Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 1016

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Re: Thanks for listening to my story :)

Posted by Jenna Starrett on December 21, 2004, at 22:35:54

In reply to Re: Thanks for listening to my story :) » dancingstar, posted by dancingstar on December 18, 2004, at 12:21:58

Thank you for the support :) I hope everyone feels better today. I am taking one day at a time. I can't take benadryl because it makes me feel jittery for some reason (of course jitters is Disney World compared to Effexor). I did get a box of Claratin D (24 hour) however, and it seems to really help! I still have some "volts" in the day but I can function. It scares me though that when the Claratin wears off I still feel very sick....major VOLTS, nausea (really dizzy), headaches.... Does anyone know when this will go away? I am on Wellbutrin and my depression is better but I am seriously getting afraid of taking all these chemicals. I am really shocked and afraid at how strong they are! I hope Wellbutrin isn't strong like this too. When I get bad withdrawal moments I just try to get real still and pretend an angel has his beautiful warm fluffy wings wrapped around me. I know I won't get too sick then... and feel safe. P.s... thank you for the FDA web site. I am going to sit down one day when I can think clearly and fill it out. I would also like to do whatever I can to get Effexor taken off the market, or at least labeled with very clear warning labels about the withdrawls. I have to go look for my angel now... Jenna.


Re: Thanks for listening to my story :) » Jenna Starrett

Posted by dancingstar on December 22, 2004, at 1:55:34

In reply to Re: Thanks for listening to my story :), posted by Jenna Starrett on December 21, 2004, at 22:35:54

Hang in there Jenna. I quit cold turkey three months ago. There's not much left of the original pain except for the brain thing in the morning and the bathroom drama, I can't leave it sometimes. Besides that, I'm completely fine. And I've had it as bad as anyone that I've read so far. I went shopping tonight, and I didn't get home until 11:00 p.m. I can function, pretty much. Okay, so I've skipped most Christmas parties, I'm a little more anxious than usual, but honestly the storm is truly over. I can take a deep breath. The sweating is gone, I can exercise. No more real pain. No fever, and I'm not afraid I will die before morning.

You'll be okay. You won't have to take the Claratin forever, though I get that it feels like you will. I even thought I would have to take the Benadryl forever. Just be patient. Very patient. Lots of water and maybe add lemon to it, like I was told. We're here for you, promise. If you want to, write to me, and I will give you my phone number in case you freak out in the middle of the night. I think I wish someone had done that for me, though I would not have called. It's just nice to know that you can in case of an emergency.



Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?

Posted by nelke on December 30, 2004, at 21:14:57

In reply to thank you!!!!, posted by anna1banana on November 24, 2004, at 10:30:02

I am so thankful for all the support and info on this message board!
I have been taking Effexor 75mg daily for just 4 month to help me through some tough times (lost my son). Told my PA that I was ready to get off and her advise was to do the weaning "thing" over a 6 week period. Well, I did not take my pill on Tuesday and did not feel to bad. Decided to skip the next day too and just go cold turkey. Today is my 3rd day off Effexor and I am soooo sick. I have all the withdrawal symptoms mentioned in the posts but I will never ever again take another dose of Effexor!!!!!
I saw that someone suggested taking Benedryl to ease the symptoms - will try to get to the store :) and get some tomorrow.
Any idea how long the withdrawal period could be?
I don't have to be back to work until Monday which would be the 7th day off Effexor for me.



Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period? » nelke

Posted by dancingstar on December 30, 2004, at 21:45:55

In reply to Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?, posted by nelke on December 30, 2004, at 21:14:57

75 mg for only 4 months shouldn't be too terribly long...but if you feel flat out rotten, you may consider following your doctor's advice and cut back slowly.

Basically what I am saying is to do as I say and not as I did cause what I did was not the "recommended" way to stop taking Effexor, and if a doctor actually advised you otherwise and you feel really terrible -- I dunno, it was just so darn hard. Since you only took E for four months, you might not have that difficult a time, and it could be over more quickly -- with any luck within a week or two, but there's no point in stressing your body if it gets to be too hard. k?

I guess I'm bit confused here. I can't tell if people that wean off the drug have it any easier...or not. It seems like some don't have any trouble at all and others go through hell. I don't understand why or if there is a difference in the chemical makeup of some people than of others and if so, what that difference is. I even wrote to a friend today that is a scientist that works with drugs to see if he might be able to help me in any way, and I was incredibly disappointed with his reaction. I felt as though I had been slapped across the face. Here is a line from his response to me:

"you do know e.g. that of the 1 million complaints lodged to the FCC over
the past year for indecency that most were simple repetitions of 3
letters from the same 80 people using different names. A fact checker at
the NY Times discovered this. I consider that a conspiracy."

So that you know, I never mentioned anything at all about "conspiracies" to him. This comment of his was in reponse to my including a link to the numbers that you can click on to read what people have said about Effexor in the petition. I had been hoping that he could help me by breaking down Effexor and helping me to understand why it does what it does to some of us. He took my attack of Effexor as an attack on the entire scientific community and was personally insulted.

He berated me for stopping the drug cold turkey and placed the blame for all of my problems with Effexor squarely on my doctor. I went on to explain that I lost three years to severe fatigue and fibromyalgia that doesn't exist now that I've stopped taking Effexor; that I still have stomach problems, etc., etc.; that even my internist had no idea that any of this was related to the no avail. He thinks it's a great drug. I'm still kind of reeling from his email and wondering what I said to provoke his response other than tell him what has happened to many of us.

(Deep sigh) Despite my feelings about Effexor and even your own, that's why I feel obligated to remind you to be careful about the cold turkey thing :-)....



Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?

Posted by Jenna Starrett on December 30, 2004, at 22:55:20

In reply to Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?, posted by nelke on December 30, 2004, at 21:14:57

Thanks for all the support from everyone! Once I read here that Claratin D may help with the withdrawals, I immediately went down and got some. I was taking a 24 hour Claratin D every night and I was feeling pretty good during the day. I would have some of the "volts" during the day but pretty minor. I could really tell at about the 23 hour (of my 24 hour Claratin D) that I started to feel more volts and all, so I would immediately take another one not wanting to take chances. Well, 2 nights ago I ran out and thought it had been a while, and maybe the Effexor was out of my system by now and I could get off the Claratin. BIG MISTAKE!!!!! I got thorough one day ok (minor stuff) but that night when I went to sleep I had nightmares. I woke up thinking someone was trying to kill me, and didn't even know where I was (very disoriented). I took Xanax (and lots of prayer) and slept till morning but had to force myself to get up (the first time I had these withdrawl symptoms it made me sleep until 5pm and by then they were "full blown". Anyway I drug myself to Walgreens and got more Claratin to take right away. I continued to feel disoriented, crying, aggitated, "volts", nausea and a major headache until it finally kicked in again. I guess I will be buying Claratin forever now. Nelke, I don't know if you will react like I did, but my initial withdraw (which put me in the hospital by the way) came about 3-5 days after going from 300 to 150mg. They took me off of it completely in the hospital and I refuse to take that poison ever again (I feel pretty good on Wellbutrin now, at least I have my sex drive back!!!) I would probably be going back in the hospital if it wern't for Claratin. I have no idea how long this will last but thank God I found this website! Also, I went into the hospital on the 13th of Dec so about 2 weeks and counting for withdrawls. I guess from what I'm reading it could take months. The crazy/sad/angry thing is that my Doc never told me what to expect for withdrawals, so I ended up in the ER and 2 days of voluntary psych observation to make sure I wasn't dying. All of that(and my thoundands of dollars in medical bills) could have been avoided with a little Claratin (or not putting me on the poison in the first place). God Bless, Jenna


Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?

Posted by worm on December 31, 2004, at 10:31:27

In reply to Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period? » nelke, posted by dancingstar on December 30, 2004, at 21:45:55

Okay, it may be me, and someone who is better at number-crunching could tell, but is it even POSSIBLE for 80 people to generate a MILLION letters? Is this in e-mail, so that they could just mass-mail with different names? Maybe they put out a letter, and real people just signed their name to it, which is why it is word-for-word, but still a million people felt strongly enough that it represented their feelings to send it along? I would need more info before I bought into a conspiracy theory, or totally ruled it out, either way. I can just see them, "Oh yeah, these people have been taking a mind-altering drug, they must all be crazy, so let's ignore them" Bad idea, for many reasons.




Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?

Posted by dancingstar on December 31, 2004, at 11:22:17

In reply to Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?, posted by worm on December 31, 2004, at 10:31:27

I get the feeling, worm, but I'm honestly not sure that he was talking about Janet Jackson and trying to say that the complaints to the FCC re the Superbowl incident was the real conspiracy, not possible defects with Effexor or the withdrawl from it. It took me half the morning yesterday to figure it out but that has to be what he was talking about, doesn't it?


Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?

Posted by nelke on December 31, 2004, at 11:36:33

In reply to Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?, posted by worm on December 31, 2004, at 10:31:27

Thanks for the replies and support.
I am now on day 4 "cold turkey" withdrawal. (was on small dose - 75mg daily for 4 month only) Last night was terrible - major brain zaps (feels like voltage) and nightmares (felt like a participant in Freddie Krueger movie)and vomitting.
Considering my small dose and short time on Effexor - the withdrawals are just terrible. I can't imaging what everyone else went/is going through. I don't feel to bad this morning - but I am basically just laying around on the couch and watching tv :)
I will continue to go cold turkey and never ever take another Effexor.
This drug worked wonders for my situation but the hellish withdrawals certainly outweigh the benefits.
I would be more than happy to join a petition drive, write letters, make phone calls etc to get the "word" out on Effexor.
I can't wait to see my doctor and have a talk with her about the withdrawals - will ask her to take small dose herself for a few weeks and than go off. I don't think she would ever prescribe this stuff again.
I was amazed at the amount of signatures on the current petition on
I am so glad to have a place to "vent".
Thanks - and Happy New Year to all - hang in there


Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period? » nelke

Posted by lia mason on January 1, 2005, at 13:31:43

In reply to Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?, posted by nelke on December 30, 2004, at 21:14:57


I've been on and off Effexor 3 times. Twice I had withdrawal and my doc prescriped low dose Lexapro which worked great.

This past time--no withdrawal. But I was switching to Cymbalta and we did it fast... weaned off Effexor and built up Cymbalta simultaneously.

I would never do cold turkey with Effexor.



Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?

Posted by nelke on January 1, 2005, at 15:54:05

In reply to Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period? » nelke, posted by lia mason on January 1, 2005, at 13:31:43

> Hi...
> I've been on and off Effexor 3 times. Twice I had withdrawal and my doc prescriped low dose Lexapro which worked great.
> This past time--no withdrawal. But I was switching to Cymbalta and we did it fast... weaned off Effexor and built up Cymbalta simultaneously.
> I would never do cold turkey with Effexor.
> Lia

Hi Lia
You are right - I would probally not go cold turkey if I had to do it over again.
This is day 5 off the Effexor for me and I am feeling lots better. Found some pain medication in my medicine cupboard yesterday and been taking that. (Oxycodone leftover from a dental procedure)That took the edge off.
Last night had only a few brain "zaps" but could not really sleep well at all and off course drifted in and out of some really scary nightmares.
Sweated a bunch and also itched all over my body.
This morning I was watching tv for a bit and just cried and cried about some sad news. Felt really hyped up and happy an hour later. My moods are sooo out of sync right now.
I will run out of my pain meds by tonight and hope that day 6 will be much better without taking anything but asprin if needed.
The nights are really the worst.


Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?

Posted by dancingstar on January 1, 2005, at 16:02:33

In reply to Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?, posted by nelke on January 1, 2005, at 15:54:05

Hang in there Nelke. It took me three months to feel pretty close to normal but not completely.

Still, I feel at least 100 times better than when I was taking Effexor as I didn't know that I shouldn't have been taking it and it was making me very ill. (Which is worse?)


Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?

Posted by miniowner on January 1, 2005, at 21:53:52

In reply to Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?, posted by nelke on January 1, 2005, at 15:54:05

I have been taking Effexor XR for about 2-3 years for chronic depression. The side effects I experienced included progressively worse numbness in my hands and face. I decided to try life without it. I went from 225mg to 150 (1 week) 75 (1week) 37.5 (1 week). This was the protocol established by my doctor. I have been without it for about 4 days and I am soooo sick. The flu would be a welcome relief at this point. Today I've had this really weird sensation in my head. Is this going to last long???


Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?

Posted by dancingstar on January 1, 2005, at 22:29:32

In reply to Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?, posted by miniowner on January 1, 2005, at 21:53:52

It may take a while. Some people, they say, do well with Prozac added in. I didn't want to take anything by day 6 cause I figured it would be over any wasn't.

***Benadryl or something like it helps. St. John's Wort, Rescue Remedy, Valarium, SAMe, 5HTP, if you are not allergic to it, Tryptophan -- I'm allergic. Favorite food at my worst was small red potatoes, chocolate chip cookies. tomatoes maybe. Tea. Gingerale. Flan, but I couldn't keep it down. This coming from the original no sweets, low carb girl. Haven't seen her (me) since September. Make sure you get your vitamins, Omega3's are supposed to be really good, too.

I quit 150 mg all at once; so what I did might be worse, but it's possible that you may get better and then get sick again so be very patient with yourself. Tell everyone around you that you love them and to not take anything that you say or do now seriously. You probably won't want to talk to anyone for a while. Listening is easier.

Besides that, anything that makes you feel better and doesn't hurt you or someone else, especially laughter...this is good, but tears are okay, too. We're all with you. You'll be okay.


Re: thank you!!!!

Posted by Fathe on January 9, 2005, at 15:35:55

In reply to thank you!!!!, posted by anna1banana on November 24, 2004, at 10:30:02

I am in day 2 of my self-imposed weaning off of 75mg Effexor. Yesterday, I went 30 hours (only 6 after my first "missed" dose and the zaps, nausea, intense sweats and eye problems started and I took my first reduced dose 37.5 mg pill. After it kicked in (about 60 minutes) I was fine. Today, I am approaching the 30 hour mark again since that does yesterday and so far nothing major. I hope to increase the intervals over the next 2 weeks and finally stop Effexor. I am also armed with my Benadryl - not sure why that helped yesterday except maybe it makes me sleepy and being sleepy dulls the side effects. If I ever need to be back on an anti-depressant I will make sure it is something beside Effexor. This is the second time in 2 years I have attempted to stop Effexor. Last time I tried a totally differnt approach and the withdrawal became so uncomfortable and dispruptive, I finally relented and went back on. But I feel better this time, armed with the suggestions from this web site and the determination to get through this.


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by JGE on January 10, 2005, at 18:59:46

In reply to Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by janey on November 1, 1998, at 16:30:34

Hi people, this all makes interesting reading.
These side effects are amazing. I was on such a low dose (75mg) that my doctor told me to stop and not wean off. Day 3 and the "volts" started with the dizziness. Day 4 worse and now wanting to cry at the slightest sad instance (movie etc.). I am out of Effexor but if I had some I would take it because this is unbearable.
By the way, I DID wean myself. I had half my prescribed dose for 1 week and then stopped. This is very difficult to write!
It's Saturday today, I'm calling my doctor on Monday.
Maybe I'll have someone get some claritin for me.
Good luck everyone. If there is light at the end of this I don't see it.


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by partlycloudy on January 10, 2005, at 18:59:52

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by JGE on January 8, 2005, at 17:10:40

benadryl is good if you can take it. I was on 150mg at my peak, and at 75mg for several months. My p-doc had me taper very slowly, so I'd be pretty angry with my doc if she'd told me to just stop taking it.
p.s. stopping wellbutrin was bad. slept for days, it felt like. nothing is easy, i guess.


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by Fathe on January 10, 2005, at 20:43:19

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by partlycloudy on January 9, 2005, at 17:32:24

Hang in there will get slowly better...I am on my second day of total withdrawal; I was increasing the intervals between doses and I had planned to do this until the volts, nausea, headaches were tolerable but I actually went yesterday and today without a dose at all...the Benadryl helps considerably ... I do not feel good by any means but I am thrilled that I made it this far without taking any Effexor. I know , 2 days does not sound like a big deal but considering this is the third time I have tried to stop effexor, 2 days for me is great!

I have the volts but at very tolerable levels. The worst thing are the bad headaches, fatigue, terrible nightmares, lack of patience and bad temper. But after reading on this chat board that the temper and lack of patience are common withdrawal symptoms, I decided to try to accept it but control it. When I felt myself starting to "lose it" with someone or something, I simply took a deep breath and told myself these were all normal feelings, to accept them as they are temprorary , relax my muscles and talk myself down. It was difficult at times but I seemingly was able to do it. Not sure if I will be able to do this tomorrow but I now just take one day at a time and will worry about tomorrow, tomorrow!

Good luck to you.


Re: Effexor Withdrawl Anger

Posted by Glen A. on January 10, 2005, at 22:04:27

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl Anger, posted by sickandtired on September 2, 2001, at 10:29:36

> Sometimes, I get these symptoms (including the ever-so-fun "electric" sensations) without even missing a dose. If I do miss and take one once the withdrawls start, It takes 6 hours for the withdrawl to go away.
> I've lost my job, my girlfriend is probably going to leave me, i've gained weight, my friends think I don't like them anymore, and I can't even make long term plans.
> I'm so sick of this! Can't we get together and sue? Effexor has ruined my life!

I wish I'd read this post when I was prescribed Effexor in August 2003.

The side effects I experienced were aggression, irritability, extreme negativity, severe acne (I ended up going to an Aesthetician every other week, and it took 45 minutes just to have my sternum cleared of blackheads and whiteheads. Even though I never had perfect skin before, I now have severe acne, although it's been months since I've taken the drug, which just shows how toxic Effexor is), severe constipation (I sometimes went days without going to the bathroom, and when I did, the stool was so hard my toilet would overflow each time), severe sleep disorders, weight gain, and of course "brain shivers" when I missed a dose once, and even when I finally tapered off the medication because it was making me feel worse instead of better.

Oh, and I ended up suffering from another nervous breakdown whilst on this medication due to all the awful side effects.

I agree - we should all sue!


Re: Effexor withdrawal - Please Help!

Posted by ShayNJ on January 10, 2005, at 22:21:37

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news » alexis, posted by msemilyemily on October 29, 2001, at 17:03:50

I am so happy to have found this site!!! After becoming convinced that I was experiencing frontal lobe seizures (twitching, stuttered incoherant speech, etc.) I NOW find that what I'm really experiencing is Effexor withdrawals. If I am even an hour late taking my meds, I experience terrible side effects. I would desperately like to wean myself off of these meds. I am without insurance as I have recently changed jobs, and will not be able to afford a doctor's assistance. I have a little less than 100 pills left (Effexor XR 75 mg.) that my doctor kindly prescribed me prior to my insurance ending. I take one pill per day, and have been for nearly 10 years now. Is it safe for me to open these time released capsules to fade my dosage? ANY RECOMMENDATIONS WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED! Thank you all so much.


Re: Effexor withdrawal - Please Help! » ShayNJ

Posted by dancingstar on January 10, 2005, at 23:26:36

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - Please Help!, posted by ShayNJ on January 10, 2005, at 22:21:37

Gee, you guys, I didn't know that you all landed here at the same time. Shay, you have time to contact Wyeth at They have some kind of low cost program for getting Effexor. Maybe you can stock up so that you don't feel so crunched about cuttng back.

I quit 150 cold turkey, and I haven't seen anyone have it worse than I did on this site...yet, and I'm sort of okay four months later :-). Maybe you can begin to cut back to every other day or two days on and miss one day, just to get your body acclimated to the idea that you will be giving them up sometime soon.

If you read all of my posts and get past the rants, mostly the ones closer to November probably have all of the things that I took to help me feel better...but remember that I have no medical background. It's just things that I picked up or tried. Benadryl helped the most, but I really needed all of the other things, too.

Whatever you decide, best of luck to you! I know that I've probably answered most questions here somewhere or other :-), but you can ask anything you need to if you want.

If you look back in time at all the posts, there are people that broke the capsules down and took little pieces of them to try to drag the whole process out. I don't have any idea if it works or not or how the whole time release thing works, whether certain beads are set for one time and others are set for another. It doesn't sound like a great idea to me.



Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news » JGE

Posted by dancingstar on January 10, 2005, at 23:34:10

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by JGE on January 8, 2005, at 17:10:40

I don't think that a lot of the doctors, especially if they aren't pdocs, know how bad the withdrawal is. My internist was really surprised to see me decomposing in his office on the sixth day I had stopped taking Effexor, and he was quite sure it would be over any I guess I was, too. We were both shocked that it just kept on going, and the symptoms kept coming back over and over again.

Thing is, though, that doesn't happen to everyone; so it's kind of confusing, and Wyeth really hasn't let doctors know how bad the withdrawal can be. It's only now that so many of us want off of Effexor and only now that we are showing up in the doctors' offices; so I don't entirely blame them. They're learning...quickly, but the wool has been pulled over their eyes, too.


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by Jenna Starrett on January 11, 2005, at 13:22:21

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news » JGE, posted by dancingstar on January 10, 2005, at 23:34:10

I have been off since Dec 15th or so...I quit cold turkey. The very best thing for me is Claratin-D either 12 or 24. 12 seems to work better because I just take it in the am and then in the pm with no wear offs in between. The 24 seems to wear off around 22-23 hrs. I quit taking Claratin about 2 weeks ago to see if I was over the withdrawals from Effexor, and it was a big mistake. It all came back... and once I took a Claratin it took about 8-10 hours for the side effects (sweating, disoriented, headache, volts, nausea, crying, impatient/aggitated) to go away again. I have also experienced the "angriness" even a little with Claratin... I just had to take it easy (nest on the couch) and let close ones know I wasn't feeling myself. It may also help to let them read these messages too? To let them know your not the only one, and that it will be over soon!!!


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by dancingstar on January 11, 2005, at 13:32:02

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by Jenna Starrett on January 11, 2005, at 13:22:21

I only used Benadryl, but I take tiny doses at a time, and even I have to take them after stopping in September. My rants -- can we spell a-n-g-e-r -- can be witnessed all over this board, as much as I'd like to deny it ;-)

The electric shock things just started getting worse last week, then went away. Same thing with all the symptoms. They go away. They're gone, I think....Then zappo. They're all back again. Only each time they aren't as bad. I wonder how many months it can possibly go on. Even that thing where you lie in bed and your brain clicks, like when you are having your eyes tested at the optometrist's office still happens in the morning. Until I came to this board, I just thought there was something wrong with me. I didn't know it was from the drug. But the thing is that I stopped taking the darn September. Now, though, the symptoms don't disrupt my life like they did before, they are just a reminder of how bad it was, they don't let me forget and move on completely.


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by Willyee on January 11, 2005, at 23:02:38

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by JGE on January 8, 2005, at 17:10:40

> Hi people, this all makes interesting reading.
> These side effects are amazing. I was on such a low dose (75mg) that my doctor told me to stop and not wean off. Day 3 and the "volts" started with the dizziness. Day 4 worse and now wanting to cry at the slightest sad instance (movie etc.). I am out of Effexor but if I had some I would take it because this is unbearable.
> By the way, I DID wean myself. I had half my prescribed dose for 1 week and then stopped. This is very difficult to write!
> It's Saturday today, I'm calling my doctor on Monday.
> Maybe I'll have someone get some claritin for me.
> Good luck everyone. If there is light at the end of this I don't see it.

Effexor was the first DRUG i was put on in my life,given to me at complaints of minor depression.It was new to me,and almost everyone then.

I was very young,and i never knew about withdrawal,but i went through it,i remeber going mad,pacing rooms,sitting in the middle of my room ripping pages from a magazin non stop,i rember a blank mind,as in a blank page,i rember a numbed personality,a firm depression.I was so scared i wwas young,i did not know what i was dealing with,i rember leaving a pleaded message on the voice mail of my doc,to have him never return my call.

Upon my next visit,scheldued 2 weeks later i was a mess of a young man,so much so my father demenaded to go with me since he dident know who his son had become.

My doc in his very neat,comfortable office,sat there very relaxed,with the most unconcerned look upon his face,as i sat there in a ball of fire.

He continously downplayed my pleas,and to my nieve father made a smurky remark,at that point i snapped at him.

For this he refused to see me anymore,and thus started my life of misery.

I believe that med did the initial damage to my brain,i rember going to sleep at 8pm christmas eve with a house full of family and friends.I often get the urge to go to his office still to this day and face him with what i know now,ask him why he decedied to put me on such a drug,why he so easly put me on it,then offered zero help,askhim if he knows i came near to sucidal in part to him,i would never however cause i know he prob still posesses the same attitute lots of them do,hey the med will either work,or wont,nothing more,any worsening if the paitnets fault,and the med simply not working.

BS,those meds most certainly play a role in a depressed patients state of mind.I only wish i had klonopin then because when i think back on the pain,i am amzed and at a loose to where an 18 kid found the strentgh to deal with loosing his mind,and not knowing why,or what to do.


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by Raggy on January 11, 2005, at 23:21:53

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by Willyee on January 11, 2005, at 23:02:38

Please, more of this has to be reported to the FDA. Saw this show on nightline, one of those shows and nothing is done unless people report thses problems.
Please go to this site, alot of info there.
All the info to let your senators know.
The word has to get out about the withdrawal of this drug.
Please, help others, so they dont become a victim also.
Tell them your story, all of you.
Bless you all and may God give you all, the strength you need to get through this.

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
Owned and operated by Dr. Bob LLC and not the University of Chicago.