Psycho-Babble Withdrawal Thread 466069

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Re: cymbalta withdrawals

Posted by sad mama on May 12, 2007, at 10:28:52

In reply to Re: cymbalta withdrawals » sad mama, posted by LlurpsieNoodle on May 12, 2007, at 9:37:33

Thank you for your kind reply and more of what to expect, Ll.
She will have only about six weeks of down-time this summer, as she, too, is in college. She is a violinist who has been fortunate enough to be hired often and travel, but needs this down-time very badly.
I would like more feedback on people's experiences with the tapering. Most have said when they went from 60mg to 30mg, they still had withdrawal symptoms. She was considering doing this while still traveling in June but would it be risky if she is performing?

> -Ll


Re: cymbalta withdrawals

Posted by gapsgal on May 12, 2007, at 15:08:31

In reply to Re: cymbalta withdrawals, posted by sad mama on May 12, 2007, at 10:28:52

I could never taper, it was always just too severe to do and live life at the same time. The thing that I did that finally rid me of this nightmare was prozac. I used it to replace the Cymbalta then quit taking the prozac with virtually no symptoms at all. The difference is that Prozac has a longer half life and therefore does a taper on its own with no withdrawal symptoms. Hope this helps...



Re: Cymbalta Withdrawal Hell

Posted by lisalyn on May 12, 2007, at 22:29:03

In reply to Re: Cymbalta Withdrawal Hell » gapsgal, posted by scratchpad on May 7, 2007, at 19:58:43

I am so sorry to find that so many are having to endure the torture of withdrawing from this awful drug. It has been 4 weeks since my psychiatrist took me off Cymbalta "cold turkey" andI see no end in sight to the misery. Every time I think things might be improving, it rebounds and slaps me back down. I have experienced "brain shocks", severe muscle spasms, migraines, severe nausea, 15 lb weight loss, brain "fog", and electrolyte imbalance. I crashed so hard that I ended up in a locked psych ward for 8 days. My doctors are pointing their fingers at each other. My shrink is blaming me for my symptoms, saying a have conversion disorder or possibly somatization disorder. I have been out of work for the last 4 weeks because I have been unable to function. This drug is bad news. Good luck to all of you.


returning from cymbalta undead

Posted by LlurpsieNoodle on May 20, 2007, at 14:32:03

In reply to Re: Cymbalta Withdrawal Hell, posted by lisalyn on May 12, 2007, at 22:29:03

since going off after 2 month long taper. been off it totally since the last week in March.

Finally I'm starting to NOT notice the symptoms (dizzy and headache and brain zaps) unless I'm completely fatigued.

unfortunately some of my other medications I suspect of making me sleepy.

when I had alcohol this weekend, for instance, I noticed the symptoms coming back.


This is the longest, oldest thread I've ever participated in!


Re: returning from cymbalta undead

Posted by moesje on May 23, 2007, at 20:43:05

In reply to returning from cymbalta undead, posted by LlurpsieNoodle on May 20, 2007, at 14:32:03

> since going off after 2 month long taper. been off it totally since the last week in March.
> Finally I'm starting to NOT notice the symptoms (dizzy and headache and brain zaps) unless I'm completely fatigued.
> unfortunately some of my other medications I suspect of making me sleepy.

wow, thought it was all in my mind!! i was on 30 mg for 6 weeks and decided i didn't want to feel like a zombie any more. so doc said to dump out the contents of the capsule take half for a while. well, i went down to on fourth and guess what? the shocks, emotional imbalance, everything is the same as if i was taking 30. he tried telling me that most people get rid of the zombiness after 60, but i said no more, i want off.

i've taken a full regimine of vits for years, have added GABA, cal-mag mix (i get it at GNC), and will be trying the benadryl at night, and possibly cold meds with amphetaines during the day. not quite sure i want the amphetamines, but for sure the benadryl.

sorry if i sound rambling, i'm sure most of you understand this phase of the withdrawal. hubby is worried, i feel like slamming my body into a brick wall, teenage daughters KNOW for sure i have lost it completely.

i'll hang in there a bit longer, see if they commit me by the end of next month or something. :( please pray, this is not easy, and i'll pray for all on this site.


Re: Cymbalta Withdrawal Hell

Posted by moesje on May 23, 2007, at 22:34:19

In reply to Re: Cymbalta Withdrawal Hell, posted by ELC on May 2, 2007, at 17:20:03

> You all are talking about brain zaps, and I'm having them (day 4 off of Cymbalta) I'm also having these "zaps" in my lips, tongue, fingers. Anyone else having these electrical shock/zaps anywhere besides the brain?>

throughout my whole body, and it doesn't take 4 days. i'm down to one fourth my dose and i didn't take a pill yesterday. after standing and fishing all day long i thought i'd be too tired to care . . . wrong, i'm ready to gnaw my ankles or throw my body against a brick wall!! the shocks are all day, and they hurt everywhere.

you are not alone.


Re: Cymbalta Withdrawal Hell

Posted by moesje on May 24, 2007, at 8:53:45

In reply to Re: Cymbalta Withdrawal Hell, posted by moesje on May 23, 2007, at 22:34:19

okay, so i took tylenol PM last night, first thing in the morning, no shocks. my daughter was sick a month ago, and so i have benadryl strips of 12.5mg and will try those throughout the day. yes, they make you a little groggy, but if that's the price to pay to get rid of the shocks, i'll live with it. i work from home typing, i have to be able to type to get my work done and if the shocks are stopping me because of how much they hurt, then the benadryl is the small price i'll pay.

i have a list of the other vitamins to add to my regimine, but will hold off on those until i see how the benadryl works.

and get the cal-mag! it's calcium and magnesium in a citric base powder, when you add a little water to dissolve it fizzes like alka-seltzer. then you add enough water or juice to make 8 oz. these are minerals that your body needs. i had 2 glasses of it yesterday, and my body doesn't hurt as bad today. it can be a bit nasty to drink, but they have flavors now which mask the taste, but it's so worth it!!

oh, someone said something about losing electrolytes. i'm stopping at the store today to get something like pedialite to help with that! not sure what else would have the electrolytes for sure.

i'm SO glad i found this board! my daughters are 14.5 and 16, and they're wondering if i've completely lost my mind. i explained all the withdrawal stuff to them yesterday, and hopefully it will make me more accountable for my responses to them, and their outbursts to me overall.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. i will keep you posted.


Re: Cymbalta Withdrawal Hell

Posted by moesje on May 25, 2007, at 0:04:15

In reply to Re: Cymbalta Withdrawal Hell, posted by moesje on May 24, 2007, at 8:53:45

by going to this site:

i found out more info about cymbalta, including a 8-17 hour half life, and that 70% is secreted through the urine . . . .so drink gallons of water! and it can also suck electrolytes out of you, so get some pedialite.

go read this page!


Re: Cymbalta withdrawal

Posted by sigolene on May 27, 2007, at 2:17:57

In reply to Cymbalta withdrawal, posted by Regina on March 3, 2005, at 16:37:18

I've just started Cymbalta, and I would like to know if someone has experienced NO withdrawal symptoms when stopping it.


Re: Cymbalta withdrawal

Posted by morbidfascination on May 27, 2007, at 9:57:27

In reply to Re: Cymbalta withdrawal, posted by sigolene on May 27, 2007, at 2:17:57

i've got nothing good to say about Cymbalta ..The withdrawl was Hell pure and simple hell and i had ta go back to more drugs to get through it ..i'm now on clonazepam and prozac both low doses ..But w/out the help i was going to end up dead from my own hand or in jail ..My rage was out of control ..The rapid weight gain has left me dealing w/ major self esteem issues ..i'm eating healthy and working out and have lost a rotten 6 lbs after being off the drug almost 2 months i have nothing positive to say about this POS drug ..Noway! are you not going to suffer if you try to get off the drug ..JUST MY OPINION ..Still venting ..thanx


Re: Cymbalta withdrawal » sigolene

Posted by moesje on May 27, 2007, at 10:08:17

In reply to Re: Cymbalta withdrawal, posted by sigolene on May 27, 2007, at 2:17:57

> I've just started Cymbalta, and I would like to know if someone has experienced NO withdrawal symptoms when stopping it.>

I started cymbalta on March 20, 2006. I did great the first week, then was back to being so tired I couldn't focus or work (I type at home). So one day I tried to not take it - experienced all symptoms of withdrawal. Saw doc in early May who said that maybe I'd feel better at 60 mg, I said NO, I want off. So he said I could just stop. When I explained the symptoms, he took a capsule and opened it, then said I could guestimate the pellets inside and cut back. Well I bought empty capsules from my vitamin store and METICULOUSLY made half dose, third dose and quarter dose. No difference. If I didn't take a pill, I had all the symptoms. So after hitting fourth dose, I stopped completely, only off now 5 days, still have symptoms, but doing better. I have found that the physical labor helps with the brain shocks, not sure why but since my house needs work, I do that. I'm taking lots of vitamins and added 1200mg fish oil and 400mg E (will up that today). I'm also drinking 1230mg of magnesium (I thought it was calcium-magnesium, but it works) which is 16oz of water, then at least 20oz of plain water, my welch's grape juice and of course coffee. Yesterday I somehow got 60oz of water!

If you need the Cymbalta, by all means do what your doc says! I've been on something for 5 years, and realized maybe I'm not depressed anymore, just comfortable with taking pills. If things change and I need to go back onto something, it won't be Cymbalta or Lexapro, but I will go back and see the doc, and he knows it.

YOU have to do what you need to do, and if being on Cymbalta is what you need, or something else for that matter, then you do it. I would hate to think anything on this site or any other caused someone to get of meds they desparately needed.


Re: Cymbalta withdrawal » morbidfascination

Posted by moesje on May 27, 2007, at 12:38:50

In reply to Re: Cymbalta withdrawal, posted by morbidfascination on May 27, 2007, at 9:57:27

i totally agree with this, too.

Sigolene - if you are concerned about the withdrawal symptoms you are reading about here, you need to talk to your doc BEFORE starting it(show him this site so he knows you are NOT crazy being worried about the withdrawal later).

i won't ever take this drug again, nor lexapro as i had the same problem with it.

in fact, i hope to never take psyche drugs again, but that's just me.


Re: Cymbalta withdrawal - SITE

Posted by moesje on May 27, 2007, at 13:10:20

In reply to Re: Cymbalta withdrawal » morbidfascination, posted by moesje on May 27, 2007, at 12:38:50

this is expensive, but if it's for real and you can afford it, it might be worth checking in to:


Re: Cymbalta withdrawal - SITE (nm)

Posted by lisalyn on May 27, 2007, at 20:08:06

In reply to Re: Cymbalta withdrawal - SITE, posted by moesje on May 27, 2007, at 13:10:20


Re: Cymbalta withdrawal

Posted by born46lady on May 28, 2007, at 20:15:29

In reply to Re: Cymbalta withdrawal, posted by lorena on December 11, 2005, at 16:05:32

[size=18][/size]I can't believe I found this website today when I thought I was going crazy. I went off Cymbalta about three weeks ago and alcohol about two weeks ago. I thought I was going insane and feel like about I am about to have a coronary heart attack! I have a metallic taste in my mouth, am dizzy, sweaty, hot, cold, cry at the drop of a hat and just generally feel crappy. I was on Cymbalta for over four years and my alcohol consumption increased as time went on. I finally decided to quit it all. Now I am suffering the consequences. I went to my doctor and TOLD him to take me off the Cymbalta NOW! He gave me a seven day sample of Cymbalta at half the dosage I had been taking and instructed me to take it for one week and then quit. Oh my goodness, I "Know" I will make it but I realize I have a long road to haul before I am out of the water. I am sooooo thankful that I went to the computer and started searching. I finnaly had the guts to admit I had been drinking way too much while on this medication. Shame on me! BUT shame on the doctors for ever putting me on Cymbalta. This medication should be taken off the market.


Re: Cymbalta withdrawal » born46lady

Posted by moesje on May 28, 2007, at 20:33:44

In reply to Re: Cymbalta withdrawal, posted by born46lady on May 28, 2007, at 20:15:29

> I can't believe I found this website today when I thought I was going crazy. Oh my goodness, I "Know" I will make it but I realize I have a long road to haul before I am out of the water. I am sooooo thankful that I went to the computer and started searching.>>

Welcome! And hugs and support for your efforts. It won't be easy at all. Read all the other posts here, and check out some of the other areas because some of the non-cymbalta ones will relate to cymbalta . . .brain shocks and stuff like that. If you have a vitamin store in town, or a naturopathic clinic, go there and get some help on what vitamins and supplenents to be taking. Drink lots of water and in my opinion, physical exertion will show the brain shocks "who's the boss". Not sure how that works, but if I get out and do some manual labor, the shocks subside, if I sit and watch tv, they hurt like h*ll. Exercise if you don't have any housework or home repairs to do, but do something. The movement and water will help your body get the drug circulating and out of your body faster . . .although how fast "faster" is with this, I don't really know.

But hang in there, and make sure you enlist the help of someone close to you, so that if you hit the ground crawling, you have a friend to call up on at any time of the night or day. You may not ever need that person, but knowing that person is there will help.

Nuff said for now.


Re: Cymbalta withdrawal

Posted by moesje on June 4, 2007, at 1:24:05

In reply to Re: Cymbalta withdrawal » born46lady, posted by moesje on May 28, 2007, at 20:33:44

Okay, what I did was two days of half, nothing the next day; two days of one third, nothing the next day; two days of one fourth and then nothing from then on. When I had been off Cymbalta completely for 8 days, I went to my vitamin store and purchased "Enzymatic - Whole Body Cleanse" - a two week program.

YOU MUST BE OFF CYMBALTA FOR ONE FULL WEEK to start this, otherwise you may have difficulties. I took that seriously, as a young girl in our town died last winter, she had been on anti-depressants and her mom lovingly wanted to help her sleep, so gave her some melatonin. The mixture killed her, and it devastated everyone who knew her.

I'm at the end of the fourth day, the shakes have been gone for a week, the electric shocks only happen when I don't get enough sleep, or am overly excited mentally. Then I also feel like I'm drunk, and behave that way, too.

Otherwise, life is looking up. Oh, and I have an appointment with my pastor to discuss other ways to handle disappointments and life in general without medications.

I want to feel alive again, even when life hurts.


Re: Cymbalta withdrawal

Posted by kelmkla on June 12, 2007, at 11:10:57

In reply to Re: Cymbalta withdrawal » Howsjen, posted by Kfroggy on April 12, 2007, at 13:30:24

What are the effects of cymbalta us and withdrawal on the heart?


Re: Cymbalta withdrawal » kelmkla

Posted by moesje on June 12, 2007, at 13:02:57

In reply to Re: Cymbalta withdrawal, posted by kelmkla on June 12, 2007, at 11:10:57

> What are the effects of cymbalta us and withdrawal on the heart?>

I personally had flutters similar to anxiety, and just had to push through them. If you have a history of heart problems, it's best to talk to your doctor before getting off cymbalta. Really, EVERYONE should talk to their doctor before stopping any anti-depressants, as sometimes the side effects can be worse than the drug. And the doc needs to know what you're doing so that if you end up in the hospital or psyche ward, they will be able to help the emergency docs understand why and know better how to treat you at that point.

And I hate to say it, there are some who NEED meds, and if they go off and the doc doesn't know, you could be in a world of hurt. I wear a MedicAlert bracelet, so all my info is accessible no matter what, telling everyone what I'm allergic to and what meds I might be taking or not.

My opinion, but it's worth the $25-$30 a year to keep that bracelet on. I'm now allergic to penicillan, never was until 2000, and that's still a very widely used antibiotic.


Re: Cymbalta withdrawal

Posted by ConcernedWife on June 14, 2007, at 0:08:39

In reply to Re: Cymbalta withdrawal » kelmkla, posted by moesje on June 12, 2007, at 13:02:57

My husband was on Cymbalta for about 6 months and he slowly weened himself off of them in December. He had the brain zaps you guys are talking about while weening himself off but when he stopped taking it completely he woke up and had vertigo and nausea. He ended up in the Urgent care where they ran a lot of tests and told me my husband either has a virus or multiple sclerosis. Since then, he's had every test you can imagine and almost all of them have come back normal. He has a follow-up MRI in July to follow up on the possible MS diagnosis. The only symptom he is having now is what he calls "twitching" throughout his body. Sometimes it's worse than others and sometimes it's almost non-existent. Has anyone else had any similar experiences??

Thank you for all your input!


Re: Cymbalta withdrawal » ConcernedWife

Posted by moesje on June 14, 2007, at 0:41:50

In reply to Re: Cymbalta withdrawal, posted by ConcernedWife on June 14, 2007, at 0:08:39

> My husband was on Cymbalta for about 6 months and he slowly weened himself off of them in December. He had the brain zaps you guys are talking about while weening himself off but when he stopped taking it completely he woke up and had vertigo and nausea. He ended up in the Urgent care where they ran a lot of tests and told me my husband either has a virus or multiple sclerosis. Since then, he's had every test you can imagine and almost all of them have come back normal. He has a follow-up MRI in July to follow up on the possible MS diagnosis. The only symptom he is having now is what he calls "twitching" throughout his body. Sometimes it's worse than others and sometimes it's almost non-existent. Has anyone else had any similar experiences??
> Thank you for all your input!>>

I was on cymbalta for 6 WEEKS, so the twitching I experienced was only during the 2 weeks I was weening myself off. After that, no more.

If the docs have done all these tests, they would know if he's imbalanced on some nutrients. You can try Cal-Mag from GNC, and the vits I use are from NOW, the Eco-Green Multi without iron and then a separate iron supplement so I don't overdose on iron.

So I can't tell you if my symptoms stopped because they just did, or because of the vitamin regimine I was already on, and then added to. But it's worth talking to the doc to see if he could try vits.

NOW doesn't sell directly online, but they are listed online and give you a way to search for suppliers in your area.

Hope this helps, I know this site was a lifesaver for me when I found out I wasn't alone.


Re: Cymbalta withdrawal

Posted by Punkybear on July 1, 2007, at 22:31:50

In reply to Re: Cymbalta withdrawal » ConcernedWife, posted by moesje on June 14, 2007, at 0:41:50

My name is Mike and I am 49 years old.

Thank you for this thread. I thought I was going crazy from my with drawl. I am having the same things happen so many have talked about.

I have been on cymbalta for more than 2 years. After being on it for 6 months for my original problem, I was in a severe accident and was almost killed. I have since been raised up to 120mg a day of cymbalta. I was also on 3000 mg of neurontin.

I had severe weight gain along with many other problems from all the medication. Basically there is nothing they can do for some of my injuries except pain management. Two months ago, I told my doctor I did not want to be on these drugs anymore. I would rather deal with the pain than all the side effects. My neurologist agreed to let me taper it down to 60mg, and my pain doctors wanted me to totally stop the neurontin and get on lyrica. I have successfully switched to only 120mg a day of lyrica and am now off the neurontin.

After getting my cymbalta down to 60mg a day following the doctors orders, I stayed at that level for 2 weeks. Then on my own I decided to get off cymbalta completely. I followed the same advice I used to get down to 60mg. It has now been 5 days that I have been totally off the cymbalta.

I am experiencing severe mood swings, happy one minute and crying the next. I get those terrible brain shivers and dizziness. I itch everywhere. The worst for me are the nightly weird dreams and nightmares I have had for the last 2 months of lowering my dosages.

On the plus side, I finally feel like my brain is coming out of a deep fog. I feel like my personality and ability to think clearly is coming back. I will never allow any doctor to get me on this high a prescription of these kinds of medications again. I plan on getting completely off all my drugs, with or without the doctors ok. My choice for healing myself is going to be working out and lifting weights.

Thank all of you who wrote in this message thread. It really helped to know I was not alone. My prayers are with all of you going through this with drawl. This is Hell! I hope I can see a light at the end of my tunnel in the next 2 weeks. I have made it this far and will make it the rest of the way without the drugs.

Thank you all, I hope my story helps someone else.



Re: Cymbalta withdrawal

Posted by tamara999 on July 3, 2007, at 10:42:20

In reply to Re: Cymbalta withdrawal » born46lady, posted by moesje on May 28, 2007, at 20:33:44

Yeah!!! I was on hold at my doctors office to make an appt when I found this thread. Of course I hung up. I thought i was dying or something. Having Severe dizziness and a "fog" over my head feeling. Cant seem to get motivated and feel like Im almost drunk. Been on Cybalta for a year and weaned down from 60 to 30 over 3 weeks then one every other day for 2 weeks....still lots of side effects.
How long does it take to get all this to go away???? Thank god im off work this week. Thanks for the post !!


Re: Cymbalta withdrawal » tamara999

Posted by melyssa on July 4, 2007, at 15:29:39

In reply to Re: Cymbalta withdrawal, posted by tamara999 on July 3, 2007, at 10:42:20

I am also in the process of tapering. It is not a fun experiance at all. I started last week. Just taking everyother day (60mg). Monday was the last time I took any cymbalta, and it was less then half the capsul, I poured the rest out. I tried mixing it with orange juice, but had a difficult time getting it to dissolve. I get really dizzy and sometimes it hurts when my eyes move, seems like they're moving to fast for my brain. I got some Vitamine B - complex to help and some Dramamine for dizziness. I am trying not to take anymore cymbalta at all. But it has only been a week, maybe it is too quicke to quit cold turkey. It is awful. I wish this on no one!


Re: Cymbalta withdrawal

Posted by tamara999 on July 4, 2007, at 20:18:12

In reply to Re: Cymbalta withdrawal » tamara999, posted by melyssa on July 4, 2007, at 15:29:39

i decided to go back on the cymbalta to try to aleviate the syptoms of withdrawal. I was down to the 30 mg every other day for 2 weeks and still couldnt stop. So I opened the 30;s and split the "beads" in half. I put them back in half of the capsule and crushed the end shut. so took approx. 15 mg. I felt better about 6 hrs later ........took the 15 again today. Plan on doing this with my pills for about 2 weeks then maybe even divide them further......i have none of the dizziness and eye movement verigo as before. Guess we will all get thru this on our own....:)

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