Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Re: Cymbalta seems to be the only drug... » dancingstar

Posted by Phillipa on January 3, 2005, at 16:13:45

In reply to Cymbalta seems to be the only drug... » mikerush, posted by dancingstar on January 3, 2005, at 12:17:20

I have been following all the Effexor Posts with interest because I have been taking Cymbalta. It did nothing for me. I did not feel any better. I have had pdocs who have tried me on all the SSRI's and Effexor. The only time one worked was the first time I took one 7 years ago and that was l0mg of Paxil. After I weaned off that one, I had a brief period on Luvox, at theraputic doses that worked. My dumb pdoc, through drug company incentives insisted I try Celexa, and that was the beginning of the end. Nothing, and I mean nothing has worked since. I always had to take Xanax with them, and when the Paxil was working I was also drinking beer at night. I was feeling great, functioning well, working as an RN and happy. I have been on disability ever since the changes. I am miserable. When I tried the other AD's the side effects were so bad that I always had to stop them within a week, my anxiety would skyrocket! I would be put back on low doses of Paxil. I am now agoraphobic, numb, don't care about anything. I decided to try and go off all AD's to try and see who I am. Yes, I am having W/D from the Cymbalta, brain zaps, no motivation, I'm just not the same fun loving, hardworking person I was before AD. I have to add that my thyroid became low and that escalated my anxiety and caused depression, and the need for AD. I really feel that Effexor is no different than the others, and Cymbalta has the side-effects too which is why I'm going off it after 4 months. I'm mad at the drug companies and pdocs in general because they don't know what they really do. I once asked one if he had ever taken and he quickly said no! When you complain of a side-effect they make you feel like you are a failure and it's your fault. I've even had one "fire" me because I don't respond like he wanted me to. Sorry I've written so much, but it's therapy to tell it like it is. I would take one if it would give me back my life. Phillipa


Re: Cymbalta seems to be the only drug... » Phillipa

Posted by dancingstar on January 3, 2005, at 16:32:09

In reply to Re: Cymbalta seems to be the only drug... » dancingstar, posted by Phillipa on January 3, 2005, at 16:13:45

It is kind of strange that many of us that have taken AD's have low thyroid. I have had to take greater and greater doseages over the last few years.

Now that I know better, I really would stay away from the entire group of drugs no matter what the pdocs say, and I wouldn't let anyone in my family go near them, but that is just my opinion after putting to gether the facts about the kinds of things that they do to us.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR...yes.(long)

Posted by crazykidd on January 3, 2005, at 16:36:18

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR...yes.(long), posted by not2late4u on December 30, 2004, at 21:44:36

I've been on Effexor XR for the past 6 years. Prior to Effexor XR, I was taking Paxil for panic attacks, depression, and an eating disorder. To this day I wish I could go back in time and refuse the medications. I remain on my medication because the side effects associated with Effexor XR scare the living daylights out of me. (Believe me, I've experienced it first hand)
Another reason why I wish I would've stayed clear of anti-depressants is a financial reason. I cannot afford the monthly prescription and my school health insurance barely makes a dent in the cost. I have been receiving "samples" through a psychiatrist and the "Patient Assistance" program through Wyeth. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, my meds are late and as of today I am without my medication. Yes, I've contacted my psychiatrist and I tried contacting Wyeth (their closed due to the holiday) with no luck.
I guess I'm just tired of the whole cycle...



Re: Cymbalta seems to be the only drug...

Posted by Phillipa on January 3, 2005, at 17:34:08

In reply to Re: Cymbalta seems to be the only drug... » Phillipa, posted by dancingstar on January 3, 2005, at 16:32:09

It is interesting about the thyroid. You brought back the memory of something I noticed when I was a psych RN {Yeah, I know, it must be contagious!}. A majority of the female pts in the unit reguardless of the dx had a low thyroid. I was a very through RN and always read a pts Lab reports besides their hx. Most RN's don't do this. Phillipa


Re: Cymbalta seems to be the only drug...

Posted by dancingstar on January 3, 2005, at 18:44:34

In reply to Re: Cymbalta seems to be the only drug..., posted by Phillipa on January 3, 2005, at 17:34:08

I wonder which comes first, the meds or the thyroid problem. In my case it was the med, but I'm just curious.

I know that low thyroid = depression, but do the drugs also cause low thyroid?


Re: Cymbalta seems to be the only drug... » dancingstar

Posted by Phillipa on January 3, 2005, at 19:22:51

In reply to Re: Cymbalta seems to be the only drug..., posted by dancingstar on January 3, 2005, at 18:44:34

I guess I should have asked the pts. I always had a really good relationship with them and was well liked by them. I would like the answer to this too. I asked other staff, but nobody seemed interested. I guess it was because it did't affect them, and most of them didn't care, they were just there to earn money. Phillipa

Gee, sounds like the pdocs!


Re: Cymbalta seems to be the only drug... » Phillipa

Posted by dancingstar on January 3, 2005, at 19:28:02

In reply to Re: Cymbalta seems to be the only drug... » dancingstar, posted by Phillipa on January 3, 2005, at 19:22:51

It sounds like you were on to something, you must be a very good nurse.


Re: Cymbalta seems to be the only drug... » dancingstar

Posted by Phillipa on January 3, 2005, at 20:15:29

In reply to Re: Cymbalta seems to be the only drug... » Phillipa, posted by dancingstar on January 3, 2005, at 19:28:02

Thank-you so much. I take that as a compliment. I Think I will start a Thread on this now and ask how many have thyroid problems. A little investigation of our own! Phillipa


Re: Cymbalta seems to be the only drug...

Posted by dancingstar on January 3, 2005, at 20:17:40

In reply to Re: Cymbalta seems to be the only drug... » dancingstar, posted by Phillipa on January 3, 2005, at 20:15:29

Good idea. I've been curious, too. Thanks.


Re: Cymbalta seems to be the only drug...

Posted by chpike on January 3, 2005, at 22:26:28

In reply to Re: Cymbalta seems to be the only drug..., posted by dancingstar on January 3, 2005, at 20:17:40

> Good idea. I've been curious, too. Thanks.

After horrible anxiety and panic - I went from Paxil - doc changed me to Effexor due to night sweats - found out I was pregnant and weaned w/no problem via Cymbalta. I'm thrilled as I tried for a year to get off Effxr - following a year on it. Figured it was causing my night sweats. Before Cymbalta - my withdrawl was not barable - anger, panic etc.

I went from 150mg Effx Xr to 60 mg Cymbalta for two weeks, now down to 30 mg Cymbalta and feeling great. I would say my head is much clearer and dreams not so freaky as on Effex and Pax. Good luck I believe in Cymbalta as a means to wean off all AD's.

But as I read through months of babble - it amazes me how various drugs affect us all so differently. My doc basically told me that from the start. I do however share frustration at the level of concern and lack of follow up.

Good luck and God Bless. CHE


Re: whoops , I meant 50 offenders!! » jubilee

Posted by sierra1 on January 3, 2005, at 23:24:10

In reply to whoops , I meant 50 offenders!!, posted by jubilee on January 2, 2005, at 12:11:21

took effexor for about a year, my name can be found in much earlier posts....i went from the beginning stages, middle stages, as everyone here talks about. Orgasms were "gone"....perhaps the odd few, but they just were not happening, all though i totally enjoyed all sex.....anytime, the big "O" was missing. After going from 75 mg up to 300 mg in that year....i stopped....cold turkey...

once in anwhile i check back here for new and different posts about effexor. Going off effexor, id say it took a long time for most of the side effects to be gone....except the occasional tingling in the head feeling (still get that one)
....orgasms....they are happening...not as they once were but at least there are some.......


Re: whoops , I meant 50 offenders!!

Posted by sierra1 on January 3, 2005, at 23:30:42

In reply to whoops , I meant 50 offenders!!, posted by jubilee on January 2, 2005, at 12:11:21

bgbham KimberlyDi Zinna Mercedes

come back and tell us what is going on in your lives now?


Re: Cymbalta seems to be the only drug... » chpike

Posted by dancingstar on January 4, 2005, at 1:24:08

In reply to Re: Cymbalta seems to be the only drug..., posted by chpike on January 3, 2005, at 22:26:28

Cymbalta is a relatively new drug. Are you currently pregnant?

Generally speaking, we wouldn't want to advise people that are just flipping through the website to switch from Effexor to Cymbalta if they are pregnant because that may not be the most prudent move that one can make. Generally speaking, it would be better to be off of ADs entirely. If Cymbalta is covering the effects of Effexor and it, too, is an antidepressant, then it is likely that it is generally doing the same sort of thing that Effexor does to your body with some variations.

I wish you well in your journey, but you should research the effects of Cymbalta on pregnancies and newborns if that data is available as it is, finally, with Effexor.


Re: I agree and...

Posted by not2late4u on January 4, 2005, at 2:37:09

In reply to Re: I agree and... » not2late4u, posted by dancingstar on January 3, 2005, at 8:33:07

All my posts have been informational about my experiences and research, as I assume everyone elses is. It seems that you have a hard time excepting this. I have said twice and others have said that we are sorry for all those who have had to suffer for whatever reasons and that fda, drug makers etc should provide more info, these things have been acknowledged many times by many posts. The fact is that not everyone has or will have the same experiences, this has been said throughout posts as well. We can not place everyone in the same category or group, we are all different! This doesnt invalidate anyone elses experiences, however in my opinion, your responses seem to.. Lets not take away from someone who may be helped by Effexor, lets provide the best info we can for them so they can be better informed on both sides of the issue and base their own decision on their research. Please, cant we share this site?


Re: I AM GRATEFUL for Effexor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by not2late4u on January 4, 2005, at 2:58:14

In reply to Re: I AM GRATEFUL for Effexor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, posted by FaithT on January 3, 2005, at 7:15:18


Ya, when I take the last one, thats what I am wondering if I will still be doing this well. Im glad you've been lucky enough to find a medication that will help you to live your life, Im sure you know yourself better than anyone else and I just have to say that I would guess that you are clear minded enough to know know whats best for you. Im glad that Effexor does not give you the horrible side effects that others have suffered. Praise God for that! I'll also say a prayer for you about the fear of cancer returning. (the opposite of fear is your name, "faith".) Renee


Re: I AM GRATEFUL for Effexor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! » not2late4u

Posted by FaithT on January 4, 2005, at 7:25:06

In reply to Re: I AM GRATEFUL for Effexor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, posted by not2late4u on January 4, 2005, at 2:58:14

Thanks so much Renee. That was really sweet of you.
As far as the withdrawl, like I said I did go off Effexor once myself...You'll get through it, just wean down very slowly, and let your Dr. help you. Basically, I just felt kinda weird for the first week without it. I'm sure you read about the zaps and insomnia. For me, it gradually diminished after about a month. I did begin taking the herbal supplement Melatonin while having the insomnia, and that seemed to help me sleep better.
After that I felt absoloutly fine lasting effects for me.
I feel fine back on it again as well. As you said in you post above, everyone is different, and on the drug for different reasons. For some, like me, it's a miracle. For others it's horrible, and I'm sorry about that.
Renee, best wishes to you...


Re: I agree and... » dancingstar

Posted by dancingstar on January 4, 2005, at 12:30:41

In reply to Re: I agree and... » not2late4u, posted by dancingstar on January 3, 2005, at 8:33:07


You addressed your prior post to me with your opinion, and I answered you with my opinion. Was I not supposed to do that? If I did something wrong, I apologize.



Re: I AM GRATEFUL for Effexor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! » FaithT

Posted by ckc on January 4, 2005, at 12:42:25

In reply to Re: I AM GRATEFUL for Effexor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! » dancingstar, posted by FaithT on January 3, 2005, at 9:22:03

OK, this is the third time I've tried this. I have been reading for over two hours and I now have both trepidation and some hope re: Effexor. Five days ago I had a detailed suicide plan and was close to implementing it. With the help of my PCP, psychologist and husband I have been able to make it through one day at a time. I realized while answering his questions that I have had some degree of depression for at least 28 years. I have been off and on many AD. I was on Wellbutrin 300 XL and Cymbalta 60mg last week. I did not feel that they were making any difference and did not f/u with my pdoc as I should have. My PCP immediately started me on 75mg of Effexor and cut the Cymbalta to 30mg. My pdoc called yesterday because I had missed a 10am appt. He told me to decrease the Cym to every other day after the week of 30/day and to then increase the Effexor to 75mg 2x/day. I am kind of freaked out now because of how slowly other folks on this site have been started. I have wicked insomnia. I actually have less hand tremoring since the Cym has been cut in half. I was wondering, what the heck are brain zaps? Do they happen at any dosage? It is great to know that there is a site like this for support during this low point in my life. ckc


Re: Cymbalta seems to be the only drug... » Phillipa

Posted by ckc on January 4, 2005, at 13:02:13

In reply to Re: Cymbalta seems to be the only drug... » dancingstar, posted by Phillipa on January 3, 2005, at 20:15:29

Phillipa,I have just started Effexor five days ago. I had my thyroid levels checked in June and they were ok. I'll be your "lab rat" and let you know how it goes. ckc


Re: I AM GRATEFUL for Effexor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! » ckc

Posted by Phillipa on January 4, 2005, at 16:21:08

In reply to Re: I AM GRATEFUL for Effexor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! » FaithT, posted by ckc on January 4, 2005, at 12:42:25

It's kind of hard to describe brain zaps. It is usually associated with W/D from an AD, in my experience anyway. When I turn my head, blink my eyes, walk,etc, it almost feels like you lose consciousness for a milisecond or are wierdly dizzy. Maybe someone else can explain it better. I can't find any Ad that works for me. The only thing that does is benzos, but even they don't work the same as they used to. This is causing my depression to worsen and I'm afraid to go out alone. My husband has lost all patience with me. Regards; Phillipa


Re: I AM GRATEFUL for Effexor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! » ckc

Posted by Phillipa on January 4, 2005, at 16:22:41

In reply to Re: I AM GRATEFUL for Effexor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! » FaithT, posted by ckc on January 4, 2005, at 12:42:25

It's kind of hard to describe brain zaps. It is usually associated with W/D from an AD, in my experience anyway. When I turn my head, blink my eyes, walk,etc, it almost feels like you lose consciousness for a milisecond or are wierdly dizzy. Maybe someone else can explain it better. I can't find any Ad that works for me. The only thing that does is benzos, but even they don't work the same as they used to. This is causing my depression to worsen and I'm afraid to go out alone. My husband has lost all patience with me. Regards; Phillipa


Re: I AM GRATEFUL for Effexor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by emtbman on January 4, 2005, at 16:57:15

In reply to Re: I AM GRATEFUL for Effexor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! » ckc, posted by Phillipa on January 4, 2005, at 16:22:41

Here is my babble regarding Effexor. My family physician started me on Effexor back in 1995. I started out taking 37.5mg per day and am now on
75mg XR per day. My doctor prescribed Effexor because of my severe mood swings. I would say that overall Effexor has been positive except for the negative sexual side effects. I can't count the number of times I have attempted to quit effexor but have failed. Each time I have tried to quit the withdrawal symptoms were so bad I just gave up. My doctor even tried a combination of Wellbutrin with the Effexor to ease the withdrawal symptoms. I don't want to increase my current dosage of 75mg per day because of the weight gain side effects I have read about. My doctor thinks I should take 150mg per day. I have friends who have gained as much as 150lbs on effexor but they are at the higher doses of 300-450mg. I know I need to increase my dose but I hate to get more dependent on this drug. I am curious if any other Effexor users have experienced the weight gain with the higher doses. I'm a healthy 39 yo m that exercises regularly. Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. I understand that Prozac and Benadryl can sometimes help in the withdrawal process. I think the reason I have tried to quit Effexor is because of the negative research I have read but I also have to understand that there are others out there that Effexor has helped.


Re: I AM GRATEFUL for Effexor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! » emtbman

Posted by FaithT on January 4, 2005, at 17:20:32

In reply to Re: I AM GRATEFUL for Effexor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, posted by emtbman on January 4, 2005, at 16:57:15

Hi...I am on 150 mg of Effexor, ..actually just increased to 187.5. Basically, except for a 2 month period, that I went off the drug, I've been on Effexor with great results for 2 1/2 years now.
I wonder why your Dr. gave you Wellbutrin, while you were attempting to withdrawl...I tried that med., and it made me bounce off the walls!
As far as weight gain on Effexor, in the beginning I actually lost a little weight, then gained back what I lost plus about 5 lbs., So technically, in 2 1/2 years I've gained 5 lbs, which is no problem.
I would try the 150 mg.,and you can always go back down if you see that you're gaining weight or not happy.
If you do choose to withdrawl instead, then just do it very slowly, with your Dr. I have read that some patients go on Prozac at a low dosage for a short period of time.
Best wishes either way,


Re: I AM GRATEFUL for Effexor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by emtbman on January 4, 2005, at 17:28:08

In reply to Re: I AM GRATEFUL for Effexor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! » emtbman, posted by FaithT on January 4, 2005, at 17:20:32

> Hi...I am on 150 mg of Effexor, ..actually just increased to 187.5. Basically, except for a 2 month period, that I went off the drug, I've been on Effexor with great results for 2 1/2 years now.
> I wonder why your Dr. gave you Wellbutrin, while you were attempting to withdrawl...I tried that med., and it made me bounce off the walls!
> As far as weight gain on Effexor, in the beginning I actually lost a little weight, then gained back what I lost plus about 5 lbs., So technically, in 2 1/2 years I've gained 5 lbs, which is no problem.
> I would try the 150 mg.,and you can always go back down if you see that you're gaining weight or not happy.
> If you do choose to withdrawl instead, then just do it very slowly, with your Dr. I have read that some patients go on Prozac at a low dosage for a short period of time.
> Best wishes either way,
> Faith~

Thanks Faith! I think I will give it a try. I have no complaints with the effexor I just think that 75mg is no longer doing the trick. My co-workers have even commented that I am more moody than usual. I just have to accept the fact that I will probably be taking this for the rest of my life. My doctor prescribed the Wellbutrin to counter the sexual side effects of the Effexor which did work but you're right about the bouncing off the walls, I hated Wellbutrin. Thanks and good luck.


You might want to give that a second thought.... » emtbman

Posted by dancingstar on January 4, 2005, at 17:38:23

In reply to Re: I AM GRATEFUL for Effexor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, posted by emtbman on January 4, 2005, at 17:28:08

Trying to stop taking Effexor is very difficult. The higher the dose, the more difficult it becomes to stop taking Effexor. There is virtually no way to stop taking it without your being in pain unless you switch to a similar drug. The higher the dose, the worse the weight gain, the more likely that you will have thyroid and the other possible problems associated with Effexor.

It is also possible that Effexor is causing your depression, rather than helping it. Like others, I was never depressed when I started taking it, but became depressed at 75 mg. and increased to 150, but it didn't help. You may be adding to your problems.

Some of us are now suing Wyeth for withholding information that we believe they have about the dangers of Effexor. Rather than risking your health, since there is so much news in the media about antidepressants both in the U.S. and in England these days, why don't you wait and see what turns up rather than taking a chance on risking your health. Some of us believe that the dangers are much greater than the possible rewards. Of course, the choice is always yours to make. We just want you to do the research and to be careful before you take something that could be dangerous. Check out and see what they have to say.

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