics" have pyroluria. (At least 10% of these also have histamine problems.)
> Symptoms include sweet, fruity breath and body odor, general loss of appetite, motion sickness, problems with sugar metabolism, allergies. Mental phenomena include delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, occasional loss of contact with reality, amnesia spells, and low stress tolerance. Person has a tendency to have insight (understand they have mental problems).
> The ailment, which normally strikes females, generally responds well to B6 and zinc treatment.
> Wilsons Disease
> This is an inherited liver disorder named after British neurologist Samuel Wilson. The small intestine absorbs too much copper and the liver excretes too little of it, resulting in a copper buildup in the liver and brain. Onset is slow and begins between 11 and 25 years of age.
> A wide array of symptoms occur, fitting a number of psychiatric diagnoses, including "major depression," "schizophrenia," and "hysteria." Children with Wilsons disease can appear to be mentally retarded. Appetite loss and weight loss can appear along with hallucinations and delusions.
> The physical manifestations of Wilsons disease do not appear until the late stages, thus it is easily misdiagnosed as "psychiatric illness."
> Chronic Candida Infection
> Refer to Dr. William Crooks article on "Candida and Mental Health" on this web site.
> Candida is a yeast that lives in the body normally. However, broad-spectrum antibiotics tend to kill off Candidas enemies in the body and can result in Candida overgrowth. The yeasts put out toxins that can weaken the immune system and cause a long list of symptoms.
> Although psychosis is not a common manifestation of Candida, it has occurred. Mental symptoms have included fatigue, inability to concentrate, depression, mood swings, anxiety, hyperactivity, delusions, "manic depression," psychosis, and suicidal or violent tendencies.
> Huntington's Chorea
> A chorea is a nervous disorder marked by involuntary movements of the body and face and lack of coordination of the limbs. Huntingtons chorea, a rare, inherited illness named after American neurologist George Huntington, is commonly labeled as "schizophrenia" because of its progression of mental decline. Even when involuntary movements appear, they may be mistaken for drug side effects.
> Huntingtons chorea usually appears in midlife. Beginning symptoms can include irritability, eccentricity and psychosis. Further signs include paranoia, obstinacy , indifference, euphoria, and violence. The disorder results in complete mental deterioration. Dr. Abram Hoffer reports successfully treating two cases with nutrition.
> An important diagnostic tool in spotting Huntingtons chorea is family history of the disease.
> Prostaglandins
> Prostaglandins ("prosta": standing before; "glandin": gland) are substances that act like hormones in the body. They effect blood pressure, metabolism, body temperature, and other important functions. Prostaglandin levels that are too high or too low can create symptoms. There are different kinds of prostaglandins with specific functions, thus different physical and mental reactions occur with imbalances in each one. Elevated prostaglandin levels have been observed in, for example, pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). Research has shown that high levels of a prostaglandin called E2 coupled with low levels of one called E1 have been seen as a major cause of certain forms of depression. E2 is a central nervous system depressant.
> Its been observed that geographical regions with low selenium levels in the soil and less sunshine have higher rates of "schizophrenia." Since some prostaglandins require selenium for their synthesis, its believed prostaglandin deficiency may be a source of "schizophrenia."
> Dopamine Excess
> Dopamine is a substance involved with emotional and hormonal response and the integration of experience, emotion, and thought. Additionally, it stimulates the brains pleasure center and is involved in sexual arousal. Dopamine appears to be a factor in producing hallucinations, voices and other symptoms associated with "schizophrenia." Those with histapenia (see above) often have elevated dopamine levels.
> Endorphins
> Endorphins, discovered in 1975, are substances secreted in the brain. They have a pain-relieving and stress-relieving effect similar to morphine. Endorphin molecules lock onto receptors in the brain to remove the perception of pain.
> It has been shown that drugs which artificially stimulate and suppress the endorphin receptors can produce symptoms bordering on psychosis. Gluten molecules (see "Wheat-gluten Sensitivity" above) are molecularly similar in shape to endorphins and thus can create the same stimulatory/suppression activity. Certain dairy proteins have been shown to have similar qualities.
> Serine Excess
> Serine is an amino acid that is part of many proteins. It plays a critical role in maintaining blood sugar levels. It has a vital part in the production of the myelin sheath the coating that protects certain nerve fibers.
> In numerous studies the plasma levels of serine have been found to be significantly higher in "schizophrenics" than in control groups. There is also evidence that serine metabolism is abnormal in psychotics. In one study a limited sector of psychiatric patients who responded to a carbohydrate-rich, low-protein diet became psychotic again after oral intake of serine.
> Prolactin Excess
> Prolactin is a hormone also known as luteotropic hormone. It comes from the pituitary gland and induces lactation. Non-pregnant women have low levels of it and it increases about ten times in pregnant women. When prolactin levels are excessive in non-pregnant women, the condition is known as hyperprolactinemia.
> This condition can produce a number of symptoms including lactation by a non-nursing woman and irregular or absent menstrual periods.
> Excess prolactin has been connected with pre-menstrual syndrome and a host of extreme mental states that can occur with it. In some people tranquilizers can increase prolactin levels.
> Dialysis Therapy
> Patients who undergo dialysis regularly may be exposed to high levels of aluminum in dialysis fluids and medicines. A reaction called dialysis encephalopathy can occur. (Encephalopathy is a general term for "brain disease.") What follows is a progressive mental degeneration manifested by tremors, convulsions, psychosis and other changes in speech and behavior. Reduction of aluminum levels significantly reduces the incidence of this problem.
> Serotonin Imbalance
> Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, a chemical that transmits messages from one nerve to another. Too much or too little serotonin has been associated with depression, psychosis, and other problems. While drugs can be used to mask the symptoms of this problem, they do not solve the problem of the imbalance. Further medical inquiry in indicated in these situations to find the cause or to find nutritional supplementation that will permit the body to produce correct serotonin levels.
> Leucine, Histidine Imbalance
> Leucine and histidine are essential amino acids (the body doesnt make them). The leucine, histidine imbalance high leucine and low histidine was a condition Pfeiffer theorized as being a cause of "schizophrenia." Modern research has shown, however, that leucine-histidine imbalance does not play a significant role.
> Interferon, Amantadine, Anti-Viral Drugs
> A number of non-psychotropic drugs can create psychosis. It must be remembered that the nervous system is intimately connected with other bodily systems. Medical drugs can effect blood chemistry, hormonal balances, and a host of other areas that directly impact the brain and nervous system.
> Interferon is a treatment for hepatitis. An estimated 1-2% of interferon users manifest psychosis or suicidal behavior.
> Amantadine, a drug for Parkinsons Disease, can cause hallucinations, depression, jitteriness, and confusion. Caution is recommended in its use in people with a history of psychosis.
> In anyone experiencing a psychotic episode, recent drug ingestion must be considered as a cause.
> Platelets Deficient in MAO (monoamine oxidase)
> Monoamine oxidase is an enzyme that metabolizes (destroys) the neurotransmitter serotonin. Platelets are small blood cells involved in the formation of blood clots. If platelets have too little MAO, the serotonin levels increase. High serotonin is connected with a number of severe mental states such as the one classified as "paranoid schizophrenia."
> In researching this particular malady of platelets low in MAO, we were told by Dr. William Walsh, who worked with Dr. Pfieffer for 12 years, that he did not recall dealing with any cases of MAO deficiency so he was uncertain if MAO deficiency is a verified condition or a theoretical one.


I have to agree with Linkadge at this point. I have never disputed that mental illness might be caused by some of the items you list. When I was younger I was totally obsessed with alt health. I am now 63 and the clock has run out for me.I am on a dirty tricyclic clomipramine at 50 mg and it is doing a good job on my depression. I now have made the decision to go with convential medicine and their dirty meds. I understand they are addressing symptoms and are not a cure and I am okay with that. I no longer am going to go thru the haystack looking for the needle of truth.

One of my docs made a statement about medicine is like car maintenance. If your leg hurts try and fix your leg. If they can't fix it than give you pain killer. I'm okay with that. Right now that gives me better results than searching thru the haystack.


Re: What Causes Our Symptoms? » bleauberry

Posted by bulldog2 on May 15, 2010, at 14:58:16

In reply to What Causes Our Symptoms?, posted by bleauberry on May 14, 2010, at 20:09:15

> While we do our best to try the meds we find to help us feel better, I just thought it would be helpful to consider the possible causes of our symptoms. I really don't think it is the mystery or futuristic science that we might assume it is.
> While the following article focuses on schizophrenia, you'll see all of the symptoms we all suffer are listed. Such as depression, emotional instability, anxiety, fatigue, concentration, well, all of them.
> Some of them are ones I talk about all the time. Some will be new to all of us. While the task would at first seem daunting at ruling out each one of the possible causes, I think it really isn't that hard. Description and history alone can rule out some. Lab tests can pinpoint some of them, but diagnostic challenge tests are in my opinion the best detectives. I estimate 70% of these are self daignosable at home with the wealth of knowledge available to us in today's technology and internet marketplace.
> Pay special attention to the candida, metal toxicity, and wheat/dairy issues. Some of the others are obvious, but still don't get any attention at our doctor office very often.
> I also found scientific reports from around the world talking about some of these things, primarily the ones I've focused on. It is interesting that while the best medical system in the world doesn't know much about these causes of psychiatric illnesses, obscure countries around the world appear to be way of ahead of us in vision.
> Twenty-Nine Medical Causes of Schizophrenia
> Excerpted from Nutrition and Mental Illness
> by the late Carl C. Pfeiffer, Ph.D., M.D.
> Internationally renowned pioneer in the treatment of mental disturbances through nutrition.
> The term "schizophrenia" is an inadequate and misleading diagnosis. "Disperceptions of unknown cause" is a better term.
> If we include fevers, environmental pains, and drug reactions, there must be a hundred ways to go crazy and be diagnosed as schizophrenic.
> A comprehensive list of possible causes for disperceptions that cause schizophrenia is shown in the table below.
> Causes of Schizophrenia well-known, less-known, and almost unknown
> Well-known
> Dementia paralytica
> Pellagra
> Porphyria
> Hypothyroidism
> Drug intoxications
> Homocysteinuria
> Folic acid/B12 deficiency
> Sleep deprivation
> Heavy metal toxicity
> Less Well-known
> Hypoglycemia
> Psychomotor epilepsy
> Cerebral allergy
> Wheat-gluten sensitivity
> Histapenia copper excess
> Histadelia
> Pyroluria
> Wilson's disease
> Chronic Candida infection
> Huntington's chorea
> Almost Unknown
> Prostaglandins
> Dopamine excess
> Endorphins
> Serine excess
> Prolactin excess
> Dialysis therapy
> Serotonin imbalance
> Leucine, histidine imbalance
> Interferon, amantadine, anti-viral drugs
> Platelets deficient in MAO (monoamine oxidase)
> Dementia paralytica
> This is a form of syphilis which generally affects patients in their 40s or 50s. Increased behavioral deterioration occurs and the person may be believed to have a "psychiatric illness" or Alzheimers disease. Symptoms can include convulsions, irritability, difficulty in concentrating, deterioration of memory, defective judgment, headaches, insomnia, fatigue, lethargy, deteriorated hygiene emotional instability, depression, and delusions of grandeur with lack of insight. The patient gradually progresses toward dementia and paralysis.
> Pellagra
> A disease caused by a lack of Vitamin B3 (niacin) in the diet or poor absorption of the vitamin. It is common throughout the world but infrequent in the U.S. It primarily strikes those lacking protein in their diets or who have a high corn diet or are unable to assimilate the vitamin. Symptoms often begin with weakness, listlessness, insomnia, and weight loss. Exposed skin becomes red and scaly. Loss of appetite, indigestion, and diarrhea occur. As the disease progresses the nervous system is impacted, manifesting symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, aches, muscle tremors and mental disturbances.
> Porphyria
> Porphyria is an inherited disease, usually first manifesting after puberty, that prevents the synthesis of heme, the part of blood that carries oxygen and makes blood red. There are a number of types of porphyria, some from bone marrow and others from the liver. Neurological symptoms frequently occur in those stemming from the liver. A review of 2500 psychiatric patients showed a 1.5% occurrence of porphyria.
> Porphyria is identified by port-colored urine and feces which darken on exposure to light. Additional symptoms can be loss of vision, sensitivity to light, aches and pains, acne, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and abnormal fat metabolism.
> Mental and neurological symptoms include irritability, confusion, delirium, psychosis, depression, hallucinations, seizures, altered consciousness, mood swings, and paralysis. Genetic carriers can experience mood swings and body pain while exhibiting no other signs of the illness.
> Hypothyroidism
> This is characterized by insufficient production of thyroid hormone. It can also be caused by poor metabolism of the thyroid hormone. The general net result is a slowing of the metabolism. This ailment is thoroughly covered in Dr. Broda Barnes Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness. Brodas book discusses the fact that hypothyroidism may not show up on standard blood tests and further testing may be required (covered in the book).
> Physical symptoms can include weight increase, sensitivity to cold, coarsened features, thinning hair, dry puffy skin, pallor, hoarseness, slurred speech, night blindness, difficulty hearing, vision loss, migraines, constipation, edema, anemia, joint pain, slowed pulse, muscle aches, and weakness, and low libido.
> Mental symptoms include terrifying dreams, obsessions, frightening hallucinations, paranoia, suicidal ruminations, psychosis, depression, emotional instability, delusions, fear, suspiciousness, resentment, auditory or visual hallucinations, paranoia and psychosis.
> Hypothyroidism often first manifests as a result of severe stress.
> The book Natural Healing for Schizophrenia reports that 10% of patients diagnosed with "schizophrenia" have been found to have thyroid imbalances. It has been estimated that up to 20% of women over 60 have evidence of hypothyroidism.
> Drug Intoxications
> This is self-evident.
> Homocysteinuria
> The compound homocysteine is normally not found in the blood or urine in noteworthy amounts. Homocysteinuria is a metabolic disorder resulting in an excessive accumulation of homocysteine in the blood and urine. Frequency of occurrence is 1 in 100,000 patients.
> Elevated homocysteine levels are a risk factor for all kinds of vascular disease including strokes and heart ailments. Homocysteinuria can result in mental retardation and seizures.
> Folic Acid/B12 Deficiency
> Folic acid (Vitamin B9) is needed for forming body protein and hemoglobin. It is also needed to utilize B12. Folic acid and B12 work together to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins and to form red blood cells. Older people are most at risk for developing B12 deficiencies. Also, surgical removal of part of the intestine can lead to B12 deficiency.
> B12 deficiency is the cause of pernicious anemia, characterized by a gradual reduction in the number of red blood cells and by gastrointestinal and nervous disturbances. Eighty percent of pernicious anemia patients show neurological changes and 60% exhibit personality changes.
> Physical symptoms of folic acid deficiency include fatigue and weakness, paleness, red, sore tongue, lesions in the corner of the mouth, burning feet, restless leg syndrome, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting and, rarely, diarrhea.
> Physical symptoms of B12 deficiency include weakness in the arms and legs (sometimes being mistaken for multiple sclerosis) in addition to the signs of pernicious anemia.
> Mental symptoms of B12 or folic acid deficiency includes confusion, fatigue, poor memory, difficulty concentrating or learning, and mental lethargy. It can be mistaken for Alzheimers in older patients. Additional mental disturbances include: loss of alertness, drive, self-confidence, and independence, social withdrawal, nervous irritability, headaches, insomnia, moodiness, severe agitation, lack of coordination, anxiety, delusions of persecution, and mania. Deficiency may also induce auditory hallucinations, psychosis, and paranoia.
> Sleep Deprivation
> Lack of sleep can occur a number of ways. Total sleep deprivation is complete absence of sleep. Partial is insufficient sleep night after night. Sleep can also appear to be sufficient in amount yet be poor in quality. This occurs with sleep apnea, marked by heavy snoring and occasional gasps for air the person is awakened often hundreds of times a night without knowing it, gulping air due to a closed airway in the throat.
> Sleep deprivation symptoms include irritability, fatigue, blurred vision, slurring of speech, memory lapses, and inability to concentrate. In extreme stages bizarre behavior and hallucinations can occur.
> Heavy Metal Toxicity
> Heavy metals is the term used for a group of elements that have particular weight characteristics. They are on the "heavier" end of the periodic table of elements. Some heavy metals such as cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, vanadium, strontium, and zinc are essential to health in trace amounts. Others are non-essential and can be harmful to health in excessive amounts. These include cadmium, antimony, chromium, mercury, lead, and arsenic these last three being the most common in cases of heavy metal toxicity.
> Sources of toxicity can include environmental, water supply, industrial, hobbies, and others, thus a full history of the persons work and living habits can help pinpoint potential heavy metal sources.
> As an example of the scope of a heavy metals toxicity, lead can affect the nervous system, gastrointestinal system, cardiovascular system, blood production, kidneys, and reproductive system.
> Lead toxicity physical symptoms include a combinations of gastrointestinal complaints, anemia and neurological problems; also headaches and convulsions. Mental symptoms include restlessness, insomnia, irritability, confusion, excitement, anxiety, delusions, and disturbing dreams
> Arsenic symptoms include stomach problems, neurological troubles, kidney failure, increased pigmentation of soles, palms, or other areas, garlic odor on breath, excessive salivation, progressive blindness, and others. Mental symptoms include apathy, dementia, and anorexia.
> Mercury toxicity has been linked to, among other things, mercury dental fillings, particularly when people have a large number of them. Symptoms include a metallic taste in the mouth, excess salivation, gingivitis, tremors, stomach and kidney troubles. Mental symptoms include shyness, irritability, apathy and depression, psychosis, mental deterioration, and anorexia.
> Hypoglycemia
> This is a common condition of an abnormally low level of sugar in the blood. Sugar levels frequently change throughout the day and may be normal sometimes and abnormal at others. Symptoms include weakness, shakiness, excess hunger, anxiety, outbursts, faintness, headaches, passing out, delirium, coma, hallucinations, excess sweating, the appearance of intoxication, marked personality changes, irritability, negativism, mood swings, depression, crying spells, and a panorama of similar mental symptoms.
> Numerous patients given psychiatric diagnoses have actually turned out to have hypoglycemia, including those classified with depression, manic-depressive disorder, and schizophrenia.
> Psychomotor Epilepsy
> Psychomotor epilepsy is also known as temporal lobe epilepsy or complex partial seizures. Epilepsy is a chronic brain disorder in which the electrical activity of the brain is periodically temporarily interrupted resulting in a seizure.
> Not all seizures are jerking motions. In psychomotor (mind-motion) epilepsy the seizures are manifested in personality, emotional, thinking, and behavioral changes. This condition is very likely to be misdiagnosed as a mental disorder. People with psychomotor epilepsy have been given schizophrenia, manic depressive, depression, attention-deficit disorder, and other diagnoses.
> The disorder has cyclical phases. The pre-seizure stage can last for hours or up to seven days with symptoms of moodiness, depression, anxiety or constant low-level anger, irritation, or annoyance, accompanied by general unhappiness and constant arguments.
> The seizure stage of 60 to 90 seconds can include misperceptions of the environment, hallucinations, and bizarre sensations.
> Between seizures, personality is affected by excessive, tangential speech, overly emotional feelings, and lack of sexual desire. Under physical or emotional stress, psychotic episodes can occur.
> Cerebral Allergy
> An allergy is a negative sensitivity, usually to a substance, which causes a physical reaction. Classical responses include creation of blood antibodies, histamine release, swelling, itching, runny nose, and others. However, substances can cause many negative reactions commonly not associated with allergies.
> In the case of cerebral (brain) allergies in which the allergies affect the nervous system reactions include brain inflammation, irritability, fear, depression, aggression, extreme mood swings in a single day, hyperactivity, and psychosis.
> A study of "schizophrenics" by Dr. William Philpott showed allergic responses as follows: Wheat (64%), Mature corn (51%), Pasteurized whole cow milk (50%), Tobacco (75% with 10% becoming grossly psychotic with delusions, hallucinations and particularly paranoia), and Hydrocarbons (30% with weakness being common and some participants reacting with delusions or suicidal inclinations). Ninety-two percent of the patients showed allergic responses with an average of ten items per person causing reactions.
> Wheat-gluten sensitivity
> Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and oats that gives dough its sticky quality. An inability to digest these grains is called celiac disease. Its been estimated that up to 20% of Americans have the disease to some degree.
> Studies have shown celiac disease to be inordinately high in "schizophrenic" populations. Research removing gluten and dairy products (which often seems to add to the problem) from the diet of a locked ward resulted in a significant improvement of patient behavior. See also the Philpott study mentioned above under "Cerebral Allergy."
> Symptoms include mood swings (down after eating and up after avoidance), severe depression, anxiety, irritability, compulsive behavior, "schizophrenia" symptoms, and other mental disorders.
> Histapenia Copper Excess
> Histapenia (hista-: histamine; -penia: deficiency of) is a shortage of histamine in the body. Histamine is an important brain chemical involved in many reactions. It has been found that 50% of patients classified as "schizophrenic" have low histamine levels in the blood and it rises to normal as they improve.
> These same patients are found to have high copper levels. Elevated copper decreases blood histamine. Excess copper is linked with psychosis.
> According to Pfeiffer, people with histapenia tend to have classic signs, including canker sores, difficult orgasm with sex, no headaches or allergies, heavy growth of body hair, ideas of grandeur, undue suspicion of people, racing thoughts, the feeling that someone controls ones mind, seeing or hearing things abnormally, ringing in the ears, and others.
> Histadelia
> This is a disorder, prominent in males, of too much histamine in the blood. (Compare to histapenia above). Estimated to affect 15-20% of patients classified as "schizophrenic."
> Symptoms include hyperactivity, compulsions, obsessions, inner tensions, blank mind episodes, phobias, chronic depression, and strong suicidal tendencies.
> Physical signs can include little tolerance for pain, rapid metabolism, lean build, profuse sweating, seasonal allergies, and frequent colds.
> Pyroluria
> A pyrrole is a chemical substance that is involved in the formation of heme, which makes blood red. Pyrroles bind with B6 and then with zinc, thus depleting these nutrients. Abnormal production of pyrroles and their appearance in the urine of psychotics was first noticed in 1958 during LSD experimentation. Approximately 15-30% of "schizophrenics" have pyroluria. (At least 10% of these also have histamine problems.)
> Symptoms include sweet, fruity breath and body odor, general loss of appetite, motion sickness, problems with sugar metabolism, allergies. Mental phenomena include delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, occasional loss of contact with reality, amnesia spells, and low stress tolerance. Person has a tendency to have insight (understand they have mental problems).
> The ailment, which normally strikes females, generally responds well to B6 and zinc treatment.
> Wilsons Disease
> This is an inherited liver disorder named after British neurologist Samuel Wilson. The small intestine absorbs too much copper and the liver excretes too little of it, resulting in a copper buildup in the liver and brain. Onset is slow and begins between 11 and 25 years of age.
> A wide array of symptoms occur, fitting a number of psychiatric diagnoses, including "major depression," "schizophrenia," and "hysteria." Children with Wilsons disease can appear to be mentally retarded. Appetite loss and weight loss can appear along with hallucinations and delusions.
> The physical manifestations of Wilsons disease do not appear until the late stages, thus it is easily misdiagnosed as "psychiatric illness."
> Chronic Candida Infection
> Refer to Dr. William Crooks article on "Candida and Mental Health" on this web site.
> Candida is a yeast that lives in the body normally. However, broad-spectrum antibiotics tend to kill off Candidas enemies in the body and can result in Candida overgrowth. The yeasts put out toxins that can weaken the immune system and cause a long list of symptoms.
> Although psychosis is not a common manifestation of Candida, it has occurred. Mental symptoms have included fatigue, inability to concentrate, depression, mood swings, anxiety, hyperactivity, delusions, "manic depression," psychosis, and suicidal or violent tendencies.
> Huntington's Chorea
> A chorea is a nervous disorder marked by involuntary movements of the body and face and lack of coordination of the limbs. Huntingtons chorea, a rare, inherited illness named after American neurologist George Huntington, is commonly labeled as "schizophrenia" because of its progression of mental decline. Even when involuntary movements appear, they may be mistaken for drug side effects.
> Huntingtons chorea usually appears in midlife. Beginning symptoms can include irritability, eccentricity and psychosis. Further signs include paranoia, obstinacy , indifference, euphoria, and violence. The disorder results in complete mental deterioration. Dr. Abram Hoffer reports successfully treating two cases with nutrition.
> An important diagnostic tool in spotting Huntingtons chorea is family history of the disease.
> Prostaglandins
> Prostaglandins ("prosta": standing before; "glandin": gland) are substances that act like hormones in the body. They effect blood pressure, metabolism, body temperature, and other important functions. Prostaglandin levels that are too high or too low can create symptoms. There are different kinds of prostaglandins with specific functions, thus different physical and mental reactions occur with imbalances in each one. Elevated prostaglandin levels have been observed in, for example, pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). Research has shown that high levels of a prostaglandin called E2 coupled with low levels of one called E1 have been seen as a major cause of certain forms of depression. E2 is a central nervous system depressant.
> Its been observed that geographical regions with low selenium levels in the soil and less sunshine have higher rates of "schizophrenia." Since some prostaglandins require selenium for their synthesis, its believed prostaglandin deficiency may be a source of "schizophrenia."
> Dopamine Excess
> Dopamine is a substance involved with emotional and hormonal response and the integration of experience, emotion, and thought. Additionally, it stimulates the brains pleasure center and is involved in sexual arousal. Dopamine appears to be a factor in producing hallucinations, voices and other symptoms associated with "schizophrenia." Those with histapenia (see above) often have elevated dopamine levels.
> Endorphins
> Endorphins, discovered in 1975, are substances secreted in the brain. They have a pain-relieving and stress-relieving effect similar to morphine. Endorphin molecules lock onto receptors in the brain to remove the perception of pain.
> It has been shown that drugs which artificially stimulate and suppress the endorphin receptors can produce symptoms bordering on psychosis. Gluten molecules (see "Wheat-gluten Sensitivity" above) are molecularly similar in shape to endorphins and thus can create the same stimulatory/suppression activity. Certain dairy proteins have been shown to have similar qualities.
> Serine Excess
> Serine is an amino acid that is part of many proteins. It plays a critical role in maintaining blood sugar levels. It has a vital part in the production of the myelin sheath the coating that protects certain nerve fibers.
> In numerous studies the plasma levels of serine have been found to be significantly higher in "schizophrenics" than in control groups. There is also evidence that serine metabolism is abnormal in psychotics. In one study a limited sector of psychiatric patients who responded to a carbohydrate-rich, low-protein diet became psychotic again after oral intake of serine.
> Prolactin Excess
> Prolactin is a hormone also known as luteotropic hormone. It comes from the pituitary gland and induces lactation. Non-pregnant women have low levels of it and it increases about ten times in pregnant women. When prolactin levels are excessive in non-pregnant women, the condition is known as hyperprolactinemia.
> This condition can produce a number of symptoms including lactation by a non-nursing woman and irregular or absent menstrual periods.
> Excess prolactin has been connected with pre-menstrual syndrome and a host of extreme mental states that can occur with it. In some people tranquilizers can increase prolactin levels.
> Dialysis Therapy
> Patients who undergo dialysis regularly may be exposed to high levels of aluminum in dialysis fluids and medicines. A reaction called dialysis encephalopathy can occur. (Encephalopathy is a general term for "brain disease.") What follows is a progressive mental degeneration manifested by tremors, convulsions, psychosis and other changes in speech and behavior. Reduction of aluminum levels significantly reduces the incidence of this problem.
> Serotonin Imbalance
> Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, a chemical that transmits messages from one nerve to another. Too much or too little serotonin has been associated with depression, psychosis, and other problems. While drugs can be used to mask the symptoms of this problem, they do not solve the problem of the imbalance. Further medical inquiry in indicated in these situations to find the cause or to find nutritional supplementation that will permit the body to produce correct serotonin levels.
> Leucine, Histidine Imbalance
> Leucine and histidine are essential amino acids (the body doesnt make them). The leucine, histidine imbalance high leucine and low histidine was a condition Pfeiffer theorized as being a cause of "schizophrenia." Modern research has shown, however, that leucine-histidine imbalance does not play a significant role.
> Interferon, Amantadine, Anti-Viral Drugs
> A number of non-psychotropic drugs can create psychosis. It must be remembered that the nervous system is intimately connected with other bodily systems. Medical drugs can effect blood chemistry, hormonal balances, and a host of other areas that directly impact the brain and nervous system.
> Interferon is a treatment for hepatitis. An estimated 1-2% of interferon users manifest psychosis or suicidal behavior.
> Amantadine, a drug for Parkinsons Disease, can cause hallucinations, depression, jitteriness, and confusion. Caution is recommended in its use in people with a history of psychosis.
> In anyone experiencing a psychotic episode, recent drug ingestion must be considered as a cause.
> Platelets Deficient in MAO (monoamine oxidase)
> Monoamine oxidase is an enzyme that metabolizes (destroys) the neurotransmitter serotonin. Platelets are small blood cells involved in the formation of blood clots. If platelets have too little MAO, the serotonin levels increase. High serotonin is connected with a number of severe mental states such as the one classified as "paranoid schizophrenia."
> In researching this particular malady of platelets low in MAO, we were told by Dr. William Walsh, who worked with Dr. Pfieffer for 12 years, that he did not recall dealing with any cases of MAO deficiency so he was uncertain if MAO deficiency is a verified condition or a theoretical one.

The average layman is not capable of handling this volume of scientific literture. If somone is sick they need help now!
Than there is the issue of fraud. I don't know how many so called nat docs knew all the buzzwards to hit your emotional areas of your brain that would make you trust that person. Colonics, massages, hair analysis, reading my auras, and outrageous claims of promises to cure.There are many charlatans out there eager to empty your wallet. You are sick and in pain and perhaps dying and you are so eager to hear words that you can be cured. Some even talk to God. There are charaltans and the mentally ill who are lost in their thoughts.
That's why conventional medicine now seems like the best path for me.


Re: What Causes Our Symptoms?

Posted by bulldog2 on May 15, 2010, at 15:05:22

In reply to Re: What Causes Our Symptoms? » SLS, posted by ed_uk2010 on May 15, 2010, at 10:19:16

> >Do you know of a diagnostic algorithm that would include some of these proposed causations?
> I think most doctors would stick to testing thyroid function and maybe vitamin B12 status.
Some of the bolders docs are testing for adrenal fatigue.


Re: What Causes Our Symptoms?

Posted by linkadge on May 15, 2010, at 15:06:48

In reply to Re: What Causes Our Symptoms?, posted by linkadge on May 14, 2010, at 21:11:53

What I have noticed in the last few years is that there have been some well designed government sponsored clinical trials on promising alternative supplements.

For instance, there have been well designed clinical trials on omega3, folic acid, taurine, insulin sensitizing agents, anti-inflamatories etc.

There is a lot *wrong* in the depressed brain. The question is whether some of the imballances (i.e. inflammation) are a really cause or a result of the illness.



Re: What Causes Our Symptoms? » linkadge

Posted by Phillipa on May 15, 2010, at 16:56:45

In reply to Re: What Causes Our Symptoms?, posted by linkadge on May 15, 2010, at 15:06:48

Exellent point. Had surgery yesterday and I feel bad just up vomited all night taking prescribed pain meds drinking and doing what the conventional doc said to do. Sometimes conventional is best. One doc said what I'm starting to believe just put it to rest its over meaning so I got fillings in teeth as a kids before they knew should I beat myself up over it? No. And I'm resting something I need more of. For once. No magic bullet Just good commons sense sometimes. Forgive me if don't make a lot of sense kind of loopy and trying to ge a routine back like the doc on phone just said to do. Phillipa


Re: What Causes Our Symptoms?

Posted by bulldog2 on May 15, 2010, at 17:57:21

In reply to Re: What Causes Our Symptoms? » linkadge, posted by Phillipa on May 15, 2010, at 16:56:45

I think alternative health people have to begin subjecting their theories to double blind testing.

Right now wild claims are made on a web site with several anecdotal stories from people whose illnesses were cured with this or that herb. Sometimes I call up the web telephone number and talk with a customer service person who verifies what I have read. I buy the herb and the rest is history.

I think the government has changed something in terms of what medical claims can be made.While I'm generally not in favor of government intervention this one may actually protect people.

While I still maintain an academic interest in alt medicine, when I have to make a choice I go the conventional medicine way. Have had a hip replacement and I never even wavered in which way to go.

So to the alt medicine people get organized and subject your herb or whatever you are claiming to some sort of testing to prove your method works.

You certainly have to do more than write long papers that give us anecdotal stories of miracles that have occurred and stories of conventional medicine horrors.

Some people have to understand that one incident of something that happened to them is not enough to present as proof that something works or doesn't work.

Nothing works for everyone and nothing does not have side effects. A good test requires a volume of people. The more the better.

Believe me I understand that conventional med is profit driven and the shortcomings of this system. However some so called alt medicine people are setting up web sites and selling their product. Is their motive any different than the conventional med people? Except their scientific proof that their product works is a couple of anecdotal stories of people who may not even exist.


Re: What Causes Our Symptoms?

Posted by linkadge on May 15, 2010, at 18:24:19

In reply to Re: What Causes Our Symptoms?, posted by bulldog2 on May 15, 2010, at 17:57:21

Don't get me wrong, I do think there is a good evidence regarding certain alternative approaches - and maintaining healthy eating and exercise patterns have resulted in notable improvements in my overall condition.

I do think with some of these illnesses however, there is a genetic component. For instance, in Huntingtons disease (a true genetic disorder), diet and exercise help (as shown in several studies), but they do not alter the faluty genes - and the disorder will still eventually run its course.

BTW, Huntintons patients often develop secondary depression and secondary mood instability as the disease progresses.

Before Huntington's genes were discovered, you could imagine the self blame that some of these patients would have subjected themselves to.

That being said, people often blame things on their genes instead of taking responsiblity (i.e. I have a fat gene, its not the McDonnalds I eat B-L-D every day). But, when (and if) you've done all you can do, why not just let it go?



Re: What Causes Our Symptoms?

Posted by bleauberry on May 15, 2010, at 20:53:52

In reply to What Causes Our Symptoms?, posted by bleauberry on May 14, 2010, at 20:09:15

Sorry folks. I apologize. I literally honestly genuinely thought people would find this interesting and inspiring. I would remove the thread if I could.

Just keep doing what you're doing. Everyone has their own journey to manage.


Re: What Causes Our Symptoms?

Posted by DeMarco on May 15, 2010, at 23:45:57

In reply to Re: What Causes Our Symptoms?, posted by bleauberry on May 15, 2010, at 20:53:52


No need to apologize. You fulfilled what I understand is a primary purpose of this board. Put it out there, let people comment and decide for themselves. No harm done and if one person got a good idea about something to investigate further and it helped...well, there's your good deed for the day.



Re: What Causes Our Symptoms?

Posted by SLS on May 16, 2010, at 4:29:59

In reply to Re: What Causes Our Symptoms?, posted by bleauberry on May 15, 2010, at 20:53:52

> Sorry folks. I apologize. I literally honestly genuinely thought people would find this interesting and inspiring. I would remove the thread if I could.
> Just keep doing what you're doing. Everyone has their own journey to manage.

I agree.

- Scott


Re: What Causes Our Symptoms? » bleauberry

Posted by bulldog2 on May 16, 2010, at 10:54:52

In reply to Re: What Causes Our Symptoms?, posted by bleauberry on May 15, 2010, at 20:53:52

> Sorry folks. I apologize. I literally honestly genuinely thought people would find this interesting and inspiring. I would remove the thread if I could.
> Just keep doing what you're doing. Everyone has their own journey to manage.

Hi Bleauberry

I know your motives are meant to help people. That is without question. But the volumes of alt health theories out there will require the dedication of government and science to determine what is true and what is false. It is beyond the scope of an ordinary man or woman to achieve this task.

There was a time where I read day and night on these topics and ran around hollering that I had found the silver bullet. Well I always ended up a little poorer and disapointed when this bullet was not the silver one. I am fatigued and no longer have the money to sift through the alternative health haystack. As I said it is a task beyond the scope of any one man.

I am now happier that the battle is over. Reading those books and going to doctors who would cure me no longer has any appeal. I have been disappointed to often.I now just go to my conventional physician who practices allopathic medicine. I go to their specialists when warranted. Yes I understand the drugs can have dangerous side effects. I understand the drugs suppress symtoms and often do not cure.

I eat as well as I can and exercise as much as I can. I also use my knowledge of drugs to decide what to take and what not to take.

Life is much simpler now. I don't scour the book store for books on the latest miracle that turns out to be another lead balloon. The constant scouring and reading is over. I accept what is out there. Some day more will be available.

I still believe the alt health haystack of claims holds a silver bullet somewhere.


Re: What Causes Our Symptoms? » bulldog2

Posted by chujoe on May 16, 2010, at 11:03:45

In reply to Re: What Causes Our Symptoms? » bleauberry, posted by bulldog2 on May 16, 2010, at 10:54:52

What if there is no silver bullet? I was just reading a fascinating article in the latest New Yorker about why cancer is so hard to cure. It turns out that most cancers (like most depressions, anxieties, etc?) only respond to multiple drugs given in different sequences and different doses & even then the effects vary among patients. It may be there is no "cure" for cancer, only treatment & remission. Perhaps the same is true of the kinds of problems people discuss here.


Re: What Causes Our Symptoms? » chujoe

Posted by bulldog2 on May 16, 2010, at 11:56:34

In reply to Re: What Causes Our Symptoms? » bulldog2, posted by chujoe on May 16, 2010, at 11:03:45

> What if there is no silver bullet? I was just reading a fascinating article in the latest New Yorker about why cancer is so hard to cure. It turns out that most cancers (like most depressions, anxieties, etc?) only respond to multiple drugs given in different sequences and different doses & even then the effects vary among patients. It may be there is no "cure" for cancer, only treatment & remission. Perhaps the same is true of the kinds of problems people discuss here.

Perhaps that is true. You have given me one more reason to just accept what is out there and what conventional medicine has to offer me.
When I was in my twenties and I guess bit naive I saw those promising books in the health section. Book after book with incredible promises. I was so excited. Forty years later a bit poorer and none of them worked.

For those out there. It is easy to get rich in this country. This is the land of the great scammers. If you are a good writer than write a book how you cured yourself and family and friends who had cancer with lets say licorice root. They all had exhausted adrenals and this boiled root balanced and rejuvneated their adrenals and all their cancers vanished. Write a book and sell a million copies.

Do yourselves a favor and stop obsessing about your thyroid, adrenal glands and lymes disease. I'm not saying some people don't suffer from these ailments. They are real. But the whole universe is not afflicted with these diseases. Once you stop obsessing you will have less anxiety and feel much better. Look I have tested my thyroid and added t3 and nothing has changed.
Do yourself a favor and just relax.


Re: What Causes Our Symptoms? » bulldog2

Posted by sigismund on May 16, 2010, at 18:03:48

In reply to Re: What Causes Our Symptoms? » chujoe, posted by bulldog2 on May 16, 2010, at 11:56:34

>But the whole universe is not afflicted with these diseases.

This reminds me of Peter Cook and Dudley Moore having a contest about who has the most cancer, until one of them says that he has cancer of the universe.


Re: What Causes Our Symptoms? » bulldog2

Posted by Phillipa on May 16, 2010, at 19:36:45

In reply to Re: What Causes Our Symptoms? » chujoe, posted by bulldog2 on May 16, 2010, at 11:56:34

I also just had surgery elective. Sure no magic bullet but it's conventional. But I've seen miracles in myself when my TSH as abominally high and given right dose of synthroid and correceted the high anxiety disappeared. My thyroid acts in reverse of most others it seems as when TSH high anxiety high but according to the book should be tired. Why? There must be an answer and if scientists stop trying to find answers then there is no point to me in designing meds and natural products. Remember when Deplin was first out? Remember when EMsam first out? one more conventional than the other but is one better than the other? Phillipa


Re: What Causes Our Symptoms?

Posted by Hombre on May 18, 2010, at 4:39:35

In reply to What Causes Our Symptoms?, posted by bleauberry on May 14, 2010, at 20:09:15

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