Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 5053

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Re: topomax » bridgey1128

Posted by headachequeen on January 27, 2004, at 9:50:46

In reply to Re: topomax, posted by bridgey1128 on January 26, 2004, at 23:44:02

> OMG did you really go cold turkey on Effexor??? I thought I would die and I was weaning myself off VERY gradually! It was HORRID!!! Brain shivers, headaches, nausea. It was the most horrible thing I have ever been through. I didn't have any side effects while taking the meds except a libido the size of the US. Anyone else have that with Effexor? I mean, my hubby wasn't complaining but it wasn't doing any good either for my depression. Oh well..GLAD I am off of it. My Dr said he had never heard of someone having that many problems coming off it. Guess it's the redhead thing!!!

Apparently the effexor and the zyprexa all but flat-lined my personality; the immovane helped me sleep (I was unable to turn off my mind -- still can't -- so didn't sleep and the immovane did that to great effect, I was asleep within seconds of taking it)
I am normally (I can hear my psychologist now, saying and what is normal???) a very animated and for lack of a better word animated person. I am an Anglo and we are animated -- talk with our hands and our eyes exactly as do our francophone counterparts <s> -- but I had become a very repressed version of myself.
To top it off I had been raised to supress my emotions; we are carved from Aberdeen granite was my mother's phrase and we do not show our emotions to the world...
my psychologist was having a hard time breaking through the double insulation as it were and he mentioned one day that I too was cut from that granite and held my feelings in check. As I walked home (not allowed to drive because of the epilepsy at this stage - good thing this is not a large city <g>) it occurred to me that the anti-depressants must be further suppressing my feelings and therefore causing more problems for any hope of successful therapy, so I decided to quit and I quit.
I consulted no one, least of all the psychiatrist from hell, who is sixty miles or so from here anyway, I simply decided and I did it.
I had no idea of potential reactions or that it was something that should be done slowly. I have always been the sort who decided to do something and did it... may not always complete it (adhd) but I do it now not later and seldom ask advice (as my husband will attest... witness the three truckloads of topsoil he arrived home to find dumped on the lawn when I decided we should have a new style garden in one part of the lawn... or the three afghan hounds he came home to find lounging on the couch or the day he came home to discover I had opened an antique shop... or the day he came home to learn I had begun work to publish a magazine... accepted a job with a television network... the list is endless...)
My doctor when I finally told him, two months later was astounded, I thought he would be angry and tell me to find another doctor if I was not going to take his advice, so told him I had been off for a month, offered other meds to help with the adjustment process, and told me that if one has to go cold turkey from these meds that one is usually put in hospital and monitored so that meds can be given if need arise and was I sure I didn't want something to help...
no, I didn't want anything.. I had done it and was rather smug...
then a few weeks later when I was laughing about his reaction the psychologist lit into me and told me some of the realities about how quitting these meds affects peoples and I was to say the least subdued
It did not bother me *that* time but I do not want to try to come off them a second time which is why when the psychologist suggested a return to them and that I should see my doctor for a prescription last month I was really frightened...
next time might not be as easy and I do not want a next time...
I do not want that zero-personality again either and I am terrified of reaching the point in depression or non-depression according to the one psychiatrist of having to go back to hospital..

My psychologist tells me that at this point in time I do not need him... if I do need him I have only to call and he is there...
the psychiatrist upon my release told me that I would need years of psychotherapy... that was 16 months ago...
and that I would likely need to go back to hospital a couple of times at least...
the psychologist tells me that if ever I do have to go back and he does not think I will -- says he and my doctor will work together to keep me out -- that I am allowed to refuse to be treated by that particular shrink... and why did I not think of that THEN???
in the mean time maybe it is a redhead thing that let me quit the meds so easily that time? I don't know...
I just know I do not want to take them again ever...
they are really a flattening experience...
there must be something more positive to help people in need...
maybe a patient is the person to find that positive thing...
perhaps the topomax helps????
it certainly helps with the epilepsy and the migraine and takes off the weight...
so why not the hypomanic whatever that is not depression (arrgghhhh I will never get past the resentment of that pompous little man....)


Re: topomax » bridgey1128

Posted by headachequeen on January 27, 2004, at 9:55:20

In reply to Re: topomax, posted by bridgey1128 on January 26, 2004, at 23:44:02

> My Dr said he had never heard of someone having that many problems coming off it. Guess it's the redhead thing!!!

My doctor told me yesterday when we were talking about my needing it again or not that my quitting cold turkey made his job a lot easier as the weaning process takes a lot of his time and is hard on the patient AND the doctor because the doctor has to monitor the situation closely...
the way he spoke I gather that the withdrawal symptoms are not easy to live with at all...
He still sees me twice a month to follow up on my progress through all this, aside from regular health issues like breathing and checking to see what the eye surgeon is doing and whether or not my ankle is recovering and so on...
he is incredible...
says the depression/non-depression and the zyprexa/effexor cold turkey escapade is chapter 52 in his book on it all :)


Re: topomax

Posted by tmg on February 2, 2004, at 15:04:28

In reply to topomax, posted by Ellen Brodie on April 19, 1999, at 15:58:40

Anyone out there taking Prozac and Topomax? I have binge eating disoder and depression. I have lived my entire 36 years this way. When Prozac was introduced I started taking it and it worked extrememly well. Unfortunately I stopped responding to the medication after a couple of years. Took about 10 years with no meds and got fed up with the binge eating so sought help last Spring and was put on Wellbutrin. Felt great until I blacked out (4 times). Thus, stopped the Wellbutrin, even though not sure if that was causing the blackouts. Now taking 60 mg. Prozac which is great for the depression, but does nothing for the binge eating. Pdoc wants to add Topomax to the mix. Any info would be helpful.



Re: topomax » tmg

Posted by Sooshi on February 2, 2004, at 19:39:47

In reply to Re: topomax, posted by tmg on February 2, 2004, at 15:04:28

I take Effexor XR with Topa, not Prozac, but I've heard Topa is excellent for binge eating. I know it sure has helped to curb my premenstrual "pigging out"....actually, I don't have such huge food cravings at all anymore, even premenstrually, since starting Topa. If you decide to Try Topa, go very slowly as you titrate up, as the side effects can get hairy, and good luck!


Re: topomax » tmg

Posted by headachequeen on February 2, 2004, at 19:46:41

In reply to Re: topomax, posted by tmg on February 2, 2004, at 15:04:28

When Prozac was introduced I started taking it and it worked extrememly well. Unfortunately I stopped responding to the medication after a couple of years. Took about 10 years with no meds and got fed up with the binge eating so sought help last Spring and was put on Wellbutrin. Felt great until I blacked out (4 times). Thus, stopped the Wellbutrin, even though not sure if that was causing the blackouts. Now taking 60 mg. Prozac which is great for the depression, but does nothing for the binge eating. Pdoc wants to add Topomax to the mix. Any info would be helpful.
> Thanks!

The wellbutrin may have been contributing to the blackouts as it has been linked to seizures which can take the form of 'blackouts'...
epileptics and people prone to any other sort of seizures cannot take wellbutrin...


Re: topomax

Posted by bridgey1128 on February 3, 2004, at 8:33:14

In reply to Re: topomax » tmg, posted by headachequeen on February 2, 2004, at 19:46:41

Prozac made me bonkers! It made me very agitated. I could only take it for a week! Welbutrin I took for about 3 months and it made my mouth SOOOO dry..this was just LOVELY since I was doing a show at the time. NICE trying to sing under hot lights when you feel like your mouth already has 15 cotton balls stuffed in it! It KINDA worked but never really did eventually started making me nuts too. I guess that is where my bipolar comes in. I shouldn't have been taking it to begin with. It did the same thing to my brother who was taking it to help him stop smoking. I never did black out with the Welbutrin but it never did much for me anyway. I didn't like the Effexor at all. When I was on it, it was ok, but it never did anything but boost my libido through the freaking roof. When I tried to COME OFF IT, now THAT was another story. It was the most horrid thing I have ever had to do! Brain shivers, headaches, diziness. I felt like I wanted to die. This went ON AND ON AND ON. I finally just STOPPED taking it because I realized weaning was just going to keep it going and if I was going to have side effects I might as well have them with nothing as well as something. They stopped abruptly when I took an Ativan. I dunno what it did to stop them but it helped EMMENSELY. I would lie there at night before then and listen to this ch ch ch going on in my ears every 5 secs. It's like having your own percussion section in your head at all hours. I actually STILL have that problem now although I am not sure if it's now associated with the Topomax or not. Anyway, not much to add but thought I would put my two cents in anyway.


Re: topomax » bridgey1128

Posted by headachequeen on February 3, 2004, at 22:46:55

In reply to Re: topomax, posted by bridgey1128 on February 3, 2004, at 8:33:14

in my ears every 5 secs. It's like having your own percussion section in your head at all hours. I actually STILL have that problem now although I am not sure if it's now associated with the Topomax or not. Anyway, not much to add but thought I would put my two cents in anyway.

I know that my doctor told me that anyone coming off Effexor has to do it slowly and while under close supervision; same with Zyprexa...
and I am not sure if it is Tegretol or Topomas but one of them sets up a ringing and clanging in my ears that makes me think that I have the entire cymbals and triangle and tambourine section of some marching band in my ears at times... other times it seems as if there is a low keyed whistle in there...
most off-putting to say the least...
since I started taking the topomax again the tingling so-called has lessened... none at all in my face.. that was AWFUL... and it is much less painful in my hands and feet...
there has to be a way to deal with this...
I need the stuff but does it have to hurt????


Re: topomax

Posted by T34 on February 4, 2004, at 3:58:16

In reply to Re: topomax » bridgey1128, posted by headachequeen on February 3, 2004, at 22:46:55

I was on Topomax for 6 weeks after having had migraines everyday for 6 months. After 3 weeks I had not had the first sign of a migraine. It was Heaven. The side effects from the Topomax were horrid. My point, though, I had decided it didn't matter if I had to put up with my teeth falling out as long as I didn't have those awful headaches everyday, but I started having that ringing (high pitched squeal) in my ears. My neuro. had me stop the Topomax immediately. He said that it could/ would cause permanent hearing damage quickly. I stopped the Topomax and two days later the squealing was gone. Now I am on Zoneqran, and having headaches everyday again. Oh well, he keeps telling me we'll find that good mix, it's trial and error, but I'm tired of the trials!


Re: topomax

Posted by bridgey1128 on February 4, 2004, at 8:30:11

In reply to Re: topomax, posted by T34 on February 4, 2004, at 3:58:16

my tingling isn't painful for me, just ....well there. It feels like when you are getting ready to pass out and you have been hyperventilating. Other than that I haven't had any side effects other than the memory loss. I think! I can't remember! Just kidding. But seriously, I think that is starting to be on. I am only on 50mg. Should that be a side effect already? I mean I have had problems remembering things for quite some time anyway but now I can really only concentrate on one thing at a time. I get distracted pretty easily. I have told my family BE PATIENT and don't interrupt me when I am in the middle of something because I will TOTALLY lose track of what I am doing. I want to continue to take this if only for the weight loss benefit, but I can't if it means I am going to become senile. Any thoughts??


Re: topomax

Posted by tmg on February 4, 2004, at 17:07:33

In reply to Re: topomax, posted by T34 on February 4, 2004, at 3:58:16

Sorry If you already answered this question, but what horried experiences did you have while on Topomax? Don't spare any details, I want to hear it all!



Re: topomax

Posted by Ladee52 on February 4, 2004, at 18:08:27

In reply to Re: topomax, posted by tmg on February 4, 2004, at 17:07:33

> Sorry If you already answered this question, but what horried experiences did you have while on Topomax? Don't spare any details, I want to hear it all!
> Thanks!

Thought I would add my thoughts. I've been on Topomax since the middle of December for migraine headaches. My neurologist started me out very slowly at 25 mg's and increased the dosage by 25 mg's every two weeks and I now take 100 mg's daily. I'd had a migraine for close to two months and it is now just a mild, tolerable headache that is getting weaker every day and which we think will soon go away. It is SOOO much better than what it was. Anyway, I have had little or no side effects. The first few weeks my face broke out really bad and I'm 51 years old, but it's clearing up now. I did have a bit of tingling in my feet, like when you're feet have gone to sleep on you, but it wasn't painful at all and that has gone away. Unfortunately, I haven't noticed that my appetite has been suppressed and that I was looking forward to. LOL! (I gained some weight I didn't need to gain while I was incapacited with my headache in November and December). I also take Effexor with the Topomax and don't have any ill effects from it. Just work with your doctor and find what works for you. Everything works differently with different people, but do take it slowly with the Topomax and good luck.



Re: topomax

Posted by T34 on February 5, 2004, at 16:03:36

In reply to Re: topomax, posted by bridgey1128 on February 4, 2004, at 8:30:11

I went through some of the short term memory loss and it was extremely frustrating. It wasn't but a week later when I had to stop taking it, so I don't know if it would have gotten better over time. I have heard that it does.


Re: topomax

Posted by bridgey1128 on February 5, 2004, at 16:13:07

In reply to Re: topomax, posted by Ladee52 on February 4, 2004, at 18:08:27

PS: The Effexor didn't work for me because I am bipolar. I didn't have any side effects while ON it other than MASSIVELY increased libido and after taking it for 2 months I started to have a headache that wouldn't go away. It just never did anything FOR me. It was the COMING OFF of it that was so horrid. THAT I wouldn't wish on anyone! So if you ever have to come off it, do it VERY VERY slowly.


Re: topomax

Posted by tmg on February 6, 2004, at 7:48:02

In reply to Re: topomax, posted by bridgey1128 on February 5, 2004, at 16:13:07

I am currently taking Prozac and have NO libido. Any thoughts on what Topomax does in that area?


Re: topomax

Posted by bridgey1128 on February 6, 2004, at 9:36:34

In reply to Re: topomax, posted by tmg on February 6, 2004, at 7:48:02

I think it has decreased mine a tad and I am only taking 50mg. I think pretty much all the antidepressants do that. Effexor upped it so that my HUSBAND couldn't keep up with me. But I wouldn't recommend that drug simply because of the withdrawl. My Dr said he had never heard of that side effect but my friend said she had the same thing happen to her.


Re: topomax

Posted by helenag on February 6, 2004, at 9:45:41

In reply to Re: topomax, posted by tmg on February 6, 2004, at 7:48:02

I've been on topamax nine months and am currently on 300mg a day. Am also on effexor at 300mg a day. So, I can't answer to the libido question of topamax since I am on both drugs.

I can say that the short term memory aspect of topamax is with me still. I do forget people's names from time to time, especially if I am stressed and tired. This is embarrassing at work. I don't forget names of people I work with closely, but other managers, etc., I have been known to completely blank out their names. Other things I blank out on are some of children's friends' names, brand names of the items I work with at work, sometimes even names of everyday items.
Still get numbness and tingling at times, too.

These side effects, especially the loss of memory, are a small price to pay for the mood stabilization I have found with this drug. It has helped me where other drugs have not.


Re: topomax » tmg

Posted by dragonfly25 on February 6, 2004, at 14:29:09

In reply to Re: topomax, posted by tmg on February 6, 2004, at 7:48:02

I have no idea how common this is...but my sex drive has decreased significantly since coming off of topamax.


Re: topomax

Posted by Sooshi on February 7, 2004, at 9:38:52

In reply to Re: topomax, posted by tmg on February 6, 2004, at 7:48:02

Definately an increase in libido since starting Topamax for me......


Re: topomax » Sooshi

Posted by dragonfly25 on February 7, 2004, at 12:36:13

In reply to Re: topomax, posted by Sooshi on February 7, 2004, at 9:38:52

So it isn't in my head? I couldn't figure it out and that was my only thought.


Re: topomax » dragonfly25

Posted by Sooshi on February 7, 2004, at 21:21:23

In reply to Re: topomax » Sooshi, posted by dragonfly25 on February 7, 2004, at 12:36:13

Oh's not all in your head! Effexor dampened my libido, Topamax took it WAY back up. This is just my case and I doubt it's doing this for everyone. In any case, without being too graphic, I'm much more easily stimulated and reach the big "O" alot quicker! Yipee! So, it not only helped stabilize my mood and lose weight, but it increased my libido too (I swear I don't work for them.....)


Re: topomax » Sooshi

Posted by aussie on February 8, 2004, at 19:47:26

In reply to Re: topomax » dragonfly25, posted by Sooshi on February 7, 2004, at 21:21:23

This is my first ever post - a bit nervous!
I've been and am on serzone and effoxor andcan vouch for loss of libido. However I can second the other reader's finding of Topomax helping out on this score! I've just been on it awhile and already I'm interested again.........
Hopefully if Topomax helps me I can get off the serzone. :(
I kind of like the Effexor.
It was nice to read about Topomax taking somepeople's headaches away. I get two-three day atypical migraines. Kind of like a hang over but wihtout any alcohol!


Re: topomax

Posted by witchyminx on March 6, 2004, at 19:06:12

In reply to Re: topomax » Sooshi, posted by aussie on February 8, 2004, at 19:47:26

My doctor is talking about prescribing me a mood stabilizier and/or possibly an antidepressant. My moods seem to need controlled more though. I wanted to bring this med up to him. I get migraines and heard tihs would help. I also heard it is used for keeping moods from getting out of hand. Plus after being on Elavil, I would love to lose the weight seeing as I gained 44 pounds on it (which made me more depressed). May other questions concerning this though, is I have high bood pressure. Has anyone had issues of it either going up or down on Topomax? And is the rest of my understanding seemingly correct. I would really love some feedback, bcs this seems too good to be true and it would solve quite a few problems for me at one shot if it is all true.


Re: topomax and voice changes » witchyminx

Posted by headachequeen on March 7, 2004, at 13:03:56

In reply to Re: topomax, posted by witchyminx on March 6, 2004, at 19:06:12

> My doctor is talking about prescribing me a mood stabilizier and/or possibly an antidepressant. My moods seem to need controlled more though. I wanted to bring this med up to him. I get migraines and heard tihs would help. I also heard it is used for keeping moods from getting out of hand. Plus after being on Elavil, I would love to lose the weight seeing as I gained 44 pounds on it (which made me more depressed). May other questions concerning this though, is I have high bood pressure. Has anyone had issues of it either going up or down on Topomax? And is the rest of my understanding seemingly correct. I would really love some feedback, bcs this seems too good to be true and it would solve quite a few problems for me at one shot if it is all true.

dear heaven, I am beginning to sound like a one-woman ailment library here but I do have a problem with high blood pressure and have had for a long time...
it is controlled with meds and with the decline in my weight...
even with the new and lowered ideal numbers my blood pressure has stayed in the good numbers despite the topomax...
if this is any help to you


Re: topomax and voice changes

Posted by miaorion07 on March 17, 2004, at 15:35:14

In reply to Re: topomax and voice changes » witchyminx, posted by headachequeen on March 7, 2004, at 13:03:56

I just started taking Topamax, I am starting at 25mg, and bumping it up to 50mg next week. I wonder has anyone experienced significant weight loss at this dosage. I am taking it for Migraines...but could use to lose some weight as well. Wondered if it had worked for anyone else. Please inform! Thanks! Oh by the way...does anyone else hate the way soda taste on this med, and does this fade?


Re: topomax and voice changes » miaorion07

Posted by Sooshi on March 17, 2004, at 16:08:21

In reply to Re: topomax and voice changes, posted by miaorion07 on March 17, 2004, at 15:35:14

Hi mia,
I didn't start losing until 100mgs, and then within a month or so I lost 16lbs, but haven't lost any since then. The weight loss tends to wear off like all the other side effects.

Soda tastes absolutely horrid, and still does, even now at 50mgs as I'm coming off of Topamax! I can't wait to drink a soda again!

Good luck with Topa!

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